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Forum Index > Roleplaying > The life of a pack
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Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 10:42 AM Post #1
Long ago, every Lupora and Puffadore had to fend for themselves, in the Dogyard. The Dogyard was a place where stray Luporas and Puffadores lived and others were released. It's like a Dog version of a junkyard. There were also the occasional Vulnyx that lived there as well. There were barley any scraps of food, and getting out would take a lot of teamwork, something that shattered long ago. Sylesties even started eating each other. One day, a Lupora named Gold came around. Her hope had yet to shatter and she beloved she could help every sylesti get out. She got most of them out, the ones with hope, if only a little. Those became known as the Goldpack, they ran quickly, fleeing into the forest beyond the Dogyard. Those that remained became known as the Despairpack.
Life went on, the Goldpack growing and being well fed. The Despairpack, however, managed to get out and was now hunting for the Goldpack. To demolish them and make the forest theirs.

Alphas- Gold (Babaaeyes), Treasure (Babaaeyes)
Deltas- Sapphire (Rosebud1996), Cobalt (Rosebud1996)
Betas- Starfall (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Normal Ranks (Too low for ranks above, too high for ranks below) - Aster (Desiree), Liho (Cian)
Omegas- Ace (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Pups- Callie (Desiree)

Leader- Bone (Babaaeyes)
Fighters- Deathstroke (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Trackers- Adeline (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Hunters- Loghandi (Wuntasmalae)

Paint Job (Shankbone)
Slow Fade (Jeaniec)
Darkstorm (Hawkeye)

1. Don't kill others without permission.
2. Make sure you can manage your characters.
3. Put copper if you read the rules
4. Are you still reading?
5. Have fun
6. Instead, put pie in your form if you read the rules
7. Puffadores and Luporas are the only sylesties included in this.
8. Despairpack is the evil pack.
9. You can be a loner if you wish.
Edited By Babaaeyes on 11/24/2014 at 2:04 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 11:35 AM Post #2
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 8/6/2014 at 12:16 PM Post #3
Level 60
Joined: 7/30/2014
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Posted: 8/15/2014 at 1:53 PM Post #4
Copper Pie!!!
Name: Paint Job
Gender: male
Age:18 years (in dog years)
Pack:Loner(was a Despairpack mem)
Rank:None or normal(dont really know since he is a loner)
Kin?: None(anymore)
Other: Was abandoned because his atrocious color combo. Was a loyal Despair pack member until they killed his sister because she was weak and a distraction from his Fighter duties. He escaped their pack because of what they did to his sister. Is very sullen and angry because of her death, otherwise he is a fun loving lupora with a calm demeanor. Also he is wandering the forest because he's lost.(he has a bad sense of direction)
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 8/15/2014 at 2:27 PM Post #5
Level 75
Season's Greeter
Joined: 12/6/2013
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Posted: 8/18/2014 at 12:13 AM Post #6
I am sure I had PIE for lunch today...shepherd's pie...yummy!
Please ping me when we began. Looks like fun. :) thank you.


Name: Birth name is unknown but she goes buy "Slow Fade"

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown but she assumes she is adult-sh

Pack: Unknown, at the moment she is alone

Rank: Unknown

Kin?: Unknown

Other: There isn't much Slow Fade knows about herself. She woke up half buried under a pile of dirt, rock and debris. Her body hurt all over and she couldn't remember how she got there, where or who she was. Slow Fade has been living in solitude for a couple of weeks while her body heals. She has nightmares and flash backs, but when her head clears she can never recall what she dreamed of or what she saw. The only thing she has to go on is a feeling that tells her she needs to find the pack, only she doesn't know what pack she is supposed to be looking for or why. She can be loyal, but keeps pretty much to herself and avoids questions dealing with her past.....simply because she can't answer them. When pushed on the subject she gets very upset, then run off. Most emotions she keeps to herself, afraid of what could happen if she got to close and again, she doesn't know why.
Edited By Jeaniec on 8/18/2014 at 12:14 AM.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 8/18/2014 at 10:50 AM Post #7
Level 75
Joined: 9/4/2013
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Posted: 9/16/2014 at 7:11 PM Post #8

I would gladly join this. Canines are my favorite. Very nice of you to include the smaller species here. :)


Name: Loghandi (Low-gahn-dee)

Gender: Male

Age: 15 years (human)

Pack: Despair Pack

Rank: Not the lowest, but not the highest. A tolerated and somewhat respected member. Would Beta make more sense?
Hm, how about Hunter?

Kin?: In Sylestia, Un-named and Tiger. In relation to the Dogyard? Who knows?...Both parents have been released, maybe they exist here...already..

Other: Loghandi attempts to be a mediator in this pack, which has suffered for such a long time.

Loghandi doesn't care who was here first. He just wants to leave the Dogyard for good. Live a good life, and make sure his family is happy, and healthy as well. He never wants to see canine fight against the death. Over nothing but scraps. Again. No, he would fight to prevent that. But first, he would have to fight Goldpack to make room here for his comrades. At least, that's what the Boss is saying. He doesn't really know for sure...
Edited By Wuntasmalae on 9/16/2014 at 7:14 PM.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 9/16/2014 at 8:27 PM Post #9
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 9/16/2014 at 8:29 PM Post #10
Post Reserved for Despairpack leader and Goldpack leader.
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