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Forum Index > Artwork Trades > Carmine Arts [I draw avatars and gijinka...
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Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/30/2013
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Posted: 10/13/2013 at 11:22 AM Post #1
Carmine Arts

Hello and welcome to my (feeble attempt at gaining diamonds) art shop! I've done a few art shops before on other sites, so we'll see how this goes. (spoiler: POORLY)

The prices and slots are subject to change, as I'm the sort of college student who's spent hours knitting, playing Animal Crossing, watching TV shows, and sobbing over the fact that she forgot her Black 2, not all at once. Yeah. Fun times!

[username - payed y/n - post - status]

Past customers:

If you'd like to see how I'm doing on your commission, please feel free to ask and I'll send you the current WIP.


Head/Bustshot - 5,000 g - one two
Full body - 30,000 g or 300 diamonds - one
Other examples of my work - tumblr art tag - deviantArt

+5k for anything beyond a scribble/simple background (ie, landscapes, complicated/detail bgs)

If you want like a sketch or a certain shading style or something thats not on the price list, I'm fine with negotiating! My tumblr has a lot of different styles. I usually draw a background of some sort - if you don't want it, feel free to ask for a transparent background. There are a few styles that I won't do except for diamonds because they require too many layers take a lot of time.

I'm bad at most animals(anything thats not related to a horse, bird, marine mammal, or a fish, really), super old or super young people, mecha, bara level muscles, and nudity(says the bio major).

PAYMENT: So, the way I like to do payment stuff is I complete the art, shrink it, slap an ugly watermark on it, and mail a link to you, I initiate a trade with you using a junk item for the agreed commission price, you give me the money, and then I give you the art in its full glory.

Tips are loved! (Can you even do tips that aren't items here?)

ps: IF YOU HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE WITH CODING TUMBLR THEMES I WILL TOTALLY GIVE YOU ART FOR MAKING MY MOCK UP A DREAM COME TRUE. for reals, though - I attempted css and html and, predictably, failed.


Username: [Self explanatory.]
Ref: [Actual picture(s) or excruciatingly detailed description. If the latter, be prepared to be assaulted by color swatches/palettes.]
Payment: [Just put the amount of gold or whatever you're offering.]

GIJINKA SPECIALS - 10% off normal prices

I can't draw pets, but I can totally draw gijinkas! Fill out the form below if you'd like to have more control over the art. If you don't, I'll do whatever surprise you. You may make up to five color changes and two major line art changes after I've shown you the watermarked art. (Major doesn't include adding wings because nope.) This applies only to gijinkas.

Race: [Like black, white, Asian, whatever. If you're not too specific I'll use artistic freedom. That is - Asian could go east Asian or it could go south Asian.]
Age: [Elementary, teenager, young adult, adult, old as balls, etc.]
Personality: [Just some personality traits so I can pull together an interesting pose and/or make clothes that'll fit the pet better. Not necessary, but super helpful.]
Fashion theme: [Clothes! Do they have a style? Lack of style? You dont have to get too specific - a general theme, like lolita, Han Dynasty, Victorian, etc. is fine.]

COPYRIGHT: what even is
Okay. If you commission a piece from me, it's free for personal use but not for commercial use because that's a can of worms I'd rather stay far, far away from. You can't sell my art. I may or may not (probably not) have my signature on my art. If you use it, please credit me somewhere, I don't really care where as long as you're not claiming that you drew it or someone other than me drew it. (grammar? what grammar)

Congrats on making it through all those words! (especially that last paragraph) 8DDD
Edited By Carmine on 10/19/2013 at 7:19 PM.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 1/12/2013
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Posted: 10/13/2013 at 1:15 PM Post #2
@Carmine, (pinging for your attention, just in case c: )

Username: Flute
Sorry about the color on the girl, this picture shows real colors on her clothes, because the backdrop of the ref made em all sandy. >//<
You can choose ONE or the OTHER (couple!), or both! I'll pay accordingly.
Also, I love these styles here and here. c: They look...fuller and at the same time cuter, imo. xD (That being said, can they end up cute, whether you draw one or the other? That or epic pose.)
Payment: 50k since they look nice in CG. c: 100k if you do a couple (double the price of a single piece).
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 10/13/2013 at 1:15 PM Post #3
I also love playing Animal Crossing. But college would be a thing that takes the time away from me. ;A;
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/30/2013
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Posted: 10/13/2013 at 2:17 PM Post #4
Their clothes are really nice! I'm probably gonna do the second style because of all the details. Or, hm. I'll see what I can do. The girl's super cute, haha.

Ah, college. One of my fav villagers moved away because I got swamped by homework and I didn't play for a week.

(how does pinging on here even work like what am I doing I'm sorry if I shouldn't be pinging you)
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 10/13/2013 at 2:43 PM Post #5
@Carmine, I don't even have college yet. ;u; Senior year of high school. But I commend your efforts for being an artist while in college...that must be tough. FD;;

@___, is the format with pinging. You technically got it, just need to add the comma. c:

And I look forward to the piece. <3
Level 75
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Posted: 10/13/2013 at 7:04 PM Post #6

do you only do humans no animals?
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/30/2013
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Posted: 10/13/2013 at 7:56 PM Post #7

Yes. Er, mostly. I have some animals that I'm decent at drawing - there's a list in the first post, but I'm bad at the more popular/common ones(e.g. felines, canines, reptiles).

Ah! I see.
You're a senior... good luck with college applications, and don't procrastinate on personal essays!
One of my classes actively encourages drawing, so it's not too bad. That, and my classes aren't super difficult. (Yet. orgo chem bluh)
Edited By 9367 on 10/13/2013 at 8:04 PM.
Level 70
The Hallowed
Joined: 2/16/2013
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Posted: 10/14/2013 at 12:43 AM Post #8
Username: Ash
Ref: my avatar
Payment: 50k for a fullbody please
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
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Posted: 10/14/2013 at 7:27 AM Post #9
Username: Starfall (AKA Star~)
Payment: 50k for a fullbody commission <3

Could i order a Gijinka too? :>
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/30/2013
Threads: 2
Posts: 6
Posted: 10/14/2013 at 9:27 AM Post #10
You've been added to the list!

Of course! There's a form to fill out if you don't have a reference. And you've been added to the list.

Your art is ready! I'll be posting a version with a transparent background.
Edited By 9367 on 10/14/2013 at 11:01 AM.
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