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Forum Index > Artwork Trades > Sleepy Eggs - Market of Adoptables
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Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/23/2014
Threads: 17
Posts: 493
Posted: 7/9/2015 at 3:33 PM Post #1

.. * o * o .. MARKET CLOSED .. o * o * ..
The market is actually closed.
I don't have any freetime left since I'm studying illustration, and making unique adoptables for everyone isn't possible anymore. You can still have a look at yours/other's adoptables in the Archive, but you can't get any new pets/eggs.

Edited By Sleepwalking on 1/20/2016 at 5:15 AM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/23/2014
Threads: 17
Posts: 493
Posted: 7/9/2015 at 3:33 PM Post #2

Hello there !
I'm Sleep, and here is my market of adoptables. :3

.. * o * o .. What is it ?
Well, it's a little shop where you can buy eggs. Later those eggs may hatch, and you'll get a pretty pet of your own. That's all.
Well, not really. Actually you can find items that may allow you to do very special things, like breeding two pets, or order an egg alike one of your sylesti... There are also little events when there is a Festival, with games and themed eggs. You may also help to unlock a new species, or find new ideas for the market. That's a lot ;3

.. * o * o .. How can you get an egg ?
It's really easy, I promise. Below you can find my store, filled with eggs (or not), all different from each other. Under the egg you can see all the details about them, like the price or what it needs to hatch. You can also see if the eggs is available or already taken.
All you have to do is ping me and ask for the egg you want. Then I'll send you a mushroom with the price, you'll pay and you won't have to send me the mushroom back (I don't need them at all, really :3).
After that you'll start to wait (or to work) for your egg to hatch. Once it's done I'll send you a message with the picture of your little pet :3

.. * o * o .. Are some eggs better than others ?
Yes, of course ! The lesser eggs are the Odd Eggs. They're made of very strange colors, so they're usually ugly... They're given when I do little games and all. They don't even have a rarity number.
After them are the Common Eggs, with a rarity of 1. They're common species with common colors, and so they're the ones you'll usually get in the market.
Then are the Uncommon Eggs, with rarity of 2. They're uncommon species, but still with common colors. (If you want to know which species is uncommon and which is common, have a look at the Encyclopedia below.)
The Special Eggs have a rarity of 3. They're common species but with very particular colors... They're may be themed eggs made during Festivals (means they have the colors of themed pets from Sylestia), but they can also pop rarely in the market among the Common Eggs !
After that there are the Rare Eggs with a rarity of 4. They're uncommon species, with particular colors like the Special Eggs.
Rarity 5 is for the Amazing Eggs, which are eggs made for very peculiar events or ordered by players.
There's no higher rarity for the moment, but be aware... :3

.. * o * o .. Archive ?
You want to see all the pets I've already done ? No problem ! You can go there and have a look. This archive won't always be up-to-date, sorry. x)

.. * o * o .. Eggshells ?
Maybe you've also seen this little picture in the market :
This little thing is called an Eggshell, and it's the special currency of the game. You get one Eggshell for each of your hatched eggs. They may be usefull if you want to buy items from the Items Market, for exemple. They may also have another use later, so keep them carefully. (I'll open a treasury soon...)

.. * o * o .. Rules ?
I draw all of the pets and the eggs here. That's why there are some rules that you must respect, even if you take no part in the market. Please read them and respect them, otherwise I will ban you from the market and take back all your pets. :3

.. * o * o .. Ping-List ?
If you want to know each time that I add new eggs in the market, or when there's a new species, or when there's an event... Just ask to be on the ping-list ! :3

...*... YOU CAN ...*...
- Show the picture everywhere in Sylestia (forums, profile, message...) and exceptionaly on Flight Rising, where I have an account with the same username. (A link is appreciated.)
- Save the picture on your computer.
- Use the picture to make a montage, a signature, ..., what means you can add background, text and special effects.
- Use the picture to make a roleplaying in Sylestia.
- Redraw the pet or a pet's friend if you have his/her agreement.
- Show your fanart of the pet where you want. (A link is appreciated.)
- Sell it to anyone from Sylestia, at the same price you purchased it. (Of course, you must give a link to the person if they're unrelated to the market.)
- Say that you don't like the pet. Yes you can.

...*... YOU CAN'T ...*...
- Say that you made the picture or the design of the pet. (That's obvious.)
- Show the picture somewhere else than Sylestia or Flight Rising. No deviantart, no facebook, no twitter, nothing. (Why ? Because there is no copyright on the pictures of the pets. There isn't even my name. I don't want the pictures to be stolen.)
- Change the picture of the pet, what means you can't change the colors/luminosity/contrast, nor you can't add colors/patterns/accessories. (Accessories may come later when I have time, so please be patient.)
- Use the picture for anything else than having fun, what means you can't use it to make money, nor to do advertising for something else than this market. (It's better to say it...)
- Get back your money if you don't like the pet. Sorry, that's not my problem. :B

...*... YOU MUST ...*...
- Respect me.
- Respect my art.
- Respect everyone in the market. <3


When you get a pet,
you promise that you've read all the rules
and that you'll respect them all.
Edited By Sleepwalking on 10/11/2015 at 2:36 PM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/23/2014
Threads: 17
Posts: 493
Posted: 7/9/2015 at 3:34 PM Post #3

Flute, Kalores, Sakurachan, Eots, Rhythm, Aliciahou, Swirl, Esylana, Liquidforest, Littletoes101, ...
Edited By Sleepwalking on 9/28/2015 at 2:30 PM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/23/2014
Threads: 17
Posts: 493
Posted: 7/9/2015 at 3:34 PM Post #4

Emptyyyy, come back later ! :3


When you get a pet,
you promise that you've read all the rules
and that you'll respect them all.

Edited By Sleepwalking on 10/11/2015 at 1:39 PM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/23/2014
Threads: 17
Posts: 493
Posted: 7/9/2015 at 3:34 PM Post #5

... Heavy Heart ...
This item allow you to breed one male
pet with one female to get a random
number of eggs (between 1 and 5)
that will look like their mother and father.
The parents must be the same species.
They cant' be Odd Eggs, Special Eggs,
Rare Eggs nor Amazing Eggs. However,
they can be from different owners.

Price : 10 x and 20k Gold.
In stock : 0.

... Acid Apple ...
Give this item to a pet and its gender
will change to the opposite. You can
change the gender of a pet as often
as you want, even if the pet has
already been bred.

Price : 1 x .
In stock : 0.

... Enchanted Emerald ...
This item allow you to order one egg that
will look like the Sylesti of your choice. All
the genes will be drawn, but
the mutations may not all show. Your
request may also be refused if the pet is
too hard to draw, but I'll always do my best
so I hope it won't happen.

Price : 10 x and 60k Gold.
In stock : 0.

... Spiffy Star ...
This item allow you to order one accessory
of your choice for one of your pets. Use
two of these at the same time, and you'll
get one full outfit of your choice for
one of your pets.

Price : 5 x and 10k Gold.
In stock : 0.
Edited By Sleepwalking on 10/11/2015 at 2:32 PM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/23/2014
Threads: 17
Posts: 493
Posted: 7/9/2015 at 3:38 PM Post #6

... o ... BIG BIRD ... o ...
Common species
Description is coming...

... o ... FLUFFY LONG-EAR ... o ...
Common species
Description is coming...

... o ... SCANTY LONG-EAR ... o ...
Common species
Description is coming...

... o ... LEAFY WEASEL ... o ...
Common species
Description is coming...

... o ... MOUSEY MONKEY ... o ...
Common species
Description is coming...

Edited By Sleepwalking on 10/11/2015 at 2:30 PM.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/23/2014
Threads: 17
Posts: 493
Posted: 7/10/2015 at 2:50 PM Post #7
(Pinging a few people, sorry if you're not interested)

The market is now open ! :3
There are currently 3 species that you can get !
A new deal will also come soon, ask to be in the ping-list if you don't want to miss it...

(And if there was a nice people to correct me, I would be really happy)
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
Threads: 291
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Posted: 7/11/2015 at 12:04 AM Post #8
aww, sleepy eggs are sleepy... *uses an alarm clock to wake them up*
Level 60
Joined: 6/3/2015
Threads: 7
Posts: 291
Posted: 7/11/2015 at 9:13 AM Post #9
Hello, those are some cute eggs here, I'd like to get number 2 if possible ? However, I don't really know how to send gold, It's a trade with a mushroom right ?

And I have a question actually : I understand that we can't alter your art or post it anywhere else (by the way there's a typo there you say the contrary of what you mean, you should fix it) but are we allowed to post the fanart we make of said pet, mentioning you as the creator of course? Because it's your intellectual property, I want to ask if it's ok with you =)
Level 61
Joined: 8/5/2013
Threads: 115
Posts: 1,754
Posted: 7/11/2015 at 9:48 AM Post #10
Could I buy 1,2,and 3? Oh and 5 and 6 please. If one of them is taken just tell me. Hehe I just love those designs to much to resist.
Edited By Sakurachan on 7/11/2015 at 9:50 AM.
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