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Forum Index > Player Guides > Question: changes over the last year or...
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Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 6/22/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 1,225
Posted: 6/11/2023 at 8:56 AM Post #1
Hey! So I've been playing the game for a while now, but for the past year, or so I haven't been able to really do much because of college and I'm getting ready to graduate soI'm slowly coming back on and I've noticed a few changed things already...So when I first started I had a friend who also played with me but she is no longer playing, so I figured I would ask here instead.

So first thing I noticed is that releasing Sylesties now does something...? I'm not 100% sure what it does exactly so if someone could explain that to me I would really appreciate that.

second thing I noticed is that the options for the festival are no longer where they used to be and I'm not really sure how to find everything without going to the forum....or is that how it works now?

the other thing I noticed was the is vastly different from what I remembered and I'm slightly confused on how to use it now and if someone could explain that would be great

I haven't really noticed anything else yet, but again I've only just gotten started back up, so if you know of anything that for sure changed in the past year or two please let me know because I'm 30 and I have Autism and ADHD so i get distracted easily and it would nice to have a thread to be able to look back at :) thanks so much for the help in advanced
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
Threads: 85
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Posted: 6/11/2023 at 7:40 PM Post #2
- Currently there's the springfest release boards
- for the last few years there's also been a release portion during the Patriotic event
- since 2018, releasing pets that have existed for 42 days will increase your chance of finding your next nest in the Forest or Caverns portion of the Lost Grove.

I'm... not sure what's meant by this? Festivals haven't changed in many years- same Seasonal Festival tab in the dropdowns, same map (save minor things like some boss+secret path placements)-, so I'll need... more elaboration on this one?

Yes, Hatchery got its revamp, to go with the Nurture grounds revamp
buttons on the top:
opens the settings
goes to the stables
takes you to the nurture grounds, directs to the user whose stable it was used from
paperclip- copies hatchery url

results refresh
four buttons with sylesti images: for filtering the lifestage of sylesti you're viewing
gender markers: for filtering which gender of pet you're viewing

Star: filters for exclusives only
heart: filters for offspring
net: filters for tamed

genetest icon- filters for if a pet is genetically tested, not tested, or either
pie- on magical pie cooldown, not on pie cooldown, or either
philter- had stat philter used on it, didn't have philter used on it, or either

mass release select activation

species select dropdown (multi-selectable)
clear species select list
sort dropdown- ascending vs descending

Navigate from page to page using the arrows on the side or using the 'go to page'

Egglings/Hatchlings/Adolescents must be moved from the hatchery to the stables to be able to sell them publicly. They will still show up in the nurture grounds

Some Other:
Faelora has been revamped
Changelog created (2022 log, 2023 log)
Trait Extractors (LG Wild) and Restricted Trait Scrolls added
RTDs and Trait Scrolls can now be used with mythical and divine essences to create pets with restricted traits
Lost Grove Temple was fully released
LG barracks now has material exchange so you can swap things you have surplus of for lg tokens and then use those to buy materials you need (though there are parameters)
There's an official sylestia discord now

I think that's most of the new things, aside from like, all the new traits and themes. Might be missing things, but that's the 2022/23 stuff I can think of right now
Edited By Scathreoite on 6/11/2023 at 7:40 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 6/22/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 1,225
Posted: 6/11/2023 at 9:54 PM Post #3
Author: Scathreoite
Time Posted: 6/11/2023 at 7:40 PM
- Currently there's the springfest release boards
- for the last few years there's also been a release portion during the Patriotic event
- since 2018, releasing pets that have existed for 42 days will increase your chance of finding your next nest in the Forest or Caverns portion of the Lost Grove.

I'm... not sure what's meant by this? Festivals haven't changed in many years- same Seasonal Festival tab in the dropdowns, same map (save minor things like some boss+secret path placements)-, so I'll need... more elaboration on this one?

Yes, Hatchery got its revamp, to go with the Nurture grounds revamp
buttons on the top:
opens the settings
goes to the stables
takes you to the nurture grounds, directs to the user whose stable it was used from
paperclip- copies hatchery url

results refresh
four buttons with sylesti images: for filtering the lifestage of sylesti you're viewing
gender markers: for filtering which gender of pet you're viewing

Star: filters for exclusives only
heart: filters for offspring
net: filters for tamed

genetest icon- filters for if a pet is genetically tested, not tested, or either
pie- on magical pie cooldown, not on pie cooldown, or either
philter- had stat philter used on it, didn't have philter used on it, or either

mass release select activation

species select dropdown (multi-selectable)
clear species select list
sort dropdown- ascending vs descending

Navigate from page to page using the arrows on the side or using the 'go to page'

Egglings/Hatchlings/Adolescents must be moved from the hatchery to the stables to be able to sell them publicly. They will still show up in the nurture grounds

Some Other:
Faelora has been revamped
Changelog created (2022 log, 2023 log)
Trait Extractors (LG Wild) and Restricted Trait Scrolls added
RTDs and Trait Scrolls can now be used with mythical and divine essences to create pets with restricted traits
Lost Grove Temple was fully released
LG barracks now has material exchange so you can swap things you have surplus of for lg tokens and then use those to buy materials you need (though there are parameters)
There's an official sylestia discord now

I think that's most of the new things, aside from like, all the new traits and themes. Might be missing things, but that's the 2022/23 stuff I can think of right now
Thank you!! that makes sense! I did find the festival option after looking around a bit i just had forgotten i think lol
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