Players (Online): 45 Players (Today): 341 Players (Active): 2,354
Players (New): 15 Visitors (Today): 2,483 Pets (Total): 8,255,027
Season: Spring   Weather: Clear
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Username: Yukiwolf5
Title: Warden of Umbra
User ID: 105686
User Level: 65
Joined: 3/25/2018 at 8:23:07am
Last Online: 2,138 Days ago
Account Age: 2,232 Days
Profile Views: 430
About Me
Might quit. I've run out of stuff to do on here, the lost grove is way too... monotonous. The enemies are nearly impossible to kill, all to gather a ridiculous amount of items to unlock... more item-gathering, from what I've seen people talking about. That's way too much work for such a low reward for me, so I've decided I'm just not gonna do it. Still gonna pop in to keep my pets fed for now, but if all my pets die then, well, that probably means I've decided not to come back. It was fun while it lasted, I guess.

Name: Yuki's an alias, my real name is actually Ashe. (Please keep the 'e' if you use it, it's a pet peeve of mine when people leave it out ^^; )
Gender: Maverique (nonbinary)
Pronouns: They/them.
Orientation: Grey-aro ace. In a QPR :3
Etc importance: I am autistic, and I have social anxiety. Thus, starting up and keeping up with conversations is tough for me. However, if you mention one of my special interests, I'll likely go on for ages about it.

Super cheap pets for sale! Please do take a look My pricing guidelines:
0gene/mut, lv0: 1g (only bc i cant have it at 0)
Each lv adds +10g
Each carried adds +50g
Each visible adds +100g

I'm just a bit addicted to getting eggs and hatchlings. I don't even use them once they become adolescents, i just... i love them. Feel free to add me and I'll try and add you back! I'll likely end up buying an egg/hatchling or two if theyre under 1k coins ^^
I'm also a furry whoops. I like drawing, but I can't draw actual people to save my life. Furries? Sure. Animals? Yup. Monsters? They end up looking cute but yeah I can draw them. Humans? Th..theyre all mutant. How do eyes work. What are noses. Feet?? Hands??? Proportions??? Never heard of any of those things, what are you talking about.
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 4,637-16 (99.66%)
Mission Record: 100-24 (80.65%)
Gold Earned: 958,677
Scales Earned: 8,900
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 7
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 4
Legendary Items Found: 7
Epic Items Found: 89
Rare Items Found: 323