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Forum Index > Breeding Discussion > Serene Spirits -- A Whispering Shadow Zo...
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Level 68
Nature Walker
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Posted: 1/21/2015 at 3:50 PM Post #61
Drats! Thanks, though! I look forward to seeing more!
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 9/21/2014
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Posted: 1/25/2015 at 10:30 AM Post #62
More offspring up for adoption, and I've put into place a standardized pricing scheme to even out what everyone's paying. See more here:
Level 60
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Posted: 4/20/2015 at 9:20 PM Post #63
I have yet to regen that Zolnixi; if you need anything specific, let me know.
Level 60
The Hallowed
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Posted: 4/20/2015 at 10:50 PM Post #64
Ah, thank you for offering, but I only had Zolnixis up for sale which were too low in trait points to be of use in the project any more. So I should be good, and you can feel free to regenerate your nixi however you please!

I am still working out what to do with the project now that the trait slots have been moved about, anyway.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 9/21/2014
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Posted: 4/22/2015 at 2:20 PM Post #65
Post-Revamp Update and Questions

Hello project ping list and anyone else who happens across this thread and is interested! I figured I would let you all know my thoughts on the project moving forward, as the revamp destroyed my original designs (the pearl armor and ball mask combo is no more). I also wanted to get some feedback from all of you on what looks best for the final design before I regenerate my breeding stock.

Firstly, the traits:

G1: Banded Stripes (also have Tribal Stripes breeders available)

G2: Witch Doctor

G3: Life Runes (also have Advanced Runes and Digital Runes breeders available)

M1: Tri-tails

M2: Ball Mask (also have Sugar Plum Flower and Regalia of Hermes breeders available)

M3: Butterfly Wings (also have Feathered Wings breeders available)

The two traits which are bolded (M1 and M2) are the ones I really want to focus on. Though I have some variation available in other traits, post-revamp they don't work with the design as well, in my opinion. If you think otherwise, feel free to share, but I would primarily like to hear your opinions on the following two questions:

1) What trait should I use in the M2 slot?

- my current non-regeneratable stock have a mix of Sugar Plum Flower (D), Ball Mask (E) and Regalia of Hermes (F) in that slot
- Pearl Armor (H) would still be possible if I regenerated all of the nixis I can with it, and bred out the other traits (which are all dominant to pearl armor), but I'm not keen on the redraw for it, to be honest
- I could easily regenerate for any traits in this slot from Shaman Feathers and above, if anyone makes a good case for why they work best with the design, and would like to hear opinions on this

2) Should I keep this a 6-vis project and add Tri-tails to the M1 slot or leave it out and aim for a 5-vis project instead?

- I'm not personally very keen on Tri-tails, but I would like to complete the 6-vis project I started out to make
- It's the only option available to regen with in the M1 slot
- It doesn't conflict horribly with the other planned traits

So the main comparison here is between the 5-vis and 6-vis options shown below:

Feel free to use the image URLs to import the design to the generator and mess around with the M1 & M2 traits to help you visualize what different options would look like.

Any feedback you would like to offer on the designs and regeneration options would be greatly appreciated. I also have some regeneratable WS nixi offspring (with fewer trait points than I'm currently using in the project) for sale in my third stable and hatchery, if you're interested. There will also be more to come, as I have a few dozen eggs left to hatch from my last round of breeding before the revamp.
Edited By ColonelHazard on 4/23/2015 at 11:43 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 11/7/2014
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Posted: 4/22/2015 at 4:20 PM Post #66
The position of the Tri-Tails makes the entire thing more elegant :D
I did a quick search of the ones you've got, and I've decided that since your traits conflict with the ones I want (I had to redo my ENTIRE PROJECT) I'll just hold off. I do thank you for the little ones I've got, but the ones you've got for regen are outside my price range for the moment and I can't work very well with the other ones.
Thank you so much for placing me on your ping list; I think I'll back out for now.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 9/21/2014
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Posted: 4/22/2015 at 5:10 PM Post #67
Okay, I'll remove you from the ping list, but I think once I've figured this out and regened the ones I need for my project, I'll have a sale on the leftover ones that can be regenerated. I'll ping you for that ;)
Level 60
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Posted: 4/22/2015 at 5:12 PM Post #68
Thanks :)
Level 60
The Hallowed
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Posted: 5/8/2015 at 12:02 PM Post #69
Post-Revamp Update #2

Hello project ping list and anyone else who happens across this thread and is interested! An update on the redesign of my project is necessary now that the Zolnixi redraw is complete (including promised updates to the pearl armor, which have made me like it more again) and there's no more wondering whether another option will become available for mutation slot 1. Luckily the tri tails have grown on me, so I no longer feel like chucking this out the window, though I have altered my goals even from the last update post.

I have decided to completely toss my attempt at salvaging my non-regeneratable breeding stock, and will simply be releasing them. Luckily I have enough regeneratable nixis to go forward with my new plans, which now include two separate 6 vis designs, because I really wanted to use both Ball Mask and Pearl Armor, and wanted to make the aesthetic work a bit better after the colour tweaks all nixis received.

New Project Goals

Ghost in the Graveyard (ACCAHA):

G1: Banded Stripes

G2: Witch Doctor

G3: Life Runes

M1: Tri-tails

M2: Pearl Armor

M3: Butterfly Wings

This design keeps most with the spirit of my initial project goals, and after the second pearl armor redraw, I rather like it. Also, removing ball mask from this design now allows you to see the gorgeous facial markings which are part of the witch doctor trait.

Ghost in the Forest (EAEAEC):

G1: Regal Markings

G2: Marbled Fox

G3: Lucky Runes

M1: Tri-tails

M2: Ball Mask

M3: Leaf Wings

This design strikes out in a completely different direction, but makes good use of the colour tweaks to the revamped nixis and actually harkens back to one of my initial design ideas for the project, which included leaf trappings. It is also great for fans of less busy designs, and makes the most of the elegance of ball mask

Final Remarks

The traits I'm using post-revamp don't necessarily reflect those I started with, but I'm happy with the designs, and that's what matters, ultimately. I wanted to still love this project, even if my initial hopes for it were dashed. Eventually I'd like to have a breeding pair for each of the above designs, from which I can replicate the final 6 vis results.

Let me know what you think! Also, I should have some leftover unregenerated nixis, so I will be holding a sale of them in the coming weeks. This will at least include males, if not a number of females as well, with anywhere between 5 and 9 TP.
Level 45
Joined: 9/8/2014
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Posted: 5/18/2015 at 3:12 PM Post #70
These are gorgeous! I especially like the Ghost in the Graveyard designs. Good luck with your project. :D
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