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Forum Index > General Discussion > Restricted Traits In Other Themes
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Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 6:07 PM Post #1
Over in the Vibrant Vorpas! group, we've been discussing whether and how to breed Restricted Traits into Themes that the Traits did not originate with. Sylestia now has a number of species with Restricted traits. As has been pointed out, those Restricted traits look quite well with various Themes, not just the Themes they belong to.

We can't have a Purebred Island Flower Aeridini with Lunar Tail, a Halloween Aurleon with Tempest Wings, a Star-Crossed Griffi with Majestic Peacock Crest, etc., as things stand now--but we could get kind of close.

For example, I could breed a Lochness Sylvorpa to a Nereid Sylvorpa, dye the offspring to Lochness colors, breed that offspring to other Lochness Sylvorpas, and eventually get pets like these--

--but they won't be Purebred Lochness Vorpas.

So here's a thought: How about we create a new category: "Restricted Purebred"? We can abbreviate it "rPB" and define it as "a pet that is Purebred except for having one or more ancestors of a different Theme--a Theme that has Restricted traits." In my example, starting with the first, dyed Lochness/Nereid hybrid, I would designate the pets used in this breeding plan as "rPB Lochness Sylvorpas" rather than "PB Lochness Sylvorpas." We could even make sure to include a signifier (perhaps 'R') in the names of all such pets, to show that, even though the pet looks Purebred, it technically isn't.

The Vibrant Vorpas! discussion of this topic begins here, for those who want to see what we have cussed and discussed already.

How about it, Sylestia? Should this be a thing?

Personally, I am especially interested to learn what the Luffox breeders have to say, since the Windchaser Luffox had the very first Restricted Traits.

Just for fun, here are some of the possibilities--

Level 60
Seashell Collector
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 6:28 PM Post #2
Whether or not other people do it, I'm breeding some for my own personal hoard. :3

I'm using this guy:

to get these guys:

I name all babies I sell, "Imposter Rose Petal" so I should hope no one assumes my 1G nixis named that are pure. ._.;

edit: there's no way I'm not going to breed Rose Petal Qitaris with Valentine Lace too. >:) Or Lucky pets with Lucky Dust! :O

Edited By Deathdust on 6/3/2016 at 6:32 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 6:30 PM Post #3
I think this should be a thing with the generator bound special traits, too. Just look at this for example.

Level 60
Seashell Collector
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 6:33 PM Post #4

Darn it, why'd you remind me. cx
Edited By Deathdust on 6/3/2016 at 6:34 PM.
Level 60
Benevolent Brewer
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 6:43 PM Post #5
rPB Werebear Morkko? Sounds cool ^_^

This should be a thing!
Level 70
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 6:52 PM Post #6
Reminds me of the thread where we wondered what Windchaser traits looked like in other themes of luffoxes haha. (And then even themes from other pets that weren't luffoxes lol)

I think the Valentine Lace and Lucky Dust traits shouldn't be discounted as a 'restricted trait' either~ While they don't come from exclusive pets, they're also a trait that have special circumstances and would probably look wonderful on pets. c:

I remember Xavion mentioning in a thread a long while back that it would messy to consider a purebred hybrid (two themes breeding together), because of all the colors that can happen inbetween. (Something along those lines anyways)
So to get these "rPBs", you're gonna have to get some messy babies in the end that will take a good dyejob to get back aha.

Anyways, I think we don't need a label like "rPB" for pets like these. They're simply pets bred with other pets to get a certain special look or quality. :P
Nothing stopped a breeder from breeding one pet to another, other than challenging themselves to stay within a certain pool of pets anyways.

If I were to see these pets for sale, or try to market em, I'd label em as "Island Flower Aeridini with Majestic Wings" or "Watermelon Coleus Nixi with Dragon Tail" or something. There's gonna be many "restricted traits" in the future that can't be achieved under purebred means (whether themes are cycled out or certain traits come from nonthemed pets), and breaking out of a purebreeding isn't much different than a regular breeding. ouo
Level 67
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 9:15 PM Post #7
That would be great!

(Couldn't you just buy the parent and dye it the colors? Or generate it that way?)
Edited By Homera on 6/3/2016 at 9:17 PM.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 11:08 PM Post #8
I'm about to do a Vibrant Tempest project:

edit: Although I don't think this kind of breeding counts as 'PB' - It doesn't matter if it is limited to two lineages, it is still a crossbreeding exercise.
Edited By Amarok on 6/3/2016 at 11:11 PM.
Level 60
Benevolent Brewer
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Posted: 6/3/2016 at 11:48 PM Post #9
Can't generate with Restricted Traits.
Level 75
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Posted: 6/4/2016 at 12:06 AM Post #10
I'd honestly like to see the following additions concerning restricted traits:

Restricted mutators. Breed specific for multiple new traits/species during a festival (300 diamonds for a random trait, 600 diamonds for a specific trait)
and/or a certain holiday trait mutator, only available during the festivals in which they were released.

Restricted Mutator: Aurleon (Spring)
Restricted Mutator: Kelpari (Spring)
Restricted Mutator: Valentine's Lace
Restricted Mutator: Lucky Dust

Possibly have them as forum game prizes during the festivals or as incredibly rare drops from maze bosses or the like.
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