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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > [Win Prizes] Writing Contest Season 10
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Level 75
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 8:16 PM Post #1
After having my gold all drained out for a few fests I finally have it back, time to lose it again in a heartbeat LOL.

Anyways, season 10 is back.

The Rules:
1. No Plagiarism
2. No blocky, chunky texts.
3. You are allowed any font size or format as you deem appropriate for your story.
4. Unless if it is a special case round, your final story submission may not be one page (just front with no back)
5. Please leave a content warning for your story (preferably on your response with link to your entry, sexual content is prohibited in these contest however, gore, language and death is allowed. Please keep some form of limitation to your colorful language though.)
6. Use Google docs/Wattpad for your story, and open it for viewing to others. (anything but on here as sylestia has a text limit)
7. Each round has its own additional rules for its prompt.
8. English, please, unless if it is a special language for your created species or character.
9. Tag me!
10. I recommend reserving a spot, so leave a comment and come back and edit it with links after so I can do a head count.
The Prizes:

First Place:
-Party team of max stats.
-3 PB offspring of your choice. (fabled allowed)
-3 offspring from my CP project of your choice (custom projects)
-500k gold

Second Place:
-Party Team of max stat
-2 PB offspring of your choice. (no fabled)
-2 offspring from my CP project of your choice
-300k gold.

Third Place:
-1 max stat pet of choice.
-1 PB offspring of my choice (no fabled, tell me species and I will pick one to breed for you, can't pick)
-1 offspring from my CP project of your choice.
-200k gold.

Everyone else who submitted a successful finished entry(not just participation):
-15k gold
-1 Offspring from my CP project of your choice.

Entry Prompt (this will decide the contestants for this contest, whoever doesn't make it by deadline aren't in, and the rounds will resume with the contestants who have completed.):

You will be getting a list of prompts, rough ideas, you pick one, you come up with the title and story to go with it, please be sure to write down the prompt you picked with your entry, more than one person can pick the same prompt, its fine, doesn't mean any of you will come up with the exact same story. Feel free to be super creative:

1. "You're not a human, but you have decided to hide and lay low amongst them. To you, your past is dead, it doesn't matter anymore. Whatever may come now, it is out of your hands, no one must know you're still alive, no one must know your past. But sometimes, as much as you try to stay away from your past, it comes creeping back up when you least expect it..."

2. "You're given a duty onboard a spaceship. You're not the highest ranking, not by your choice despite knowing more than what your rank says. One day your captain and its crew answers a distress call in the outskirts of the borders, farther than you'd normally travel, but something happened, now you find yourself amongst a skeleton crew, your captain is dead..."

3. "You and your childhood friend find yourself amongst opposite sides once the war amongst your clans had started. You tried to avoid combat with your friend, but you can only avoid so long, but there is a possibility of finding a way to end this war, but how..."

4. "In the war of angels versus demons, a war that has lasted for several decades. You're sent out on a mission, a particular target to take out on the other side, but once you find your target, you must admit, there is something about them, you cannot seem to bring yourself to harm them..."

5. "In this apocalyptic world, you find yourself among the ruined cities, the 'infected' as you call them, been growing stronger each day. But you are aware, if you could find and take down their queen, you could possibly end this all..."

6. "In a world where monsters and humans reside, you find yourself, a hybrid, belonging to neither world, too monster for the humans, but too mixed of some species for the monsters themselves, to find any clan to take you in..."

7. "You're an assassin in retirement. It was a job you wanted to wipe your hands clean off of, to finally take a break. But someone you once knew needed some help with something. Its not something you wanted to do, but the issues attached to it made it...unavoidable to not deal with..."

8. "You're a well known, but eccentric scientist, often working amongst interesting potions, you have recently came up with a breakthrough experiment. One of your latest visitors was secretly a saboteur from an opposing company. Someone ended up getting hurt and somehow you're the one to blame..."

9. "You're a high ranking warmonger queen of an clan, you wipe out any who resists. But after losing your child in birth, you find yourself little off than usual. On your next battle, you were going to wipe out a clan, however, their queen, now dead has left a child now motherless. You've taken in the child under your wing. But the child must hopefully never learn of their royal bloodlines, as you are more than aware of a few that escaped during your hesitance..."

10. "You enter a tavern in a village, you intended just to have some food and a drink but now you're stuck on a quest with a few odd companions..."

11. "You're a vampire with quite the history, but you've settled down into a town/village, trying to enjoy some peace and quiet, however, one day you cross path with an intriguing visitor..."

12. "You find an odd device and now you have been thrown into the past, you need to get back to your time, but to do so, you find your escape is hidden amongst enemy territory..."

13. "You're an Ancient being with great power, but you'd prefer if no one knew that. You just want the peace and quiet, to do your own thing, or so you hoped..."

14. "You're a creature/beast that lives burrowed underground, humans don't like you, but they intrigue you, but they're also so messy and so loud, much too loud for you. You're trying to understand them, but why must they be so loud every time you show yourself...?"

15. "You live with a parasitic entity within you. Granted it took you a bit to surface and realize this, your past has been an offish blur. You should find a way to get rid of the parasite but, you also don't really feel like it either...?"

Feel free to reserve a spot first if you'd like, gives me a good idea of the count.


Deadline: November 4th
Edited By Nightbane on 10/2/2023 at 9:21 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/30/2013
Threads: 92
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 8:23 PM Post #2
Yeah lemme reserve a spot
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 8:25 PM Post #3
sweet sweet, welcome new blood lol
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
Joined: 9/15/2021
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 8:25 PM Post #4
Reserving. Going with this idea.

"In the war of angels versus demons, a war that has lasted for several decades. You're sent out on a mission, a particular target to take out on the other side, but once you find your target, you must admit, there is something about them, you cannot seem to bring yourself to harm them..."


Black Aria
Edited By Elevensins on 10/26/2023 at 11:50 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 8:27 PM Post #5
welcome, welcome Elven^^
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 6/18/2023
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 8:39 PM Post #6
"In the war of angels versus demons, a war that has lasted for several decades. You're sent out on a mission, a particular target to take out on the other side, but once you find your target, you must admit, there is something bout them, you cannot seem to bring yourself to harm them..."

Reserving ^
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 8:43 PM Post #7
C0smos welcome, also, copying Eleven i see lols (kidding) :P

Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 6/18/2023
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 8:55 PM Post #8
yk me im a fantasy freak. make another fantasy romance prompt and ill jump :P
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 9:00 PM Post #9
no one said it HAD to be romanceeeeee XD
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 6/18/2023
Threads: 37
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Posted: 10/2/2023 at 9:04 PM Post #10
I did
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