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Username: Flickerpad
Title: The Perfectionist
User ID: 51577
User Level: 63
Joined: 2/1/2016 at 4:50:10pm
Last Online: 312 Days ago
Account Age: 3,005 Days
Profile Views: 1,925
About Me
Hi! I'm not very active anymore but I like to pop in every now and then.

On the rare occasion that you want a pair of my Sylesti to be bred just send me a message with the names of the Sylesti in question; I'll get back to you in a few days at the most.

Please be aware that Dreamtalon and Creamfeather (my Candied Griffis) are a parent-child pair and cannot be bred together; the same case is present for Tadereg and Beriol (my Halloween Madness Griffis)

THESE ARE NOT MY DESIGNS. Rather, the palette belongs to Sylestian Ilikecats. (If you wish to view the original genes [I had to change due to Trait Restriction], enter their name into the Generator; the design is named the Air Puffadore)
I tried to ask them if I could re-gen some Puffs with their designs; however, they had by then become inactive. I decided to create one of their designs anyway, though only for the purpose of them being there because I thought her design was stunning. I refuse to breed this design. If you think what I did was wrong, please inform me and I will take action to it.
Should Ilikecats ever become active again, I intend to hand the Puffadores to them, as they are the original Palette creator.
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 8,541-197 (97.75%)
Mission Record: 137-22 (86.16%)
Gold Earned: 7,046,591
Scales Earned: 25,409
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 245
Bosses Defeated: 3
Elites Defeated: 6
Superiors Defeated: 120
Mythical Items Found: 50
Legendary Items Found: 80
Epic Items Found: 915
Rare Items Found: 1,410