Players (Online): 72 Players (Today): 350 Players (Active): 2,345
Players (New): 7 Visitors (Today): 1,830 Pets (Total): 8,260,295
Season: Spring   Weather: Cloudy
Welcome, Guest
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Owned By

Username: Auntyji
Title: The Sweet Tooth
User ID: 70835
User Level: 60
Joined: 9/15/2016 at 9:23:39pm
Last Online: 2,694 Days ago
Account Age: 2,791 Days
Profile Views: 451
About Me
Hi all!

For those interested, I am a fairly new, casual player of Sylestia. I am a university student, so I may not always have the time to be active and online. However, as of 9/28/16, I am pretty thoroughly addicted.

As for my breeding programs, my goals are twofold:
--1.) Breed high-vis pets from wild stock that I catch myself.
----------> What specific traits I breed for will largely be determined by what I happen to
------------ catch, rather than any pre-determined set of traits. But of course, I will try to
------------ make the traits on any given pet go well with each other, and possibly fit a
------------ theme.
--2.) Breed high-vis pets that relate to Hinduism in general, preferably from pets I make
------ myself using essences.
----------> For many species, the traits bred for relate to the vahanas (animals including
------------ peacocks, owls, tigers, etc.) or other iconography (lotuses, henna, etc.), while
------------ for other species, they may relate to the deities themselves.
You may notice that both of these goals involve breeding from foundation stock that I create or catch myself. This is a challenge that I have set up for myself, and does mean that I am not generally interested in buying breeding stock from other players. However, if you believe that you have pets that I may be interested in, feel free to message me! I may relax these rules in the future, and otherwise I may be interested in having a particularly impressive pet, even if it is not used in my breeding program.
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 4,116-79 (98.12%)
Mission Record: 445-55 (89.00%)
Gold Earned: 1,704,720
Scales Earned: 8,636
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 2
Bosses Defeated: 11
Elites Defeated: 114
Superiors Defeated: 1,028
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 17
Epic Items Found: 51
Rare Items Found: 228