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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Story Idea with Funtimefoxyimposter3 + K...
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Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 6:02 PM Post #1
So in this world things are a bit different. There are 3 main "species" that live on "earth".

Humans: In this world humans are one color, a mix of white and black created a brown skin color that all humans are.

Animals: All animals on this world can walk upright like humans. They can talk to humans and do things like normal humans. They can still walk on all fours but they prefer to walk on two.

Halfies: Call them whatever you want, they are a mix between the animals and the humans. They make at least half the population now. They have ears, paws and tails (and teeth) like animals. They also look like humans too.

There are four gods that watch over the people.

Ying: God (ess) of light, they are light and peace. They are known as day and good. One person at a time has the power of Ying, when that person dies a new person is born with it. They always fall in love with Yang and the person who has their power is always white in color.

Yang: God (ess) of darkness, they are dark and choas. They are known as night and bad. Just like Ying only one person can have their power at a time. This person though is black in color. Always falls in love with Ying.

Zulea: Known as the Thunder Bird or the all seeing bird. Has the special power to see the future and speak prophecies. Those related to Zulea have it's power. Only birds can use this power!

Prism: God (ess) of poison and misery. Hates all living beings. Often remembered as a huge blood thirsty dragon. Descendants of this once great God (ess) have some of the same powers Prism has.

Disc: Forgotten god. God of the sun and lions. Only a true lion with the heart of a warrior can use his powers. A lion himself who is a warrior.

The most important part of a story, the plot!

The lion as black as night and the cat as bright as day shall go on a quest,
To find the enemy they must first look through the lion's eye,
To restore the land they must destroy the evil that lays unseen,
Only the power of love will set all free.

What does it mean you ask Foxy? Well since I have to tell you here you go:
The lion as black as night is Tyka (my character) and the cat (your character) as bright as day.
The Lion's eye is actually a jewel found in one of the last prides left in the Dead Lands.
The evil are the descendants of Prism. They are halfies, dragon ones to be exact. I made them twins so we could each do one of them. (There base is found on The Edge)
The power of love refers to Ying and Yang, Tyka and your character have the powers of them. They must use their love to call forth their true power.

Other notes:
-Please make your character white! (Wow that sounds so racist, I don't mean it like that XD)... they can be whatever species you would like.
-No one but the people that got gifts from God (ess) can do magic (ex Tyka can do magic but her foster cat mom can not)
-Please make your character less closed off Foxy, please or I'll be sad T-T
-Since all animal can walk and talk (except sea creatures) it is illegal to kill animals
-The big cats are banned from the city because they would not give up eating meat.
-All animals are roughly the same size now. Squirrels are bigger for example and so are other animals

My Character:

Name: Tyka
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan
Species: Lion-Human Halfie
Personality: Tyka is very shy, she does not like using her powers at all as she is afraid she will hurt someone. She is very quiet and fears getting caught, though she does not understand why people hate her.

(My drawing *Visibly proud*, for coloring she is very dark in color (black))
Other: Her foster mom is a cat. Tyka is a vegetarian like everyone else and does not even know what meat is. Also she has the power of Yang.

*Feel free to be brutally honest of what you think of my idea Foxy, we don't have to follow this one if you don't like it*

Second Roleplay Idea Thingie

Another roleplay thingie
Edited By Kiwi14 on 7/5/2020 at 6:44 PM.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 6:03 PM Post #2
Eep, forgot to ping O-O
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 6:08 PM Post #3
This sounds really good and cool. I'll have to take a bit to make a new character because most all my others are very deep and would be very hard to edit.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 6:41 PM Post #4
Ok ^u^, Tyka is a new character, I was actually just practicing drawing humans and drew her instead. Then I used inspiration from the drawing, a song (the edge) and a movie (Onward). If you have any ideas you want to add go for it. I was so excited to share this with you I accidently woke up at 6... yeah xD, glad you like it.
Level 73
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 8:50 PM Post #5
Ooo~, I just had a weird idea but I'll type it! What if I made a cat human person but she was typically a Neko!?
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 9:06 PM Post #6
A Neko? Who is that? Sure I'm fine with the cat halfie. I was thinking the roleplay could start something like this:
Tyka gets caught and is going to be killed alongside her mom for being a lion (and her mom for taking care of a lion). A blue jay (or some other bird) with the power of future seeing says the prophecy. They give Tyka a certain number of days to find and defeat the twins or they'll kill her mom. Your character can jump in somewhere in the mess above xD
Level 73
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 9:08 PM Post #7
A Neko is like a person but with kitty ears and a cute cat tail. And a little kitty nose or whiskers. Anime. I watch a little to much Anime.

And that sounds cool. I'll make the kitty halfie and then drop them in. I'm thinking a girl but maybe a boy, not sure.xD I don't know why I'm not sure, I'm just not sure.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 9:11 PM Post #8
Lezbain couple
It's up to you Foxy, if you can't decide you can just stick with non-binary xD
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 5/9/2020 at 9:12 PM Post #9
That would be adorable.

Okie dokie. I'll get to work on them and see how they come out in the end. xD Thats how it is with all my ocs and then I edit them along the way as I use them.
Level 73
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Posted: 5/10/2020 at 6:47 AM Post #10
Name: Liana Whiskers
Age: 19
Height: 5'4
gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Looks: Hour glass shape, long flowing blond hair and soft gray eyes. Fair skin and faint freckles, doesn't have the kitty nose or whiskers but has little black kitty ears and long, sleek, flowing tail. Usually wears bell bottom pants and long sleeved, shoulderless shirts. Pants usually are light to dark blue and tops range from soft gray to dark gray and black.
Personality: A giggly one, very intact with her emotions and is very adorable when happy. Bounces around a lot, even if she doesn't mean to emphasize anything of herself. She's very kind and sensitive so she will easily cry if treated wrongly.
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