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Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > Xavion's Maxed Stats Sales! (300k+)
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Level 75
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Posted: 7/24/2020 at 4:25 AM Post #1091
Author: Tigress
Time Posted: 4/14/2020 at 12:15 AM
Hi! Here's my crazy bulk order which I may or may not be able to afford XD

Male Winter Wonderland aeri with feathered wings and frost runes (if that's not too much trouble) super stat rikki 1 super stat rikki 2
A super stat lupe team:
Female Blazehowl Draggo lupe (so dragon scales instead of mechanical armor)
Female Bloodhowl lupe
Female Kabuki Okami lupe

If I can afford more, I'd also be interested in these max stats:
Male Lunar Dream aeri w/ the leaf wing & monarch combo (I really don't care for the lunar traits, I just like the color)
Male Earthy aeri
Male Iris Bloom aeri
1 more super stat rikki (once I find one I like) to complete my rikki team

I'd also be interested in a Raspberry Cream ryori when you're done with those :) much would all that be? Let's see how many I can actually afford. Why are they all so pretty?? >.<
And how much do you value these items:
greater pet dyes
lesser pet dyes
magical pies
prism philters
philter of amnesias
Lucky dust trait disruptor
Lovely mutators

I also have two non-tradeable philter of manas. I know you don't like letting go of your max stat eggies, but I'm probably never going to use these. Your choice though. :)

Hello Xavion :)

I used to be Sandstorm514. I was going through old notes about stuff I bought, pre-orders, interest lists, etc to figure out who I needed to ping about my username change.

Sorry for the long quote. Basically I had wanted to bulk buy a lot of max stats including a female Blazehowl lupe w/dragon scales. However, I never followed through with actually getting the pet (don't worry, I didn't pay yet). I was wondering if I could buy it now and still get the bulk discount. If not, that's totally fine. It's been a long while.

On another note, I submitted this design (tho I think you made some small tweaks) to be made into a max stat. Just wanted you to know in case you marked down Sandstorm514 with that design. No rush whatsoever :)
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 7/24/2020 at 10:24 AM Post #1092

I noticed the namechange a while back, luckily, and made an update to my notes. Only thing I had forgotten was the Blazehowl Draggo (I'll get back to trying on those. At least they're more merciful than the bloodhowls - I have an order for dragon traits on those from like... 9 months ago and they still haven't given what I need >.< ) and I've STILL been struggling to get the Monarch + Leaf combo for the male Lunar Dreamer Aeri. Not for lack of trying - I've had numerous attempts despite the 7-day breeding cooldowns.

They just don't want to cooperate ;_;

As for the rikki design (tweaked version - got it saved in the generator as "Sandstorm now Tigress" so I'll remember, lol), sadly thanks to Krin's sudden non-retroactive change I have to boost the rikkis' mana to 200 first, and I've also been working on getting them to 200 mana supers as well.

It's a slooooooooow painful process with so many RNG challenges, it's just... it's unfair at this point. All of my previously completed projects feel like trash now that they're incomplete, and for a single project it would take ~400 diamonds worth of mana philters and ~5-6 months of breeding to fix them all individually. My projects went from being top of the mountain to being unceremoniously thrown halfway down a cliff. -__-

Sinking 3-4 million gold worth of dyes into something that ISN'T maxed mana just isn't worth the investment, so, ah... Yeah it'll be a while before I can get everything in order for that. RNG is way too cruel, and mana boosting is a ridiculous cost I shouldn't have to bear since prismas used NOW will also boost mana, but Krin did nothing to accommodate for project that had ALREADY taken on THE EXACT SAME INVESTMENT COST IT TAKES FOR NEW PROJECTS!! * eye twitches, flips table, and just flops to floor *

But yeah, if I can get the blazehowls to actually work with me, it'll be a discounted price still. Same with the Aeri if they'll stop being so stubborn >__<

As for the rikki... x__x one day... one day I'll have the rikki complete again... ;__;
Edited By Xavion on 7/24/2020 at 12:11 PM.
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 7/25/2020 at 5:24 AM Post #1093
Thank you so much! I don't know how you have the patience for this. You have so many projects to work on...

If you would like to set up a diamond exchange for 240 diamonds, I'd love to make a small donation to support one of my favorite max stat breeders. You're so kind and always willing to accommodate specific requests even if it's more work for you. Also, I absolutely love your designs!
Just wanted you to know I appreciate your hard work :)
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/25/2020 at 8:20 PM Post #1094
Lordy do i feel this Xav, I still dont have my cheekys or non themed rikkis at 200 mana cause i was mad about the whole thing. First thing i did was restart alllll of the projects to get them to 200 mana which yeah took many many dias and 4-6 months the worst part of all is getting super stats from legendary non themed xD you need to breed soooo many times to ensure you get 200 mana instead of 150. In short us big breeders feel your pain, we have the same pain
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 7/27/2020 at 1:26 PM Post #1095
Aww, that's so very sweet <3 I'll go ahead and set up the exchange, but don't be surprised if those pets end up being 1 gold! >.>

(Assuming the breeders will actually work with me here. Hatched 3 more Aeris and 2 more blazehowl draggo attempts today. Notta one cooperated. x__x )

As for how I have the patience for all of this breeding work, I think it really comes down to the designing. Back in the day a pet dye on the broker was like, 25k gold on average, and there weren't any accent slots so ~250k was all it took to get all 10 slots covered with lesser dyes. Even with failed dye attempts, it was still like... 600k to get a breeding pair dyed, maybe 750k if you had some really tricky colors. Now it takes more gold than that just to get A SINGLE pet dyed, and the pet market itself has just... died. Only two types of pet seem to retain any value: the super-rare tagged tamed Neph themes because they're so hard for collectors to acquire, and stats pets because there is a basic investment cost of prismatic philters and time required just to make them.

In order to make all of the designs I've got in mind, I needed some high-valued offspring that could bring in the funds to actually afford the dyes I need. So... stats pets it was. And I feel that if I'm putting that much effort into the very foundation of a project, I may as well sweep the board and make sure I cover all the traits; even if someone can't find a design of mine that they like, they can always buy one with their favorite trait and dye it to whatever they want. (Or at least, that's the final goal anyway. ^^ )
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 7/27/2020 at 2:06 PM Post #1096
I've made some progress with a few projects and so far, my recommendation is this.

If you have a broad-scale project (like a theme) that covers most of your traits...

Wait for like, 1 day before a nurtureboard contest, and breed two unrelated stats eggs and nurture boost them. (So different mothers, different fathers, you want them to be a breeding pair. As for why to breed the pets 1 day before contest, you want them to be close to hatching when the contest starts up so you can maximize the nurtures in the hatchling stage, rather than getting the burst of nurtures when they're just eggs)

Mana philter both upon hatching. Mana philter gives 20 mana, the nurture boost should give you around 40 mana. (More likely around 30 if you're not waiting for contest time.)

For a 120 mana project during nurtureboard time, that can get your fresh eggs to about 180 with minimal investment. Gender-swap if needed to get a male + female breeding pair

From the pair, get yourself two male offspring and mana-philter them to max. (Boost if needed; 100 mana projects will probably need it since they start at a 20 mana handicap)

Breed those males to everything else you have in the project gene pool, and RNG your way to maxing that mana without having to sink even more philters and mana boosts.

Even if you don't RNG yourself straight to max mana, the offspring of one 200 mana male will be breedable to the other 200 mana male, and eventually you'll be able to broaden the generation gap even further once you get other successful 200 mana pets to serve as breeders. With enough persistence, you'll eventually be able to clear the other traits. (Or just shuffle the breeding gaps enough to get some breeders if you have a limited-trait project.)

Total requirement: 4x mana philter, 2-4x nurture boost, and RNG patience - maybe more philters/boosts if you want to speed up the process, but all you need to get started is the two 200 mana males.

@__@ As for the supers, yeah, that battle I'm still fighting for the rikki since no legendary theme rikki access.

Use the process listed above first and get yourself a hoard of 200 mana rikki breeders from which you can breed even more 200 mana rikki breeders which you can throw at your legend to beg for good RNG results.

Seems to be the best strategy so far anyway. @.@
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 7/27/2020 at 3:09 PM Post #1097
Accepted the trade!
And please Xav, I insist on paying for my pets. You've invested so much in them, and I have plenty of gold :)

That makes a lot of sense. I never got into custom design projects for that every reason. Especially with regen pets available, the value of these pets dropped like a brick.
I did some math a while back and unless I intend to go into max stat breeding long term, it's not worth it to start now given the current broker prices for prisms and philters. Anyways, I like supporting breeders :)
Right now, I'm just happily sitting on my dozen of themed breeding projects. Quite literally actually, since I haven't touched them since the spring fest started. XD For the most part, these pets have retained some value. Unless they're the 4v restricted themes... >.>
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/28/2020 at 5:12 AM Post #1098
Thanks Xav, Super rikkis were one of the first i had at 200 mana xD Took awhile to get a boost i liked though

I was lucky enough to get a child of legendary that was really close to max and her children are the ones i breed to sell. As for 200 mana max i have 27 projects at 200 mana now xD only the cheekies were left behind mostly cause you and i had them both going at the same time so increasing their mana would be a bit redundant when you had more trait varieties xD
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 8/3/2020 at 4:28 PM Post #1099
Author: Random01
Time Posted: 1/5/2020 at 4:45 PM
Hi :) I was wondering if you had any Winter Wonderland Aeris with frost runes and leaf wings for sale or would be able to try breeding one with those traits?

After more breeding attempts than I can even remember, I FINALLY have a Winter Wonderland with Frost Runes and Leaf Wings. I realize it's been over half a year now, so I figured I would first ask if you're still interested in the first place.

Level 71
Eggcellent Designer
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Posted: 8/8/2020 at 4:56 PM Post #1100
Yes please! And thank you for all the attempts to get those traits :)
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