Players (Online): 38 Players (Today): 364 Players (Active): 2,396
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Season: Spring   Weather: Windy
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Username: Azhtann
Title: None
User ID: 24190
User Level: 60
Joined: 9/20/2014 at 10:06:52am
Last Online: 2,569 Days ago
Account Age: 3,506 Days
Profile Views: 1,784
About Me

"'If' is putting Paris in a bottle"

25 characters to a name

1.) I don't know you but/

1.) If someone stood up in
2.) a crowd and raised their
3.) voice up way out loud
4.) and waved their arm and
5.) shook his leg you'd
6.) notice him If someone in
7.) the movie show yelled
8.) 'Fire' in the second row
9.) This whole place is a
10.) powder keg You'd notice
11.) him And even without
12.) clucking like a hen
13.) everyone gets noticed
14.) now and then Unless of
15.) course that personage
16.) should be invisible
17.) inconsequential me
18.) Cellophane Mr Cellophane
19.) shoulda been my name
20.) Mr Cellophane cause you
21.) can look right through me
22.) walk right by me and
23.) never know I'm there I
24.) tell ya Cellophane Mr
25.) Cellophane shoulda been
1.) my name Mr Cellophane
2.) cause you can look right
3.) through me walk right by
4.) me and never know I'm
5.) there Suppose you was a
6.) little cat residin in a
7.) person's flat who fed you
8.) fish and scratched your
9.) ears You'd notice him
10.) Suppose you was a woman
11.) wed and sleepin in a
12.) double bed beside one
13.) man for seven years You'd
14.) notice him A human
15.) being's made of more than
16.) air With all that bulk
17.) you're bound to see him
18.) there Unless that human
19.) bein next to you is
20.) unimpressive
21.) undistinguished you know
22.) who Cellophane Mr
23.) Cellophane shoulda been
24.) my name Mr Cellophane
25.) cause you can look right
1.) through me walk right by
2.) me and never know I'm
3.) there I tell ya
4.) Cellophane Mr Cellophane
5.) shoulda been my name Mr
6.) Cellophane cause you can
7.) look right through me
8.) walk right by me and
9.) never know I'm there
10.) Never even know I'm there
11.) Hope I didn't take up
12.) too much of your time
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 12,380-28 (99.77%)
Mission Record: 4,761-29 (99.39%)
Gold Earned: 36,859,701
Scales Earned: 16,042
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 12
Bosses Defeated: 62
Elites Defeated: 306
Superiors Defeated: 2,916
Mythical Items Found: 1
Legendary Items Found: 339
Epic Items Found: 728
Rare Items Found: 1,339