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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Summer School Break Out
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Level 60
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Posted: 7/11/2014 at 10:16 PM Post #1
School has been out for about a week and you have been enjoying your time hanging out with your friends, playing your favorite video games, and even just taking a break from the world. You thought nothing could ruin your summer that was until your parents walk into your room. Both have a smile on there face and you begin guessing something is wrong knowing that parents just don't both go into your room without having some kind of news. Without saying anything your mother extends her hand towards you revealing a letter. You slowly take the thin piece of paper from her to see the huge letters printed neatly at the top.


~Welcome Information~
Alright its time for another crazy event held by me Copperfangs xD or otherwise known as Kat Kurosumi.
This year I am running a summer event since the festival won't be held for a bit still yet so this is going to get you guys ready for some fun to come! The event this time is going to be 3 days long yes 3 DAYS!!! July 16-18 *cheer* Okay so if you havn't guessed already the theme is Summer School! whooo! yeah not fun but um did you see rest of the title? BREAK OUT The events will be some of your guy's fave ones that I have had just with a bit of a twist to fit the theme there may even be new ones O.O wha!!!!

Prizes shall be listed and instead this year there shall be a tab called Prize pool there shall also be a link to it so you may pick from them. There shall be some in hatchery they shall all be marked at 5 MILLION GOLD this way no one will buy them and you guys can still be able to choose them as your prize. Inside the prize pool there shall be some of the following -

Purebred Wheel Sylestis such as SC Griffis, GC Griffis, LS Nyvenes and more.
Old Tagged Festival Sylestis
Random high Trait Sylestis

Note some of the rules below

-Do not ask to sign up for events that say Closed or do not say Open for sign ups
-Be polite to everyone
-Do not get mad if the sylesti you wanted got chosen you can always ask me in a pm for one like it
-If you would like to be pinged for events sign up before events start but wait till post for ping list is made
-Donations are appreciated (such as essences for franken pets)
-If you miss out on one of the games you can pm me asking if we shall have it again
-note there will be other rules when games are posted

Now that all that has been said please enjoy your time during the Summer School Break Out

"Welcome to Tenaki Summer School the school only open during the summer. We are glad to say this year has the biggest student sign ups yet! We hope you will enjoy your studies in our updated school which is now providing night classes. All students enrolled this summer shall be staying in the dorms on campus so that everyone student can get as much learning done as possible during this short time of your summer. Classes shall begin at the times listed on your spread sheets that you were given on your way into the school. Please try to make it to class in time or you shall be sent to detention there are no 3 strikes your out. Please note this is for your future and that you should take all of your studies seriously. We expect your stay to be a pleasant one. That is all. "

After the announcement you slowly walk back towards your dorm room. You already figured your summer was ruined and just wanted to get the schooling done with when someone grabbed your arm yanking you off down a hallway.

You look to see its a girl about your age (ha so specific right?) making the shhh motion with her free hand. She leads you into a pitch black room which of course makes you feel uncomfortable. The girl stops and the door closes soon after the room is lit by a dim light to reveal your actually in what looks like to be a very old class room. The desks were scratched and the floor was dusty and you could see cobwebs in the corners of the room. To your left you see the girl she is holding a lantern smiling.

"Hi my name is Lola Metty and I want you to join up with me and some other students to escape this school and enjoy our summer. Like most of us I am guessing you were randomly signed up for this program well actually you see we believe the school had randomly selected about roughly 200 people to attend this summer school as a trial which in turn parents had no choice but to send their kids here if they were chosen. Well we the students don't like it so were going to go on strike and get out of here. We have it all planned out but its going to take 3 days. Though you have to admit its better than staying here all summer right? We will meet in this classroom on the 16th, 17th and 18th. Some of us will escape on different days some of us may never get to leave but were going to try to get as many of us out as we can. Its not gunna be easy but its a risk were gunna take now are you in or out?"

(Choose now)

A. Yes I am in
B. No thanks I am a teachers pet
C. Heck Yeah!
D. Scream and run away

If you chose A or C stick around everyone else leave the page xD

"Now thats what I like to hear alright we shall have a note handed to you on each day of our plans they shall have the times when you are to come to the classroom and details on our plan for the day so make sure to burn, eat, or whatever to destroy those notes got it now hurry to your dorm and make sure not to be late for class we don't want teachers to have a reason to keep an eye on ya."
Edited By Copperfangs on 7/12/2014 at 11:51 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 7/8/2013
Threads: 187
Posts: 3,208
Posted: 7/11/2014 at 10:18 PM Post #2
July 16th Plan Information

Franken Pet
=D got a Enhanced Nini donated Say thanks to Alicehearts!
What Happens Next?
Starts 11pm

School Escape
Starts 11:30 or 12am

Winners of the Day

Teachers Pet
*Will pick 3 people who have played any of the games through random generator on 18th*

Franken Pet
Entropy =D

What Happens Next

Free Bird

-Other Winner titles when games are announced-
Edited By Copperfangs on 7/17/2014 at 10:51 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 7/8/2013
Threads: 187
Posts: 3,208
Posted: 7/11/2014 at 10:18 PM Post #3
Game Plan Information

School Escape

Night classes are over for the day and everyone seems beat. Yawning you think about your warm bed in your dorm just calling out your name when once again someone pulls you away from your destination smashing your dreams of a nice sleep. Though instead of Lola leading you its a boy with snow white hair and no not glowing green eyes but yellow eyes.

"What is that? You are going to try to escape in those clothes geez good luck with that anyhow my name is Ethan and I am here to explain what you are doing since we dont have the time to deliver notes plus as you know most people are trying to go to bed now and this is the most efficient way to get out the info at this time of night."
A. Okay Get back to the info!
B. I dont feel like playing I am going to bed CYA!!!

"Right, At night the teachers have guards watching the grounds and even wandering the halls to make sure no one escapes but some of us could manage to slip by. The other bad news is they have sylestis to help catch students, so I guess that is double the bad news for you since you dont even have a weapon on you. Ugh youre a lost cause now hurry up and get out there at least maybe youll distract the guards from everyone else!"

- Your Mission -
Escape the school =D

You can pick to go left right forward or backward depending on what you pick depends if you continue in the game or not. The game is premade so I am not picking which is good or bad after you all answer.

Say you go forward you could either be safe, run into guard, or sylesti. Guard will auto make you lose. Sylesti you have a 2nd chance and depending on what you pick which will be push by or run will see if you stay in the game.


1. Have fun.
2. Don't be rude
3. You get 10 minutes to answer per a round
4. Don't get upset if you miss 10minute
5. If you win you move on only 2 winners
6. You can use pictures if you like to answer as long as you say the name too

Ping List
(Just message me if you want to be pinged before every game so you don't miss out on the fun)

Edited By Copperfangs on 7/16/2014 at 5:58 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 7/8/2013
Threads: 187
Posts: 3,208
Posted: 7/11/2014 at 10:18 PM Post #4
Prize Pool
(Here is where the special give away sylestis are listed also the links to the prizes you can pick from when you win shall be.)

Stable Prize Pool (Note tab says Prize Pool)-Prize Pool Tab 4
Hatcher Prize Pool-(Note not all the ones forsale are prizes please make sure they have 5mil as price)-Mostly on Page 2 all have 5mil if prize
Edited By Copperfangs on 7/18/2014 at 1:11 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 7/8/2013
Threads: 187
Posts: 3,208
Posted: 7/11/2014 at 10:18 PM Post #5
Summer School Break Out Raffle

1) One Free RV Aeri From My Pair




5) (is tagged)

Winners to be picked on July 18th 11:59pm
Edited By Copperfangs on 7/11/2014 at 11:24 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 7/8/2013
Threads: 187
Posts: 3,208
Posted: 7/11/2014 at 10:40 PM Post #6
Raffle Contestants
1. Fennectech
2. Maddytivon
3. Maimah
4. Snocone2
5. Hundenelsker,
6. Luga
7. Zarhail
8. Blackshadowwolf
9. Castielle
10 .Aly
11. Arkhantha
12. Zzzzz
13. Ozzieoc
14. Littlelunar
15. Wonderfulb2uty
16. Moochy247
17. Lumya
18. Ivodince
19. Entropy
20. Divinis
21. Angelzrulez
22. Naomi
23. Zevria
24. Keanai
25. Alicehearts
26. Magicflight
27. Maimah
Edited By Copperfangs on 7/16/2014 at 6:17 PM.
Level 63
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/7/2014
Threads: 39
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Posted: 7/11/2014 at 11:26 PM Post #7
im in!
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/21/2013
Threads: 23
Posts: 924
Posted: 7/11/2014 at 11:29 PM Post #8
I'd like to join the raffle please Copper.
Level 67
Joined: 5/6/2013
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Posted: 7/11/2014 at 11:32 PM Post #9
I'm in to both raffle and ping list please :)
Level 60
Joined: 12/17/2013
Threads: 66
Posts: 1,237
Posted: 7/11/2014 at 11:33 PM Post #10
This sounds interesting. Although I'm a bit too old for school now, I'm in as well.
Edited By Zarhail on 7/11/2014 at 11:34 PM.
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