Players (Online): 81 Players (Today): 362 Players (Active): 2,378
Players (New): 10 Visitors (Today): 2,225 Pets (Total): 8,249,912
Season: Spring   Weather: Stormy
Welcome, Guest
Member Since
Owned By

Username: Cambria
Title: None
User ID: 106558
User Level: 42
Joined: 4/5/2018 at 12:46:01am
Last Online: 1,510 Days ago
Account Age: 2,217 Days
Profile Views: 432
About Me
A true Game Theorist till the end, A Crystal Gem, Lapidot lover, and a Furry who doesn't mind Rp and other Fur Friends!

Can you raed tihs?

Olny 55% of plepoe can.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dsenot mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if you can raed tihs, palce it in yuor porfiel!

Favorite Things!
Favorite Artists: T0P, Marina and The Diamonds, Melanie Martinez, Loving Caliber

Favorite Song: I Am Falling For You- Loving Caliber

Name on Amino: Cambria

Favorite Person on Amino: Otto!

Name on Twitter: Cat @Summernoob

Deviant Art Name: Summernoob

Discord Name: Summernoob #2138

YT Name: Cool Cat


OTP: Lapidot

Camp Camp Ships: Max/Nikki/Neil, Gwenvid, Jaspidwen, Makki

Steven Universe Ships: Lapidot, Connverse, PearlRose, PearlGreg, Pearlmethyst, Garnet

Undertale Ships: Fontcest, Papcest, Sanscest, HoneyBlossom, MapleBlossom, EdgePuff, Nyehctar, Asriel/Papyrus
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 666-29 (95.83%)
Mission Record: 237-15 (94.05%)
Gold Earned: 277,518
Scales Earned: 1,856
Quests Completed: 15
Sylestia Completion: 4.27%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 2
Epic Items Found: 7
Rare Items Found: 35