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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Elemental Animals
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Level 60
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:43 AM Post #1
This to will be a bit apocalyptic as well as fantasy

The world is shrouded in darkness. Cities have crumbled, towns and communities turned to dust. However, the streets are not abandoned. There are radioactive plants growing everywhere, some twice the size of the average man. Mutated beasts that people call the Zvir wander around, waiting for their next victim. The year is 2022. It's been three years since this happened. Humanity's population has dropped drastically since then, only about 40% remains. Some of them live in large communities, others in small groups, and some in gangs, which are quite unfriendly.

What happened three years ago was that there was a lab set up at the most radioactive site in the world; Chernobyl. Scientists there were studying a new chemical, which no one knows exactly what, and were testing how it reacted with radioactivity. They believed that the new chemical could erase the negative effects of radiation and give out positive effects. The 'test subjects', as they were called, were exposed to this new mixture and then put into containment areas where the scientists could study the effects.

They started to notice some changes in the human test subjects, some being size enhancement of the limbs, or extra limbs starting to grow. The subjects, other than the extra/larger limbs, seemed to be physically healthy. However, the mix of the radiation and chemical were affecting their brains, not that the scientists noticed nor cared. Deciding that this was 'progress', animals of several different species and types were brought in to be exposed. As animals are different from humans, they started to mutate a bit more rapidly and differently than the human subjects.

A few weeks had passed and the scientists were getting worried; the animals were alien-like, almost unrecognisable as to what they were originally, and they were getting extremely aggressive. The humans were in a similar state, also looking very alien-like, and had seemingly also forgotten who and what they were. They were no longer capable of speech and reacted negatively to the scientists. One of the mutated humans had managed to escape from the containment area and almost grabbed onto a scientist. Fearing for their safety, they called in the help of the military in case anything went wrong.

Unaware of what they were dealing with, the group of soldiers that the military had sent in decided that they wanted to see these 'beasts', as the scientists were now calling them, themselves. The mutated wolf reacted quickly, wiping the soldiers out, although was almost killed in the process. Screams of terror and panic ripped through the lab along with the blaring alarms as the people inside fled to escape the mutated wolf. In amongst the panic, the other containment cells were opened, unleashing the rest of the beasts.

The majority of the scientists were killed, and the remaining ones were wounded and rushed to a hospital. The military was sent out to hunt down the creatures, some hunts being successful with finding a beast, but unsuccessful in killing it. After spending a week recovering in hospital, the survivors started to develop mutations similar to the ones that attacked them, only much more quickly, and much more dangerous. Hearing this news, the people of Ukraine started to evacuate, some being wounded in the process.

As people spread around the world to various hospitals to try and heal their wounds, they started to mutate themselves and start the population of beasts in that country. By now people were calling these creatures the Zvir, which was Ukrainian for beast. The Zvir population spread like wildfire, and in a short period of time, were taking over large cities and smaller towns and communities. Animals were affected as well, as the Zvir that were once predators still had their hunting instincts in them, which lead to animals turning into Zvir. Plants were also affected, growing larger than their usual size, and most started to develop diets for meat, while others stuck to the sun.

Over the past three years, a few groups of people have managed to successfully set up bases safe from the Zvir. Some have even been able to kill a few of the Zvir. It is possible, but apparently very difficult. The gangs that have formed are extremely hostile to those not a part of their gang, and will often kill them straight away, or rob them of their supplies and leave them there. They have also been known to raid bases and wreak havoc, and no one knows why. It is rare for them to take in new members. Every year it is getting harder to survive, and every year the population of non-affected living things goes down. It's not clear if humanity will be able to survive this radioactive world. On the hidden island of the remaining surviving animals the leaves looked like jades and emeralds on mother nature's arms and legs, the sounds of the forest; the twinkles of laughter from the forest imps and fairies, the neighs of the majestic unicorns or the stamping of hooves and calling of the great forest protectors... the centaurs but the violent rawrs of the wyverns or dragons fill the air. You watched a young orphaned black unicorn foal but then you smelt burning...


- Sylestia rules apply
- The only limit on characters is as many as you can handle
- No god-modding, power play or mary/gary sues
- Keep things appropriate; fights are allowed, just no excessive gore; any sexual scenes must fade to black
- Literate posts, please. 4-5 sentences minimum per post
- Try to interact with groups of people, not just one other or yourself


ID number 900-Coleobrizi-Dillpickle
ID number 2164 - Nickname "Zilla"-Moonia
Experiment 666-Moonia
Raki-Mutant Maned wolf- Gingertail
Survivors/ humans
Kaz Zefron-Human-Sebastian01
Level 60
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Joined: 8/17/2018
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:46 AM Post #2
Pydar prowled around looking for challengers
Level 53
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/24/2018
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:50 AM Post #3
( ping list if you don't already have one... Twinkleunicorn, Dillpickle, Moonia, Gingertail, M3ifwa, Sebastian01, Sylestiamoof )

Nai~park~doing something weird

Nai stumbles out of a house and goes back to the park to grave her hand bag because she dropped it nexto a tree.
Edited By M3ifwa on 10/12/2019 at 4:54 AM.
Level 60
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Joined: 8/17/2018
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:52 AM Post #4
(pinglist Twinkleunicorn, Dillpickle, Moonia, Gingertail, M3ifwa, Sebastian01, Sylestiamoof too XD)
Picking up someones scent Pydar stalk them leading to the park
Level 35
Joined: 9/5/2019
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:53 AM Post #5
Kaz Zefron~underground bunker~ reading manga

Kaz sitts in his bean bag chair reading his 'Boko no hero academia' manga wile throwing a knife up in the air.
Level 53
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/24/2018
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:56 AM Post #6
(lol I am soooooo done for XD)

Nai graves her hand bag and starts walking home. she takes her usual shortcut threw a narrow ally way twards the north side of town were her mothers holliday house sat. she is unaware of anyone or anything following her.
Level 60
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:57 AM Post #7
Stalking the human she sniffed the human and licked her face
Level 53
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/24/2018
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:59 AM Post #8
(oh god I am so dead XD)


she walks up the pathway to the dainty summer house and calles out to someone "Im home! Nala you here?" she closes the front door and heads upstairs to her bedroom.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 8/17/2018
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 5:01 AM Post #9
pawing the door whipering (i want you to be my owner XD dumb owner though)
Level 35
Joined: 9/5/2019
Threads: 16
Posts: 314
Posted: 10/12/2019 at 5:02 AM Post #10

gets board and graves a few knives and desides *against his better judgement* to go have a look for some other people. 'may as well find someone to talk too...' he thought as he exeted his hide away and started walking into town.
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