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Forum Index > Q&A (Newbie Friendly) > what determines if a pet attack will be...
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Level 61
Joined: 2/11/2014
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Posted: 2/19/2014 at 7:19 AM Post #1
Is it based off the pet race or based on the highest pet stat?

I have an int zolnixi that does magical attacks, if i gave a zolnixi str instead, would their attack change to physical?
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 2/19/2014 at 7:17 PM Post #2
highest pet stat, specifically magical attack or physical attack number.

so the reason a nixi would have magical attack is because its magical attack stat is high, which comes from int.

If you re-statted it to str, physical attack number would be higher, thus physical attacks.

relics with physical or magical attack bonuses also can change this, so be careful when picking relics so it doesn't benefit the wrong stat.
Level 61
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Posted: 2/19/2014 at 7:28 PM Post #3
great thanks... didnt knew i could restat stats too, ill check it out ^_^ thank u
Level 46
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Posted: 2/23/2014 at 10:31 AM Post #4
I've just been boosting the stats equally, and have been putting on the best relics I have, not thinking about what is best for each sylestia.... so now I have lots of questions after reading this post.

Are some sylestia better suited for magical attacks or physical attacks, and if so, which ones? (Or, where can I read about each one.) And which attributes should I boost for magical, and which ones for physical?

Thank you! ; )
Level 70
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Posted: 2/23/2014 at 11:31 AM Post #5
imo, the stats shouldn't be raised equally, but that's for another day. xD

when it comes down to it, most regular species (or all species) have minute differences in stats to the point that you can really beat main game content without having to sway to a certain species.
like, i used my starter and 2 wild-caught pets to run dungeons and explore and stuff still, others use specific species because they have a little more stat difference for str/int.

fabled pets (ie ny'vene and nephini) have boosted stats that are better than regular pets. It's in fabled pets where you can see a bigger difference among the stats than regular pets that can be nice when making super-strong teams, but in the end it just takes good armor and good builds to get where you wanna go basically.

intelligence is tied to magical damage
and strength is tied to physical damage,
so boosting one or the other correlates to raising its respective damage.

hope this helps!
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 2/23/2014 at 12:46 PM Post #6
(I typed this half asleep so it's much longer than it probably should have been. Hope it makes sense.)

When you're gearing your pet the main thing to consider is what proficiency tree you decided for your pet. If you don't know the name of the tree that your pet is in, go to your pet's profile and click on the button that says Proficiencies. If you hover your icon over the six icons (that if clicked takes you to that tree) you'll see the name of the proficiency tree.

Now this is where whether or not your pet uses magical damage or physical damage matters. Let's just go with fire as an example. So long as you stay in a single tree, you'll eventually unlock a couple abilities. For fire, Fireball and Flamethrow. If you hover over those abilities, you'll see these attacks deal only magical damage. So only magical damage helps make these attacks more powerful. And intelligence boosts magical damage. You can find out what stats increase what other stats by going to a pet's profile and hovering your cursor over different stats in the Statistics section of your pet's profile.

So in the end whether a pet does physical damage or magical damage and whether the pet tanks or not determines what type of gear and what type of stats a pet gets.

For a tank, there's three stats that benefit them most. Health, agility, and whatever stat it is that increases the type of damage their special attacks do. So for a Shadow tank that would be intelligence and for a water or earth pet this would be strength. Again, just check out the abilities you get in their proficiency trees and read the descriptions looking for whether the attacks do physical damage or magical damage. Agility does more for tanks than dexterity since your tank should be getting hit the most. If you hover over Agility in the statistics part of a pet's profile, you'll read that it increases physical mitigation, magical mitigation, avoidance, and quickness.

For a tank that uses physical damage, I would use Assassin gear. For a tank that uses magical damage, I would use illusionist gear. Both of these types of gear give agility and also contributes to their main damage stat. There can be different ways to do proficiencies for tanks. I think most people use high health builds. If you ask around I'm sure you can find advice from other players on how they assign proficiencies and level ups for their tanks. I'm a bit worried that my set up may be successful because of the type of gear my tank has so I don't know if I want to recommend it.

For non-tanking pets (often called cannons here), you'll want gear that has dexterity. Since these pets aren't usually taking constant big hits, agility isn't as needed for them. Dexterity increases critical hit chance and accuracy bonus. Again, this can be found out by hovering over the different statistics of the Statistics section of the your pet's profile. You can then hover over critical hit chance to find it increases the chance of a critical hit and critical hits do extra damage. Accuracy bonus decreases the chance of an ability being avoided. So to maximize damage from a cannon, dexterity is important. But not as important as whatever stat is needed to boost their magical damage or physical damage. This will be either intelligence for magical damage or strength for physical damage.

physical damage cannon - needs strength to increase physical damage- should wear myrmidon gear which has strength and dexterity as main stats and should have a relic that only has physical damage

magical damage cannon - needs intelligence to increase magical damage - should wear evoker gear which has intelligence and dexterity as main stats and should have a relic that only has magical damage

For proficiencies, there's different ways to do it. You can add five points into health for added survivability if you're having trouble with that. There's guides that you can check out for more information or you can talk to other players and see what works for them. Same with level ups. I do 75% into the main damage stat (intelligence or strength depending on the pet) and 25% dexterity with my own cannons' level up points. Not sure what most others do.
Level 67
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Posted: 2/23/2014 at 12:48 PM Post #7
>.> I raised my stats equally and the only problems I've had were in Vierna's Dungeon....
Level 61
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Posted: 2/23/2014 at 4:55 PM Post #8
right now my main attacking team is

top slot evenly hp/int/agi dark magic
middle slot full hp earth
bottom slot full int fire

its working ok so far, i mainly asked to know which stats to breed my pets as...

so far im thinking of breeding this way

ryori line - agi ((and use stats for hp)) - tank
vulnyx - int
zolnixi - int
nelphini - str
quitari - str

so,, all in all my ryoris will always be the tanks, and the others the damage dealers
to me ryori looks the best so i want him always in my team, and a tank is a build that you always want to have at least one unit with ^_^

for ryori tanks is it ok to breed with agi boost ((and level hp)) or is better to breed in HP boost ((and level agi))?
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