Players (Online): 51 Players (Today): 361 Players (Active): 2,399
Players (New): 5 Visitors (Today): 2,257 Pets (Total): 8,244,153
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Username: Epicchild
Title: Warden of Umbra
User ID: 44150
User Level: 66
Joined: 10/26/2015 at 3:29:58pm
Last Online: 615 Days ago
Account Age: 3,104 Days
Profile Views: 562
About Me
hello to anyone who might be looking at my profile.

i like animals, food, music, and i don't like City's, ya I've only gone to one but i hatted it, and if you see one of them you'v seen them all i guess.

I'm a stat breeder for Zolixi. So if you need a strong Zolixi then dont be afried to breed with one of mine or to ask me to breed you one. You can even ask for what type of stats you want and ill try my best to get you what you need. For a price.

Have a nice day.

I was bored and made a key to the ancient runic (whatever it its) language's alphabet.
and I'm upset about it. The script I used to make the key only had 25 letters.
the script doesn't have a Q! I CAN'T finish this stupide ancient runic alphabet with out a stupid Q!

sigh, this feels like when you put together a big puzzle only to find the last piece is missing
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 5,134-54 (98.96%)
Mission Record: 64-11 (85.33%)
Gold Earned: 5,796,430
Scales Earned: 3,681
Quests Completed: 18
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 8
Bosses Defeated: 3
Elites Defeated: 19
Superiors Defeated: 224
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 18
Epic Items Found: 257
Rare Items Found: 341