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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 1/24/2021 at 9:14 AM Post #61
Name: Selena Hart
Age: 16
Gender: female

Abilities/Strength: hurting people, blackmail people to do her biding
Fears/Weaknesses: losing power, kids
Personality:Mean, cruel, arrogant,
Other: The school bully and blackmail Iris to help her bully others.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 1/24/2021 at 9:15 AM Post #62
Name: Virgil Grimm

Alternate Name: Alistair Riddle

Gender: Male

Alternate Gender: Male

Age (they both are the same age): 25

Sexuality: Pan

Alternate Sexuality: Gay


Alternate Appearance:

Personality: He's smart, kind, and loyal, It is hard to gain his trust but when you do he will help you out.

Alternate Personality: He's smart, mean, cruel, cunning, and cold to everyone.

Ring (same ring for both):

Backstory: Virgil comes from a rich family but he lives in a modest home all his life. When Virgil graduated he became an FBI worker to help with the crimes around his realm.

Alternate Backstory: Alistair grew up in a criminal environment. As he got older he started a mafia gang in the shadows and started a company making all kinds of weapons and make it seem he is a 'good guy' and became a multi-billion company owner. Alistair likes to mess with the FBI people and others either with their emotions or making the FBI work more difficult.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 1/24/2021 at 9:15 AM Post #63
Full Name: Virgil Crimson

Nickname (optional): Virg

Age(normally around 18-20): 19

Gender: Male

Appearance (the doll shares this appearance): without the wolf (Can I have her as his pet?)

Personality: He is kind to younger kids. He is smart and resourceful. He is loyal to his friends if he trust them enough.

Backstory: Virgil grow up in a poor family. When he was younger he got beaten by his drunk parents. After he was 18 he went got kicked out of the house. He found others that got kicked out like him and lived with them for a year.

Other: (no clue what this is) Edit: Has a pet wolf named Artemis (the wolf is the pet in the image in the appearance)
Edited By Lovador on 8/21/2021 at 10:48 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
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Posted: 1/24/2021 at 9:16 AM Post #64
Name: Alastor Riddle
Age: (The age range ? will edit once I know) 37
Gender: Male

Personality: Alastor is cold, smart, sassy. He has a kinder side if you get to know him.
What Job do you wish for and what Qualifies you for said job?: Security Guard. Alastor has been a security guard for the high level prisons.
Any special Skills that would benefit us?: Knows how to use a gun and sword.
Past Jobs and Life: wip (don't know the age range) Alastor has been a security guard for high level prisons since the age of 27. Alastor graduated college as the best student there is. He became a security job after a few years being in the Police department.
Anything Else we Should know?: n/a
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 1/24/2021 at 9:16 AM Post #65

Name: Virgil C. Grimm

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pan

Power: Decay: How it works is that he has to have five fingers touching it and it takes awhile but he can't kill himself. (Credit goes to the manga/anime My Hero Academia and the person whose quirk that I got it from is Tomura Shigaraki )

Harbinger: Death

Personality: Virgil has a cold demeanor to those that he doesn't trust. If you gain his trust you have his loyalty. Virgil only shows his kind side with younger kids and people he trust. He doesn't like to talk much but when he does it's usually important or they need advise on small things. He doesn't like to touch people without his gloves on. He has anxiety and depression but he doesn't show it if he does then he must really trust you if you see him have an panic attack. He doesn't want to lose anyone he trust. He doesn't get mad but when he does he will get you in someway.

- Energy bars
- reading
- drawing
- kids
- music
- When he is alone he likes to sing.

-Very loud noises
- People abusing kids
- Being controlled to do something against his morals.
- his reading or drawing time.
- traitors
- corrupt people.
-the school

- Cooking
- Calming people with a panic attack.
- Using his scythe well.

- his panic attacks
- Friends dying because of his decay power.
- Hurting those he trust.

Backstory: Virgil has been an orphan all his life. He got sent to the school after killing his first friend with decay. He has the third highest score in the school and doesn't follow some of the rules. When he got to choose their weapon he went straight to the scythe and took one (The image below in equipment). He begin to train in secret on mastering the scythe with his gloves(Image in equipment).

Family: None (Orphan)

Love Interest: Open

Counterpart: (open)

Overwhelmed by Royal & the Serpent
Demons by Starset
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Nightmare By Halsey
Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid
Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin
Home by Bebe Rexha, Machine Gun Kelly, and X Ambassadors
Why Worry by Set It Off

Voice Claim: Christopher Wehkamp the English voice actor of Aizawa Shouta from MHA

Two fingerless glove for both hands.

Energy bars (Has them somewhere)
A sketchbook and pencils
His scythe.

Other: Ab13mT2
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
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Posted: 3/1/2021 at 1:25 PM Post #66
Rise of The Guardians oc
Name (first, last):
Aizza Life (Aizza Shadow- when she alive)


500 years old but looks like she is 19.

Birthday (if known):
April 22


Nature spirit

Sexual Orientation:

Represent a Holiday? (If so which one):

Represent a Season? (If so which one):

-The seasons


Aizza is kind to almost everyone that deserved it. She is loyal to those that gains her trust but regaining her trust can be hard if you break it. Aizza is the kind of person that is happy and bubbly. She is somewhat native when it comes to love. Aizza is smart and likes to observe art that people make. Aizza does have a temper that can make her say something that she doesn't mean. Aizza is very stubborn but can listen when they make a good point or needs someone to talk to. She is a cinnamon roll that can hurt you.

She freezes up if there is a big fire that can harm someone. She flinches a bit if a fire starts right in front of her all of a sudden. Aizza also can't heal plants or animals if they are to close to death or they are ready to past on to the after life. Aizza must have complete consternation to make life or all the process she made before her focus broke will go away and she must start all over.

Aizza can make life with a touch of her fingers. Aizza can also communicate with animals of any kind. She can somewhat heal the plants and animals if they are injured.


Aster- but more of a friendly rivalry

Eveylen (later((Apache's oc)))


Pets/Workers (ex: Santa has elves/yetis):
Nature pixies and fairies


Body type:
Hourglass figure.


When she was alive has always been outside and exploring nature even the caves. She knows every part of the forest. When she past it was from saving a group of kids and most of the animals from a wild fire that was spreading fast. She pushed the last kid before the fire could close the escape. She didn't make it after the fire starts to go down. She open her eyes to see a kind old lady that showed her what she can do and told her what her name is. The kind old lady told her that she is the new mother nature and can create life. Aizza nods and kept being mother nature and life. She meets many people and made friends with the guardians.
Edited By Lovador on 4/16/2021 at 12:30 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
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Posted: 3/15/2021 at 1:12 PM Post #67

Alastor is 5'9 feet tall.

Alastor Roy Azizi


3/4 human and 1/4 elf
(The elf part is on his mother's side but he doesn't know his mother has elf inheritances or who is mother is)




Alastor has a cold demeanor to those that he doesn't trust. If you gain his trust you have his loyalty. Alastor only shows his kind side with younger kids and people he trust. He doesn't get mad but when he does he will get you in someway. Alastor likes to keep to himself and not get in trouble unless it's something that he doesn't feel is right or something.

Alastor has been the only child in the family. He was raised by his dad all his life until the age of 20. He mostly grow up as a good kid with some mischief once in awhile. He never knew his mother because she died during his birth.

He has an white female raven named Selena
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 3/15/2021 at 3:13 PM Post #68
Name: Alastor

Age: 2900

Fairy type (Fey, pixie, etc.): Fey

Element (I'll be a dark fairy, so please choose from Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Light): Fire

Servant or a free fairy?: Free


hair:(just the hair)

wings:(just the wings)

on his left chest

on his body besides the left chest and is more like fire

Personality: Loyal, stubborn, kind, smart.

Other (Extra things we may need to know about your fairy): Is a big mother hen. and have all types of fire powers. He is 6'3 feet tall.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 3/15/2021 at 3:13 PM Post #69


Fairy type (Fey, pixie, etc.):

Element (I'll be a dark fairy, so please choose from Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Light):

Servant or a free fairy?:


His wings

Malis is kind and loyal. He doesn't like how the other dark fairies think they are better then everyone when the forest needs balance of all the elements.

Other (Extra things we may need to know about your fairy):
Malis is the only other dark fairy to be kind to the captured element fairy. When he has any of the element fairies in his home. He would treat them kindly and set them free in his home or let them escape so they can go home. Malis is a noble. He is the old friend of Alastor and has a secret crush on Alastor.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 3/15/2021 at 3:14 PM Post #70

10,000 years old

Fairy type (Fey, pixie, etc.):

Element (I'll be a dark fairy, so please choose from Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Light):

Servant or a free fairy?:
Dark fairy royal guard/assassin


She is silent and cold. She won't speak at all unless you force her to speak. She is also loyal.

Other (Extra things we may need to know about your fairy):
No one knows what happen to her other horn but she doesn't talk about it since she never talks. She mostly stays in the shadows and way from everyone.
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