Players (Online): 74 Players (Today): 366 Players (Active): 2,392
Players (New): 7 Visitors (Today): 2,072 Pets (Total): 8,245,879
Season: Spring   Weather: Cloudy
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Username: Silversoulll
Title: None
User ID: 79957
User Level: 60
Joined: 2/4/2017 at 4:27:35am
Last Online: 873 Days ago
Account Age: 2,639 Days
Profile Views: 646
About Me
Hmm, a simple description of myself?
I play the Flute and the Piano and take pride in my skill with both.
I am a moderately good artist, in my own opinion.
I am a writer, though I have yet to publish any books/stories.
Unrelated to art...
I am a dragon.
Nuff said.

Most random eggs I find will be sold. (50-100 gold.)
You can almost always find some good shrooms in the "Trade Broker" menu, simple by checking the category labeled "Potions, Elixirs, and Draughts".
Serious, feel free to buy shrooms. If you have any shrooms you're willing to sell for 8 gold or less, I'll be willing to buy them.

I have a tendency to buy items from the trade broker and put them back on the menu for a higher price. If you notice me doing this, please do not complain.
Also, please don't buy any mushroom if I have them priced at 500,000. I'll feel bad if someone actually pays that much when there are far cheaper mushrooms on the menu.
I just have those there for fun, but if you really want to buy shrooms that badly, I won't complain; there are easier ways to make donations, but I don't complain.
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 2,361-53 (97.80%)
Mission Record: 58-4 (93.55%)
Gold Earned: 1,195,485
Scales Earned: 260
Quests Completed: 17
Sylestia Completion: 10.26%
Dungeons Cleared: 15
Bosses Defeated: 27
Elites Defeated: 68
Superiors Defeated: 371
Mythical Items Found: 1
Legendary Items Found: 9
Epic Items Found: 66
Rare Items Found: 157