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Level 60
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 4:41 AM Post #41
Happy to share with anyone! And ready to start whenever :)
Level 60
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 9:28 AM Post #42
By the way Desiree, I've sort of updated my characters' info a bit, and plan on updating some things as well. I hope you don't mind.. (I'm not changing much things, just tweaking history and personality a little, it should be fine? Cause I can't think of how to change them right now, but I know I nee dto change them - they just don't make my characters feel 'right'.)
Level 45
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 9:51 AM Post #43
I'm fine with rooming with anybody ^.^
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 8:02 PM Post #44
Oh yeah, that's totally fine! :)
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/28/2015 at 12:15 PM Post #45
[[Okay one more girl because I can't help myself XD}}

Name: May (sometimes called Mouse because she is so quiet)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Student/Teacher: Student

Backstory*: May is the youngest of the 13 Royal children of Timewarp. So far down the line that no one seems to pay that much attention to her. Rather than see it as a weakness, May has turned her "invisibility" into an advantage. Teaching herself to walk stealthily and use the air ducts in the palace to sneak in and out of places. One might have thought she would use such a gift for nefarious purposes, yet spend five minutes talking to her and you realize this is the furthest thing from her mind.

She uses her stealth to get out of the one thing she can't bear to do. Not again. Not after what happened the last time. Nearly each time she'd ever tried... Things... Happen. Not always, but still... Things she doesn't want happening again. So instead she sneaks away, choosing to use the time to play with the animals on the palace grounds.

It was on one such outing a messenger had come looking for her, shocked to find May playing with her pet mouse and a wild wolf cub with a bandage wrapped neatly around it's back paw. Quickly recovering, he bowed and informed May her parents had been searching for her.

Me??? She thought to herself. I hope I'm not in some sort of trouble...

"Um... Thank you," May replied nervously. Panicky thoughts rushed through her mind until the messenger interrupted them.

"Don't worry Princess. I won't say where I found you. Not my business anyways," he smiled in an attempt to ease the timid girl's mind.

Relief visibly spread across her features, May genuinely gave the guard her thanks while she scooped up her animal companions before heading back to the castle.

Upon her arrival, May learned she was being sent to Enchantia High...

Home Kingdom: Timewarp

Royal/Regular; Type: Princess

Personality: May is very soft spoken and naturally quiet. Nervous, to the point of stammering and panic attacks, when talking to others and very shy. May likes most to spend time with animals, or drawing while listening to (surprisingly) heavy metal music. She's always been a loner, so others may find her behavior odd or aloof until they meet her.

May also does not like to disappoint others. despite her solitary existence, she is very reliable, and will do her absolute best. She has very little experience with the world around her, having lived a very sheltered life. She's very self critical, and prone to blame herself even if what happens had nothing to do with her.


Pet*: May has two companions. A cat named Oscar, May found in the barn. Seeing how hungry he was, May began bringing him food. Oscar, being the cunning guy he is, decided he much preferred being cuddled and spoiled than hungry and barely get by out in the wild.

The second is a month old wolf cub who'd broken it's leg after a fall. May has been slowly nursing him back to health. Lucky for her Akira is a very well behaved pup- albeit very protective of May should anyone try to hurt her. Both he and Oscar are quite comfortable staying quietly cuddled up with May- no matter where she goes or for how long. Which is why no one seems to notice, or care if, she even has them with her at the palace.

Relationships*: None yet ^^

Clubs: Art, animal and animation clubs

Other/Extra*: May was born Friday, May 13th at exactly 13:13 hundred hours (1:13 pm)
Edited By Lotusdragon on 1/28/2016 at 9:21 PM.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/19/2014
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Posted: 12/31/2015 at 11:10 AM Post #46
She looks awesome. ^^ Go ahead and start roleplaying if you want. c:
Level 57
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Posted: 1/23/2016 at 1:32 AM Post #47
Name: Bree Silverstyl.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Student/Teacher: Student

Backstory*: Bree comes from a harsh unfriendly environment. Never having been alowed to make friends other than with those of high status. Her mother, Queen Elain Whitestyl, raised her by herself after her father died in an unfortunate hunting accident when she was young. Of what she remembers of her father, he was a kind jolly man who would twirl her around and spoil her rotten. But not her mother, cold, strict, and power hungery is more her game. She never seemed to be good enough for her mother, needing to stand straighter, have better manners, or a better appearance. Bree stoped trying to please her mother a long time ago, instead spending her time satisfying her own curiousity and hunger for knowledge. When her acceptance letter to Enchantia high had arrived, she had been beyond ecstatic. Packing her luggage and on her way in record time. Barly even giving her mother a parting hug. She was in such a hurry she almost forgot to bring along her timid, and as she thought, slightly emo little sister May. After the death of their father May had taken to hidding and secluding herself from society. After a while Bree had stoped trying to coax her out and gas pretty much forgoten she existed. She still loves her of course, they where sister after all, they just weren't...that close.

Home Kingdom: Timewarp

Royal/Regular; Type: Royal (Princess)

Personality: Bree is hard working, stubborn, and had a temper unbefitting a lady of her station. She adores animal, but people can get in the way sometimes. Coming from a strict family she doesn't know how to loosen up, and can be preserved as alooft and uncaring. However, she is just the opposite. She had never had a real friend, but if she did she would let her wild side out. Funny and sarcastic, she would light up the room, or crack it up. She will sometimes make small quips of mean humor but usual only towreds those she doesn't like. Always teasing she can take a joke, but if you get on her bad side, beware. She can hold a grudge till the end of time and have a nasty temper and sharp tongue, sometimes speaking before thinking.

Appearance/Description: Long straight silver hair with blood red and charcoal black ribbons braided into it. Dark green eyes with a thin orangey ring around the pupil, and a light dusting of freckles on her fair skin. With high cheekbones and a slim body, some might say she looked fragile, but she is far from it.


OBSIDIAN: A large jet black stallion with a wild main and tail. His dark brown eyes seem to bore into your soul. He will only allow Bree to ride him and has any number of tricks that he plays on unsuspecting people who get to close.

FLEET: A peppery grey and black border coolly with warm chocolate brown eyes. She loves to play with Bree and hates to be confined to cages or rooms. Taking it upon herself to rip up anything within reach when confined. She is one of the best trackers in Brees kingdom, or so Bree likes to think, and Bree enjoys to go hunting with her.

Relationships*: She had an extreemly unhealthy relationship with her mother, and sometimes forgets the existence of her overly timid sister May. Bree's pets are much more like family to her than her mother, and they are her only friends. She is open to new relationships, but be wary, she is not always the easiest person to get along with.

Clubs: Animal club - Weaponry club

Other/Extra*: Bree loves to read, do creative writing, and sing. Too shy to share her talents with others. She has a slightly unhealthy anxiety problem when it comes to homework, or ansighnments of any kind. Having to finish them immediately or stress with claw at her brain until she does. She had also always been fascinated by weaponry and how to use if in a productive manner, it suffuses to say, her mother was less than thrilled about this obsession.


Name: Quin Shade

Age: 15 1/2

Gender: Female

Student/Teacher: Student

Backstory*: Born into a military family, Quin has been conditioned and trained sense birth to eat, breath, and practicly worship war, weapons, and streangth. Surprising as it may be, she had and still has, no qualms with her upbringing. In fact, she loves, and is thankful for it. Why wouldn't she want to be brought up into such a strong family? Her father John Shade, and mother Lee, may have been strict, tough, and overbearing at times. But they taught her self worth, strength, and the ability to have humor at the most inappropriate and dangerous times. "Why not die with a smile upon your lips?" They would constantly ask her. They are also loving parents, constantly encouraging her, keeping her spirit bright, and smiles coming. Her three older brothers Sam, jake, and Mathew are all also career military. However, a few years ago her oldest brother, Mathew, was killed in service, the circumstances still unknown.All that was sent back to her family was his shattered sword, what could have done such a thing, she doesn't know. Quin fully intends to go into the military, but first, she has decided to attend Enchantia high.

Home Kingdom: Nightlandia

Royal/Regular; Type: Regular

Personality: Cold, calm, and collected she may apear on the outside. However, passionate, wild, and fierce is what resides on the inside. She is a bit cynical about new places, always staying aloof until she has done recon on the people and territory. Usually not one to look before she jumps, she doesn't take long to make a decision. Passion and aggression go side by side with this raven haired beauty. Fierce in a fight she loves to be challenged. Having been raised in a military family she will never back down from a fight, and has great self discipline when needed. This pared with a sharp tounge and inventive mind makes her an interesting person to argue with. She can also be a little OCD, she always needs to know where everything is in her room. Her clothes need to be neatly in the draw and nothing can be cluttered or messy.

Appearance/Description: Quin has a slim, almost delicate like figure, and long, straight, soft black hair that just reaches her upper thigh. She has beautiful hazel eyes, slightly curved at the sides, almost Asian like. Her porcelain skin never seems to tan, no matter how often she is in the sun. It also makes it horribly obvious when she blushes, her cheeks will blaze red. She also wears a leather tie around her neck on which a shard of her brother Mathews shattered sword hangs.


PIP: A very, small pitch black mouse with brown eyes and one brown ear. He is usually perched on her shoulder, or somewhere on her person. He is quite cleaver for a mouse and Quin has been able to teach him a few tricks. He lives with her in a her dorm room, and when not sleeping on her pillow, he resides in a box a little larger than a Matthew box.

WRAITH: Quin's battle partner. She is a large, black, bangle tiger. She has dark brown and silvery stripes, and golden eyes. She likes to stay near Quin, and will attempt to stay in her dorm room with her if possible. Quin raised Wraith from a kit, battle training with her, and teaching her. Unlike her owner, Wraith can be lazy. However, they are both fierce when provoked.

Relationships*: Quin has no relationships at the moment, except with her family and pets, but is open to meeting new people.

Clubs: Weapons club

Other/Extra*: She is already adept at hand to hand combat, using katanas, long knifes, short swords, and regular knifes.

(I don't know if I can pick a favorite animal, I guess I'll have to go with...horses)
Edited By Gill on 2/2/2016 at 10:23 PM.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/19/2014
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Posted: 1/23/2016 at 10:00 AM Post #48

I really love the backstory you created for her! :o I like her already!
Though you might want to talk to Lotusdragon about Bree, since she has a princess in Timewarp too. If you guys can discuss that before roleplaying that'd be cool. :) I don't want any confusion around here.
Level 35
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Posted: 1/24/2016 at 2:02 PM Post #49
Name:Arya Drottningu
Backstory*: Arya was born into a very rich lifestyle, being the only(?) child of the Naturella kingdom leaders. Due to this her parents had plenty of money to enrol her in any type of activity she is interested in. That allowed her to be able to kill a grown man with her bare hand since she was 8, but of course she would never dream of it. As a child Arya was quite a handful, and her parents were always relieved when she had to go for the lessons she had been interested in. Her parents were always terrified, as she would often bring home abandoned baby animals of any species, and also injured animals to. Once they could be released back, Arya would let them go. Though her parents loved her dearly, they were eager to get a break from their little trouble maker when she was of age to be sent to Enchantia. Especially when she found out about her powers. Upon her arrival, most thought she was a spoiled brat, but she quickly proved them wrong, showing that, sometimes even the royals can get dirty sometimes.
Home Kingdom:Naturella
Royal/Regular; Type:Royal(Princess!)
Personality: Arya is has a bit of a complicated personality. Though she is a princess, she is quite shy of people. For this reason, she loves animals, and tends to wonder of into the forest quite often. She's a quiet young girl, but once she starts to open up to you, it's the exact opposite. Unlike most of the others, she's a complete bookworm, and has to work hard to refrain from retreating to her 'fantasy world' during classes. When someone underestimates her though, she quite enjoys proving them wrong
(Her right eye is gold and her left eye is violet. Also her hair is black and reaches her waste, a bit farther when she straightens it.)
This is Arya's pet dragon Firnen(female). She was found 3 months ago as a little egg ready to hatch and is growing very quickly.

This is her male half-wolf pup Boo Radley(Boo). She found him last week but they've already developed a bond, as she saved him from a mountain lion.
Relationships*:Does anyone want their character to be in a relationship with her?
Clubs:Art, books and writers, and animals.
Other/Extra*:Us hardcore animal lover usually don't have favorites, and neither do I. They're all made of awesome to me;).
Edited By Zarawhite on 1/24/2016 at 6:36 PM.
Level 57
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Posted: 1/24/2016 at 2:39 PM Post #50
Thankyou! And Oki-doki, will do :3
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