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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Story Idea with Funtimefoxyimposter3 + K...
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Level 73
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 4:27 PM Post #1211
(Cool. I think I will use it, I'm not good at form making. xD)

Name: Gary, or Sharkfin (Sharky for short)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark blue hair, orange eyes, and small blue freckles. He has slightly broad shoulders, perfect for carrying the weight of his wings when they are showing. His wings are scaled similar to a fish's, light and dark blue scales over lapping or layering. The under sides are shades of orange. His tail is blue and ends like the end of a gold fish tail. He wears a gray shirt and black sweat pants. He don't care what you think when he wears his black tennis shoes with them.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: A jock. mostly. And he's sweet, at times. A prankster and joker, a real dork sometimes too.

Powers: None. Other than being able spit boiling water as a dragon. Yep. Boiling water. Not fire. Not ice. Boiling. Water.

That's Gary, but do I put up the others as well?
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 4:30 PM Post #1212
I just modified someone else's form xD. Sure, you can put the others up. I was thinking there could be 3 different romances at once, so I guess we each need 3 characters. I'm planning to have a gay boy, a straight girl and a bi boy. I'm making their forms now.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 4:35 PM Post #1213
Prophecy Thingie:
"The bearer of time, afraid of the turning tides. Only Slash knows the way, to find the cage of Void. The twister of plots will fall, under dark claws."

Name: Ace

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Ace (Gay)

Personality: A little crazy in the head. Anyone who messes with him soon wishes they hadn't. Can be crazy and extreme at times, taking things to far. Gets angry easily.

Powers: Can control and create fire. Can numb his pain and can heal at crazy rates.

Kiwi notes: He is assigned someone to watch him to make sure he doesn't take things to far.

Name: May

Age: 14

Gender: Female


Has a pair of dragon wings, horns and tail.

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Very friendly. Loves meeting new people. Can be shy and timid at first. Hates it when people are mean or judge her. Will fight to defend her friends.

Powers: Can see glimpses into the future. Can breathe white fire, which can burn or just create light.

Name: Arroyo (Aro)

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Very mysterious. Acts friendly to everyone who talks to him. Tends to act more closed off the most.

Powers: Can control water.
Edited By Kiwi14 on 7/5/2020 at 6:46 PM.
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
Joined: 5/3/2019
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 4:42 PM Post #1214
I see. Cool. I think I have a gay guy. I think. Not sure wich one it was, though.

Name: Trisha

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long, waist length black hair that flows in a water fall like way. Hour glass shape, and gray eyes. Wolf like canines, and is maybe six feet tall. Wears a brown leather jacket, dark blue top, and hugging blue jeans with calve high brown boots with silver heals.

Sexuality: She's undecided, but practically hates every one. Like. Everyone.

Personality: Demanding, serious and strong.

Powers: Is a werewolf, not real special powers except for shifting to a very beautiful wolf like form. The type that stands on two hind legs. Ya' know?

Name: Jason Skytracer

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Brown hair with green dyed tips. Hazel eyes and rainbow scales for freckles. Fangs that show wen he smiles or grins. Body is well built, mostly due to fighting for his life often. His wings, when they show, are white with rainbow undersides. But the colors change due to his emotions, like his freckles. His tail is white, with a stinger at the thin end.

Sexuality: He doesn't care what he is, so doesn't call himself anything. He still needs to learn of love and know it's safe.

Personality: Kind, a little flirty, and very .. touchy.

Powers: He can warp shadows and the nightmares in them, mess with your soul, and make tendrils do his bidding. None he likes to do, because he has a half dragon-human soul and it drains him badly.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 4:51 PM Post #1215
Done mine =P, I guess we could start now... but first let's ship characters, because doing that is fun xD. Maybe one of you characters could be assigned to Ace to make sure he doesn't kill half the country xD
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 4:55 PM Post #1216
0_0 He can do that?
Level 60
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 4:57 PM Post #1217
Um... *looks around nervously* no. But he is dangerous, so someone needs to watch him and keep him in check so he doesn't kill anyone xD
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:00 PM Post #1218
Oooh, okay. xD Well, guess this is a job for Sharky!

Sharkfin: I'm not a hatchling, don't call me that!

Foxy: Oh, shush fishy.

Sharfkin: Hey! Fish isn't better!

Foxy: Shhhh.

Sharkfin: Bu-

Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 1/21/2019
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:04 PM Post #1219
Omg xD, Sharky doesn't seem very happy about this. Now! Time for ships, tell me! What beautiful ships do we have today?
Void: We could just start the roleplay...
Kiwi: I want to hear ships!
Void: Um... are you okay?
Kiwi: Must. Hear. Ships.
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:07 PM Post #1220
Foxy: *Shoves finger against Sharkfins lips.* No, he isn't too much. But he'll perk up. He's bi, so he'll be good for a goy boi. Unless you have another idea. But Trisha is hard to get too, so maybe someone that'll be able to get through her walls.
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