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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Story of two halves ( A wolf pack RP, Si...
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Level 69
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 4/25/2019 at 4:59 PM Post #41
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 4/25/2019 at 6:44 PM Post #42

1 moon


Rouge, will be sky runner

Carrion is a scared, weak, and very shy pup. He will grow into a strong Delta who is cold as the rest of his pack and meaner then all of them if it is even possible



Musky like the forest, burning fire, and rotting flesh.

Carrion was a pup born in one of the smaller packs, and abandoned in the Sky runners pack at request of her cruel mate and alpha of this pack named Coal. Carrion was assumed to be a weak pup.

Will be sky runner

none, way too young.

Level 35
Joined: 4/25/2019
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Posted: 4/27/2019 at 7:56 AM Post #43
name luna (so original I know)
age one month
gender female
rank pup
personality bumbling, ditzy, tries to help out a lot, smarter than she looks


sent: sage
backstory: something generic, aka I don't know yet
pack: crossed hearts
crush none
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 4/27/2019 at 9:55 AM Post #44
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/7/2018
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Posted: 4/27/2019 at 7:55 PM Post #45
If this is still open, is there any chance that I'd be able to join? I'm not an amazing role player, but hopefully I'll do okish... Hopefully I sort of did this correctly, if there's anything that needs to be changed please tell me and I'll fix it immediately!!

~ NAME ~

~ AGE ~
Possibly one moon (I'd prefer to start as a pup, but I don't mind).


~ RANK ~
If possible I'd love for him to start as a pup and make his way up to a Gamma. (I noticed that there weren't many of them, if any, in the pack at the moment)

As a pup he is/was very bright and enjoyed happily jumping around and exploring every single corner of his surroundings. He was/is quite adventurous and enjoyed to push the boundaries almost to their limits. As he grew/grows older he continues to be excitable and adventurous. Although he may end up becoming a Gamma doesn't mean he isn't tough, due to the abundance of small injuries he injured while exploring as a pup he managed to build up quite a tolerance to pain. However, he's not a very experienced fighter and will struggle to keep up with an opponent.


(Ignore the conflicting eye colours, there're meant to be yellow like the top photo :3)

Fresh water and rain with undertones of spring flowers and fox.

He literally appeared in the Crossed Hearts packs camp one morning. No one was quite sure where he came from or how he could have possibly gotten there, but no one was going to kick a tiny pup out into the forest to fend for itself.

~ PACK ~
Crossed Hearts Pack

Maybe one day

He has a bit of an obsession with swimming and if there's a chance to dive into a body of water, he will take it without hesitation. This makes him a rather good swimmer, or at least better than he would be if he didn't swim so often.
Edited By Smolblu on 4/27/2019 at 11:12 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 4/27/2019 at 9:27 PM Post #46
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 4/27/2019 at 9:30 PM Post #47
Them being found is also the easiest way.
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/7/2018
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Posted: 4/27/2019 at 11:13 PM Post #48
Cool, I'll go fix that now.
Level 73
Joined: 1/15/2019
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Posted: 5/4/2019 at 8:06 AM Post #49
(If you are still accepting players)
Name: Moss

Age: 2 moons

Gender: Female

Rank: Pup, will later be a delta

Personality: Playful, but also cunning, smart, quick, and loyal. She will grow to be an independent wolf, but still be able to work with others easily.

Appearance: She is a gray pup with blue eyes, she will grow into a pure white wolf with blue eyes.

Scent: Her scent is like fresh water, moss, with a faint trace of stones and leaves.

Backstory: Her mother was killed by the Sky Runners, and the same happened with her father. Two of her littermates were too weak to survive; she now lives with her sister, Moon.

Pack: Crossed Hearts

Crush: None for now, she is much to young.

Other: She loves water and everything about it and anything that includes it. She is already a very strong swimmer for her age. Her favorite prey is rabbit or pigeon.
Name: Moon

Age: 2 moons

Gender: Female

Rank: Pup, will later be a gamma.

Personality: Playful, but can also be serious. Her other traits are strong, quick, loyal, and smart. She will grow into a very hardworking wolf.

Appearance: She is a gray pup with green eyes, she will grow into a pure white wolf with green eyes.

Scent: Her scent is like rain and mint, with undertones of mist and apples.

Backstory: Her mother was killed by the Sky Runners, and the same happened with her father. Two of her littermates were too weak to survive; she now lives with her sister, Moss.

Pack: Crossed Hearts

Crush: None for now, she is much too young.

Other: She loves trees and everything about them and anything including them. She is quite a strong climber for her age. Her favorite prey is deer or mouse.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 5/4/2019 at 3:25 PM Post #50
Both accepted!
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