Players (Online): 53 Players (Today): 361 Players (Active): 2,399
Players (New): 5 Visitors (Today): 2,255 Pets (Total): 8,244,153
Season: Spring   Weather: Clear
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Owned By

Username: Renic
Title: Guardian of the Realm
User ID: 121499
User Level: 75
Joined: 11/14/2018 at 3:07:45pm
Last Online: 661 Days ago
Account Age: 1,989 Days
Profile Views: 1,272
About Me
Oh, hi, I guess someone found there way here. I max stat themes and various other things that I really like. I've got 4v max stat Angelic Fire Dancer Lups for sale currently, along with a soon to be dyed pair that are nicknamed Demonic Fire Dancers. c: I'm currently working on 4v Victorian Peacock Rikkis, 4v Champagne Candle Ryos with Demonstalker, and a 6v Sunken Ship Kelpari project.

I don't post much on forums or in regional chat, but if you do want to talk to me, just DM me. I just may get some anxiety and scream and forget to respond for a while, and I'm sorry in advance if that happens, but I will reply at some point, I promise.
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 66,263-70 (99.89%)
Mission Record: 2,056-43 (97.95%)
Gold Earned: 65,837,738
Scales Earned: 184,558
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 7
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 329
Epic Items Found: 1,857
Rare Items Found: 1,736