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Forum Index > Battle Discussion > How to survive in Lost Groove?
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Level 60
Joined: 7/15/2018
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Posted: 8/27/2018 at 11:20 AM Post #1
Nevermind my current party because I need new one
Any party and equipment tips?
The fact that the pets don't regenerate health on their own in this zone kills me
Also I don't earn enough gold to buy the potions whenever I want

My current party is

They all are attuned to fire
Edited By Lunemind on 8/27/2018 at 11:22 AM.
Level 70
Majestic Sculptor
Joined: 1/21/2018
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Posted: 8/28/2018 at 8:24 AM Post #2
your party should have atleast one light element you shouldent have the same element because thats going to make it harder for u in the lost grove

the team i go with is earth,air and light

a light element usually should have all the points go in to int then put dex when it gets its 4th point whitch you put in to dex so it heals your team better.and also you should equip it with evoker gear
should go in slot 3
should be put in the first slot(middle)because it should be the one taking the most damage
focus on putting health first for the armor u should use assassin gear

focus on dex and str because air is supposed to deal a lot of damage
for the armor you should equip it with Myrmidon gear
goes in second slot

later on when u get lost grove gear equip the gear correspomding to the element
for example storm breaker will go to air
lightbringer light
and warden to earth
Edited By Lucariopaw on 8/28/2018 at 8:25 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 10/11/2014
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Posted: 8/28/2018 at 9:30 PM Post #3
Lost grove is pretty much the first place having a tank/healer/dps setup becomes truly necessary.

What tank you want to use is up to you and your playstyle. I have tried earth and have never liked it. I do not like having a tank I constantly have to throw potions at, but others swear by it. Shadow was much better for me, but water has been my favorite. Do not be afraid to try out the different ones and see what works best for you. Frankly it is best to try out the different ones before you invest too much time leveling up their abilities.

As the previous poster mentioned, a light healer is really a must. They are really nice once you get their abilities leveled up.

Dps you either have air or fire. While fire is great for groups, air is much stronger against single mobs. Again, this is one you can go either way with and you will be fine. I chose air because I wanted the stongest group for bosses, but plenty of people use fire.

When you first start off in LG, I would recommend staying close to the portal so you can zone out and use regular potions. I have a huge stockpile of the regular ones from doing missions, so that is a lot more cost effective. Things do get a bit easier with a few more levels. If you do find yourself too far away from the portal, just exit. In the beginning the regular mobs were handing me my butt so having the bosses reset was not something I really had to worry about. Lol
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/17/2015
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Posted: 8/29/2018 at 6:35 AM Post #4
The lost grove really increases the difficulty by a whole new level!

One tip is to stay in the top sections of the lost grove at first (usually single enemies and easier named). Down the bottom, three enemies at a time are more common.

A second tip is to change your pets elements & proficiencies.

You need a "tank" pet (shadow, earth, or water). I recommend shadow, since you already have a reaver vinethorn relic (perfect for shadow).You also should have a healer (light).

So I would make Hypnos your central pet, and switch to shadow. I would also change his proficiencies to 3 agility, or 1 health and 2 agility.

Then I would make Ribbon Dancer your bottom pet and switch him to light.

A third tip is to switch to all lost grove equipment!

Unless you're really experienced with equipment, I say only use these equipment types (you can search for them in the broker):

Reaver for shadow (hypnos).
Pyromancer for fire (deep purple)
Pyromancer OR lightbringer for light (ribbon dancer)
(the game recommends lightbringer for light, but a lot of us have found that pyromancer gear works better for light pets).

If you can afford vinethorn versions of these (purple), get them! Otherwise, get the exotic versions (blue).

The blue and purple lost grove equipment is better than the legendary and mythical equipment from ethernia!

A fourth tip is to have patience with the lost grove because it gets easier!

The lost grove is really tough compared to ethernia! Especially at level 60, it is quite challenging!

However, the new skills that appear at levels 65 & 70 make a huge difference! Also (much more importantly for the lost grove), if you use the same pet a lot in the lost grove, its skills "rank up". It takes quite a lot of battles to rank up, but once they do the difference is enormous! At rank 2, most pets are twice as good at battling, and it only increases from there...

So, before you get into the lost grove, you should pick three pets you really want to stick with for a long time! Once you build up battle experience in the lost grove, switching your team for new pets will weaken your battle ability.
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