Players (Online): 50 Players (Today): 338 Players (Active): 2,355
Players (New): 15 Visitors (Today): 4,577 Pets (Total): 8,253,312
Season: Spring   Weather: Cloudy
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RWMIZ g3 m123 F7
Owned By

Username: Sunsetsoda
Title: The Fortuitous
User ID: 161935
User Level: 72
Joined: 3/13/2023 at 12:42:29am
Last Online: 282 Days ago
Account Age: 417 Days
Profile Views: 197
About Me
hello, i'm sunny/june/honey - feel free to use whichever name you prefer. i use ae/aer or it/its pronouns; i do not use they/them, she/her, or he/him. noun-wise, i generally prefer being called a boy or other masculine terms.

i'm a big fan of pretty and cute things, especially in light purples and reddish pinks, though i'll take anything pastel. my top ten favorite species, in order, are ryori, lunemara, nephini, ferrikki, aeridini, zolnixi, puffadore, luffox, kelpari, and sylvorpa; i also like to give draeyls to zero. i take trades or offers over at my sales thread!

i'm physically disabled and chronically ill, and my level of energy varies a lot day by day. my lupus causes some pretty bad arthritis, brain fog, and memory issues, so if i make a lot of typos, respond very slowly, or have trouble understanding things sometimes, that's why. i also have adhd, and my hyperfixation on sylestia is likely to fluctuate, so i'll probably have big spikes of activity before disappearing off the face of the earth for a while; i'll try to respond to forum pings and DMs regardless.

i am autistic, and have a lot of trouble with social cues and tone. if i come off as rude, i almost certainly didn't mean to; please bear with me, i mean well. as an extension of that, i have some pretty severe anxiety and trouble speaking in public forums; i tend to apologize a lot, and i sometimes word things strangely because i'm trying not to be misunderstood. sorry if i'm often quiet and a little bit awkward, that's just how i am ^^;

i will probably accept most friend requests, but please try not to dm me if it's not specifically sylestia-related, i know you from somewhere else, and/or i messaged first.

current projects:
- 6-vis forget-me-not lunemara (goal)
- 6-vis/(super)max stat tree moss zolnixi (goal)
- max stat clover field ny'vene

future projects:
- 6-vis silver fox luffox (goal)
- 6-vis tropical allure lunemara (goal)
- 6-vis forest afternoon nephini (goal)
- 6-vis dreamberry lunemara (goal)
- 6-vis unnamed faelora (custom themed - goal)
- 6-vis lavandula luffox (custom themed - goal)
- 6-vis dragonfruit kelpari (custom themed - goal)

personal projects:
- 6-vis watermelon coleus zolnixi (goal*)
- 6-vis arcane idol zolnixi (goal)
- 5-vis sweet fragrance zolnixi (goal)
- 4-vis peachy morkko (custom - goal)

*need greater mutators and two (non-pb + unmutated) nixis to use them on, as m1 and m3 aren't on any tagged WC nixis. gonna be so expensive. waugh.
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 5,529-9 (99.84%)
Mission Record: 624-15 (97.65%)
Gold Earned: 7,835,203
Scales Earned: 31,928
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 6
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 66
Epic Items Found: 121
Rare Items Found: 315