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Forum Index > Roleplaying > The Hellhound and the Gothic Imp [Helluv...
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Level 61
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Posted: 9/1/2022 at 2:50 PM Post #1
Outside the I.M.P headquarters stood a young female imp with long curly pure white hairreaching down past her shoulders with two back horns most similar to thesaiga antelopeon her head she had the red imp skin tone with white white mark resemble in a splatter over her right eye and two smaller white dots on her left shoulder. The young Imp was wearing a fishnet long-sleeved undershirt with a black and red sweetheart necklace corset and simple black trousers and black combat boots with studs and pengrams her name was Nyx Blackburn the newest addition to I.M.P hired as she knew how to treat injuries and had good at hand to hand combat. Nyx looked up at the building one final time before she walked inside and knocked on the front door "hello?" She called and looed around "I'm Nyx the new girl" she added

Luna was sat at her desk chewing some bubble gum her legs on the desk looking like she wasn't doing her job which was most likely true and playing some game on her phone and didn't hear nyx or simply didn't care amd blew bubble and popped it . Nyx was about to walk over when suddenly Moxie walked into the room and looked at her "can i help yo.....wiat are you the new girl?" He asked and nyx walked over "thats me Nyx nice to meet you" she repiled making moxxie like her not another Blitz or luna around the two imps shock hands and exchanged names "come in, blitz is uh busy" he said as it sounded better then saying Blitz was playing with a toy pony while trying to avoid stolas phone call

//i know it seems i dislike luna i don't i promise
Edited By XxGeorgiaxX on 9/1/2022 at 2:56 PM.
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
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Posted: 9/1/2022 at 3:30 PM Post #2
(Oof, I wanna match how descriptive you are but its hard T_T )

In the I.M.P Office, Hanaki sat in one of the chairs, talking to Millie about a TV show they both had an interest in. `` Alright, I'll be back. I'm heading to the kitchen. `` He said as he got up from his chair, walking down to the kitchen and began rummaging though the fridge.
Level 61
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Posted: 9/2/2022 at 6:14 AM Post #3
//that was just the set up laying out of the roleplay no one really ever matches that so I don't expect people to

Moxxie glanced at loona telling her to text or inform Blitz that the new hire had arived before he turned to Nyx "come on ill introduce you to the rest that was Loonashe is the receptionist hereI.M.P" he said and nyx held out her hand "hello" she said but loona wasn't paying much attention "yeah whatever " she mumbled and nyx srugged "fine then" she said. Moxxie sighed "ill introduce you to the rest millie, Hanaki and blitz" he said leading nyx into the Hallway and poked his head into the kitchen "Hanaki the new recruit is here come into the office when you're ready " he said and leaned back out "the office is down here you'll love my millie " he said and nyx smiled if a happy couple workered her it might not be so bad
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
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Posted: 9/2/2022 at 3:30 PM Post #4
After Hanaki found the iced tea he was looking for, he made his way back to the office where he saw Nyx, Millie, and Moxie. " Im assuming blitzo is coming later? " He asked as he sat back down. He looked over to Nyx " Welcome to I.M.P " He said with a warm smile before returning his attention to his iced tea.
Level 61
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Posted: 9/2/2022 at 4:01 PM Post #5
By the time Hanaki arived into the office Nyx had already meet and introduce herself to millie and leaned eveyone name who worked in the building and that millie and moxxie were married and Blitz had adopted loona and to never mention it to loona. Nyx smiled at Hanaki "Thank you nice to meet you" ahe said Moxxie turned to Hanaki "This is Nyx she will be our medic treating our injuries and occasionly be helping us with assaaionations he said. Nyx smiled "oh by the way what are you're jobs here" she asked. Moxxie looked at millie "well Millieis an assassin and the best in my opinion beautiful and deadly" he said but whispered the last part "aww babe" millie said in response " i am assassin and weapons expert and Loonareceptionist and keeper of Blitz book" he said as he turned explaining some of the teams roles and was about to explain Hanaki role when Nyx spoke up "and what is your role Hanaki?" She asked

//eveytime i write Hanaki phone corrects it to Hanako the name of my pokemon oc, did you know hana means flower in Japanese and Hanaki means flower tree while hanako means flower child (Hana=flower) (Ki=tree) (ko=child)
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
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Posted: 9/6/2022 at 1:30 PM Post #6
Hanaki put down his tea, before responding. " I deal with the clients. I don't trust Blitz to do it anymore. But I also go on missions when needed. " He said looking over to the door as Blitz walked in. " Its not my fault! Moxie set the office on fire with those eels! " He said walking over to the head of the table.
Level 61
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Posted: 9/6/2022 at 8:20 PM Post #7
Nyx leaned against the wall amd smiled this was definitely a rather odd group of Misfits but sorry I thought she quite like them "eels?" She asked softly and moxie scratched the back of his head explain in that while practising he accidentally hits that he'll tank in front of a client and blitz still hadn't let him forget it. Nyx laughed "accidents happen" she said though she believe that there was more to Hanaki not trusting Blitz with clients "Hello sir I'm Nyx Blackburn but my friends call me Nyx" she said and winked " they would if I had any friends" she mumbled to herself
Level 60
The Perfectionist
Joined: 1/5/2021
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Posted: 9/13/2022 at 11:32 AM Post #8
Blitz ignored the last part, going to the board at the front of the table and began his daily rambling. Hanaki seemed interested in the new hire. SHe seemed like she would be a good member of the team. Once Blitz went of topic, Hanaki uped and left.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 9/15/2022 at 10:54 AM Post #9
Author: XxGeorgiaxX
Time Posted: 9/4/2022 at 7:15 PM
Hello due to rather difficult and upsetting personal incident that happened i will be taking a temporary break/Hiatus from Roleplaying untill further notice, i promise its nothing against you or anyone at all just due to personal reasons as right now i would like to have less on my mind to focus on the issues. if you have any questions pr concerns please send me a private message and i applogie for any inconvenience or problems caused.

Have a great day Georgia xxxx

List of ongoing Rps

[Please send me a private message or DM our ot isn't listed here]

+: transformers Prime with Cian
+: wastelands Group Rp
+: Fae based fantasy with Kittbee
+ My little pony requested Rp
+ Hellva boss Rp

Edit: new Rps updated
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
Threads: 203
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Posted: 9/20/2022 at 12:57 PM Post #10
Milly lightly but lovely explain that Blitz despite being well-being blitz intended to go off Topic occasionally perhaps stolas kept him up lot too long last night and Nyx nodded "ah right" she whispered to her andstood up " how about I make everyone a nice drink" she said as moxxie asked for a coffee and millie wanted a tea "alright loona,Blitz you want anything?" She asked and loona held up a can no interested in whatever was on her phone .
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