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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Sylestia Kingdoms- The Fight for power R...
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Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 10/11/2016 at 4:39 AM Post #1

There is a border between Defoirs and Umbra!

Welcome one, welcome all to my first RP! This is the Sylestia Kingdoms, the Fight for power.
This is a hierarchal world, with the nine kingdoms: Defoirs, Umbra, Viridian, Eternys, Sharaga, Lalune, Shulkura, Volcanois, and the Griffi Mountains, also known as Griffus.

For thousands of years, there has been peace in Sylestia, and there has always been an emperor, passing down the title. But now, the emperor's son has mysteriously disappeared, leaving the imperial family without a heir or heiress. The kings of each kingdom know about this, and have started to pester the emperor about their princes becoming the next emperor. The emperor never listened, trying to find his son. The emperor is now on a long search, and assumed disappeared. Now, the kings are fighting each other for land, power, and most importantly... The rule of the whole sylestia. Now, there are two sides of the war. One side; the side that wants freedom and no emperor, and are trying to stop the kings from fighting, and the other side, battling for the throne.

Current created kingdoms available for RPing:
Umbra - Fernwhisper
Eternys - Hawkeye
Volanois - Terrakittens
Sharaga - Darkchaoscrawler
Defrios - liPurePoison
Sharaga - Darkchaoscrawler
(More to come! Note: Lalune is coming soon)

If I pinged you, You have posted on the sign up thread, and if you have a character you may begin to RP :)

Current character list (Please tell me if I missed anyone <3):

King Helios-Eternys
Queen Neaera-Eternys
Prince Hyperion-Eternys
Mage Hekate-Eternys
Bodyguard of Hyperion, Eos-Eternys
Bodyguard Briam-Defrois

King Baselius-Umbra
Queen Regina-Umbra
Prince Regulus-Umbra
Princess Filia-Umbra

Merchant Phari-Originally Umbra

King Magmis Volcarris-Volcanois
Queen Eruption(Name still in question)-Volcanois
Princess (Nameless... apparently)-Volcanois

Lady Nocturina-Volcanois
Sorceress Felicity-Umbra
Knight/Merchant Yue Hu-Viridian
Crafter Tempheralita-Defrois
Countess Nyra-Volcanois

King Moro-Defrois
Queen Cara-Defrios
Prince Gretiem-Drfrois
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 10/19/2016 at 5:45 AM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 1/31/2016
Threads: 38
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Posted: 10/11/2016 at 6:41 AM Post #2
Phari was walking around, collecting shiny stones and crystals along her way in Shulkara, when she spotted something in the water. "Why, look at that gem!" she was looking at a large, golden gem deep in the water. She sighed, and kept going.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
Threads: 113
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Posted: 10/11/2016 at 6:48 AM Post #3
Can I RP with u?
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 10/11/2016 at 3:11 PM Post #4
Bubble, gurgle, bubble, bubble....

The stream was always so pretty this time of year, it seemed to always be the clearest when the leaves started to change their color. The nights had began to get cooler as well which was nice seeing that the days were as well. It was fall in the valley, the Harvesting Festival was coming up, pumpkins were finally getting ripe, the pups of the town were starting to go to their lessons again, and the nights were finally still and peaceful. Hyperion took a deep breath of the cool morning air as they walked along the road. The wind blew his hair about, though he didn't mind it much. After the heat of the day the wind felt nice, even if it was making the bell around his neck jingle as they went. The mage at his side hadn't said a word since they had started out, that was not normal for Hekate.
"Is something on your mind?" The puffadore asked his friend. She looked up suddenly apparently deep in thought.
"Oh me? Nah, I'm good." She barked though one could tell she didn't mean it. "Just thinking of the mission is all."
"Come on, I know you better than that. What's wrong?" Hyperion asked smiling at her.
"I'm worried about your mother is all. She seemed so sick when we left. Do you think she'll be alright?"
"I don't know, but to tell the truth I-I really don't think so." Hyperion said sadly. "She doesn't think so either. Father hopes she will be."
"Now I don't want any of this talk. We have a mission and that is all that should be on our minds." Eos growled at them. "No talk of our homeland, people will over hear." The group fell silent for a moment before continuing along the road.

(Open for anyone to role play with.)
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 1/31/2016
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Posted: 10/11/2016 at 5:17 PM Post #5
Sure! You needn't ask me to RP with me, just start! If I'm doing something I don't want anyone to join I will write it next to my post, though I doubt that will ever happen XD
Edited By Trilli on 10/11/2016 at 5:22 PM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 1/31/2016
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Posted: 10/11/2016 at 5:22 PM Post #6
Phari walked farther up the shore, collecting stones. She felt someone watching her, and she knew her reflexes were rarely wrong, so she just kept collecting, watching and listening for anything else. She spotted a shiny piece of bark in the river, and used her fishing rod to catch it before it drifted far off, and then stopped to fish. (She is a omnivore, eats meat and plants :3)
Level 61
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 10/12/2016 at 5:56 PM Post #7
Moro paced the halls,"Cara, we still need a name for the egg. I was thinking maybe Avrae? Or Quenth? We need to decide so we can tell the kingdom." He jumped at the sound of a guard coming in. "Why have you come?"

The large Nixi bowed to More and flicked his three tails,"I have found your son playing out of the kingdom, on a frozen lake. We-"

Cara stopped him there,"What was he doing there! He cant even fly yet! What if he fell in."

The nixi nodded,"That why I stopped him and told you."

Moro nodded,"Bring him here." The king turned to face his son and stared at him.

The prince shook in his spot,"S-Sorry dad... I found some Griffi traders going that way so I followed them..."

Cara growled,"That doesn't explain why you were on the ice! You could have fallen in and drowned!"

The nixi guard stepped slowly out of the room. Once out he turned and started running back to his duties.

"Son, go to your room. You are not to leave the kingdom unless you have an escort. And that does not mean your friends!" Moro went back to facing the egg.

( adding Prince now)
Level 61
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 10/12/2016 at 9:18 PM Post #8
Author: IiPurePoison
Time Posted: 10/12/2016 at 5:56 PM
Moro paced the halls,"Cara, we still need a name for the egg. I was thinking maybe Avrae? Or Quenth? We need to decide so we can tell the kingdom." He jumped at the sound of a guard coming in. "Why have you come?"

The large Nixi bowed to More and flicked his three tails,"I have found your son playing out of the kingdom, on a frozen lake. We-"

Cara stopped him there,"What was he doing there! He cant even fly yet! What if he fell in."

The nixi nodded,"That why I stopped him and told you."

Moro nodded,"Bring him here." The king turned to face his son and stared at him.

The prince shook in his spot,"S-Sorry dad... I found some Griffi traders going that way so I followed them..."

Cara growled,"That doesn't explain why you were on the ice! You could have fallen in and drowned!"

The nixi guard stepped slowly out of the room. Once out he turned and started running back to his duties.

"Son, go to your room. You are not to leave the kingdom unless you have an escort. And that does not mean your friends!" Moro went back to facing the egg.

( adding Prince now)

Cara looked at Moro,"He is young. Let him be."

"If he is going to be king one day, he needs to learn to be responsible! Briam, will you go watch him?"

Gretiem stopped up to his room. "Why did I get in trouble! I thought they might be going to a black market or something!" he muttered.
Level 36
Joined: 8/22/2016
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Posted: 10/12/2016 at 9:38 PM Post #9
Im making a royal guard, can you check my new sign up for him when I post it?
P.S. Vansina means water

Queen Eruption Looked At A Map, Tears Scattered On Various Towns.
A burn on a city in volcanois was peeling away from the paper.
Vansina: capital
A beautiful castle was there, destroyed.
My horrible fighting. new tactics, we must protect the villages. salvaging a life in that war. those ruffians, causing my beautiful kingdom to be weakened.


" Umm.. queen? isn't it time for the battle meeting?"
said a gaurd

All knights, Gather at the ledge for a meeting.

Battle Simulation At Sundown. Make Me Proud!

she yelled to the crowd, as their armor clashed together making a clang as they beat together their wings as they let out an exited chatter.

- After all, isn't a simulation like recess?- she thought


the princesses name is a wip, currently Arora Borealis, Arora for short ( yes, I'm thinking about the northern lights)
Edited By Terrakittens on 10/12/2016 at 9:39 PM.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 10/13/2016 at 6:38 AM Post #10

~Yue Hu~
Yue walked along the river shore, observing the small creek and listening to the delightful sound of it's light toned gurgle. He kept an eye out for interesting things; he was a merchant, after all. His merchandise hung from a belt and was kept in a small pack on his back. His grey and red breeze fluttered in the breeze as he caught scent of a bulbouri. Curious, he ran up to the bulbouri and said, "Hello, whatcha doing here?"
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