Players (Online): 56 Players (Today): 367 Players (Active): 2,386
Players (New): 15 Visitors (Today): 2,298 Pets (Total): 8,248,765
Season: Spring   Weather: Stormy
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Owned By

Username: Faygoscuna
Title: None
User ID: 29162
User Level: 60
Joined: 1/24/2015 at 11:41:47am
Last Online: 1,617 Days ago
Account Age: 3,382 Days
Profile Views: 692
About Me
Hello. I am FaygoScuna. Feel free to send friend requests. I also auction eggs, hatchlings, adolescents, and adult sylestis. Since you have proven that selling them leads to you only buying my sylestis just to release them, i am no longer selling my pets, I am only auctioning them off to those who will actually take care of them/breed them. If you're going to buy my sylesti, but don't want it anymore, just resell it please. Thank you.

Other than that bugging me, I am really a nice person, and really accepting of others' differences. And I really don't like fighting with people. I am the type of person who really wants everyone to get along.

If you want to trade with me, the pets I am currently accepting are (all un-named) Qitari, and Male Vulnyx.
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 1,469-55 (96.39%)
Mission Record: 206-29 (87.66%)
Gold Earned: 330,953
Scales Earned: 717
Quests Completed: 16
Sylestia Completion: 8.75%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 2
Elites Defeated: 4
Superiors Defeated: 63
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 0
Epic Items Found: 8
Rare Items Found: 63