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Username: Charmer
Title: None
User ID: 54164
User Level: 39
Joined: 2/29/2016 at 3:11:46am
Last Online: 2,252 Days ago
Account Age: 2,984 Days
Profile Views: 973
About Me
.;~ Hi there profile stalker!!! ~;.

(artwork by SidGreen, she does awesome and fun art go check her out )

"I am passion, I am hate, I am desire, I am fire"

I'm Charmer and it's a pleasure to meet you all....

Hi! As you probably already know, i am Charmer And that little quote (one i came up with on the spot) literally describes me
+Passion - everything I do is done whole-heartedly
+Hate - I can angry really quickly, especially if you mess with my friends (loyal as a wolf they say) or steal my cookies, nobody, takes my cookies
+Desire - as I seem to want many things I cannot have (and i'm ok with that, i'll live), also as people seem to find me desirable (which confuses me greatly XD)
+Fire - whenever people say I'm an element I'm either told that I'm fire (first three words people) or ice (apparently i can be a little cold or emotionless sometimes)

Stable pets for sale link;
My wishing well wish list;

If you ever need to talk to someone *gestures to self* look no further than moi~ I've been told irl that i'm a good listener and am alright at giving out advice so please feel free to talk to me

Shout out's!!!
~1st shout out has to go to my sister from another mister, MairuTheOreo, love chu bro!!! Decided i couldn't face this new game alone so got her addicted too XF She and I actually look similar (we know each other irl) and people are always confusing us XD This is for us sister, this is for us....
~2nd shout out goes to one of my good friends here on Sylestia, KaliOfDarkness, she's such an amazing person to talk and hang out with. She also has a really big heart and was kind enough to make my boring Avi look amazing by giving me some of her old clothes (i know she's so awesome right?)

*Looking for art!
I decided that my profile needs a little bit of colour, so for all you talented artists out there please get in touch!

Important things you should know about me;
* I tease people alot and am extremely sarcastic but i never mean what i say, it's simply my inner cheek stepping forth
*I won't randomly add buds but if we talk for awhile and i feel like we're getting along then sure, i'll add
*I've been told by my friends that i should warn prospective friends of my weirdness, cause things happen when i'm sleep deprived (just gets even more weird)
*I can get angry like *clicks* that, so please don't push me to the point where I snap

Random facts about moi~
*birthday is 13th of december
*the day I was born was a friday the 13th and I was concieved in the middle of a lightning storm(yeh i'm a freaky baby)
*I love all animals except for spiders, I have arachnophobia
*I have a mild case of OCD
*I love to talk
*my hobbies are reading, writing, playing with my dog, hanging with my friends and gaming
*favourite food would have to be garlic (I know it's weird)(#GARLICBREADISBAE)
*favourite colour would have to be all except for varying shades of pink

The best things in life~
*Shows/movies/anime- Supernatural, Young Justice, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Gotham, Hetalia, Angel Beats, Durarara!, anything batman (it's true), ...
*Books- Throne of glass series, black beauty (classic of course), Infernal devices series, silver brumby stories, ...
*Games- Assasins creed Syndicate, horse isle, animal jam, ...
*Sylestia species- Aeridini, Griffi, Zolnixix, Quitari, Lupora, Ny'vene, Puffadore

5 words to describe me;
*Werido/All round nut-job

If you want to get me a birthday present...
*money is always helpful
*any of my favourite breeds
*clothes (need some of that XD )
Well I think that's enough for now.....
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 339-16 (95.49%)
Mission Record: 102-6 (94.44%)
Gold Earned: 133,009
Scales Earned: 1,154
Quests Completed: 14
Sylestia Completion: 4.62%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 2
Elites Defeated: 6
Superiors Defeated: 57
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 0
Epic Items Found: 2
Rare Items Found: 18