Players (Online): 114 Players (Today): 389 Players (Active): 2,295
Players (New): 4 Visitors (Today): 2,098 Pets (Total): 8,268,110
Season: Spring   Weather: Clear
Welcome, Guest
Member Since
Black Cherry
Owned By

Username: Routam
Title: Warden of Umbra
User ID: 161941
User Level: 66
Joined: 3/13/2023 at 4:06:31pm
Last Online: 401 Days ago
Account Age: 427 Days
Profile Views: 150
About Me
Why I came to this game : My friends buggered me to play forum pet games with them and now here I am, and I'm someone who normally plays rpgs so I'm gonna be optimizing the hell out of my experience , thats pretty much what I'll be doing here. I've already read a bunch of guides on how many of the games things work so I'm putting in my knowledge to work already, and I'll appreciate it if you could nurture my hatchlings and eggs whenever possible , and if you do hit me up with a dm and I'll retribute the favor whenever its possible.

If you have a dragons stalker armor white or golden PLEASE dm me how much you want for it and I will gather that amount for it

And, good news! I actually have a project I'm gonna start working on I have literally no idea whatsoever how to post images , but if you look for designs made by me on the generator you'll find what my project there

I'll appreciate and take any help , and when the project is done if you contributed something I will remember and give you one free of charge. Know that I accept help either in terms of items/money or even just tips, and even better so if you have knowledge to offer on how to get superstat ryoris because I have literally no idea other than primordial essence, and dont know where to get those, too. Might take a while though, since meanwhile I know very well how to handle rpg systems...breeding systems....not so much.
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 2,348-4 (99.83%)
Mission Record: 111-4 (96.52%)
Gold Earned: 2,795,063
Scales Earned: 2,126
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 7
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 18
Epic Items Found: 80
Rare Items Found: 183