Players (Online): 71 Players (Today): 361 Players (Active): 2,392
Players (New): 7 Visitors (Today): 2,027 Pets (Total): 8,246,087
Season: Spring   Weather: Cloudy
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Username: Blackwidow58249
Title: The Kind-Hearted
User ID: 96675
User Level: 61
Joined: 10/10/2017 at 1:02:19am
Last Online: 1,132 Days ago
Account Age: 2,391 Days
Profile Views: 1,132
About Me
Hello all! best way to simplify me is "I can be your best friend, or worst enemy, the choice is entirely up to you." Now don't let that scare you off lol. I am easy to get along with, and love making new friends. If you wish to know anything about me just ask

Anyway I love breeding my sylesties, but like most I keep running out of room. I hate to release my sylesties so I will have 2-4 for sale to make room in my stables, I will also have a few pets in my hatchery for sale if I get too many that are similar. Releasing a sylesti is absolutely a last resort for me so don't be afraid to browse my hatcheries and stables. I will also have some pets set up for breeding to make a little extra cash here and there.
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 1,625-65 (96.15%)
Mission Record: 732-26 (96.57%)
Gold Earned: 1,429,572
Scales Earned: 7,487
Quests Completed: 17
Sylestia Completion: 10.26%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 4
Epic Items Found: 21
Rare Items Found: 116