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Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 7/16/2018 at 3:29 PM Post #31
Level 56
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 7/17/2018 at 12:32 AM Post #32
Author: Dragonsrcool54
Time Posted: 7/15/2018 at 5:58 AM
Pyro Draconi and Asul Na Sumiklab main information

Pyro (the main guy)

Name (First name, Last name): Pyro Draconi
Gender: male
Age (6-18): 3 3/4 (more on that in birthdays)
Sexuality (Optional): Straight
Birthday: February 29
Power(s) (Limit is two): abilities to become a dragon thats the size of a large bear that can breath blue fire. Can also draw apon the powers the dragon has (ex: Pyro can get super strength when not in dragon form, but not for long, and it exsuaghts both dragon and boy for a while) (within reason- no flying!!!! Fire breath is possible tho).
Personality: moody, nervous, brave, sorta suicidal to protect others. Even people I hate (that r heroes)
Image/Description: Can be either human () or dragon (). But he has brown-black eyes.
Anything else I should know?:

Pyro has a split personality (thats a dragon) named Ans. More on that below.

Doesnt like killing.

More In info at the bottom.

Ans (Pyros powers + sorta split personality)

Name (First name, Last name): Asul Na Sumiklab (thats Blue Flare in Filipino) (Ans is a nickname)
Gender: male
Age (6-18): couple hundred years
Sexuality (Optional): n/a
Birthday: n/a. No one knows.
Power(s) (Limit is two): can share powers with Pyro, but it exhausts both boy and dragon. Can take over Pyros body.
Personality: wise, grumpy, vague, respects Pyro
Image/Description: Same as Pyro, but has electric blue, reptilian eyes. Very creepy when human.
Anything else I should know?:

Is Pyros split personality, if u will.

Likes killing. Wont if Pyro says so.

More in info below.

Pyro and Ans life info

Pyro can control Ans in dragon form, but when angry, Ans takes over and often goes wild. Ans doesnt like being in human form, but when he takes over Pyros body, Pyro hunches over like hes sick, and when he rights himself, his eyes are blue, slited, and reptilian. Very creepy.

Ans thinks humans are a inferior race, and only puts up with Pyro becuase Pyro saves Anss life when he was dying by letting Ans become a part of Pyro.

Pyro and Ans can communicate telepathically in either form.

Ans is a couple hundred years old, a teen in dragon years. Pyro is technically 13-14, but he was born on a leap year.

Pyro cant separate from Ans, and vice verca. Otherwise, Ans would have done that already. They can only coexist in one body (that can transform with power that Ans provides).

Ans will never tell anyone, even Pyro, about his life when he was alive. EVER.

They both eat a lot to have plenty of energy during transforming or when Ans is giving a power to Pyro for a certain amount of time.

Ans and Pyro often dissagree about stuff, but will fight by each others side when the time comes.

If Pyro dies, so does Ans. And vice versa.

I had a lot of time to think about all of this stuff. Sorry if I talk to much, thatll probably happen in the RP 2 :)

Hey bro, not sure if u read this be4, but I had made my character, Pyro, have his power to be able to turn into a dragon. I edited it so his dragon form was once a living being, and was separated from Pyro (but not anymore), and Pyro could draw upon the dragon powers, but that would exhaust both boy and dragon.

Can u look at it and c if thats ok? Thx.
Edited By Dragonsrcool54 on 7/17/2018 at 3:02 PM.
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 7/17/2018 at 7:02 PM Post #33
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 7/17/2018 at 7:13 PM Post #34
On the subject of Survival, I have decided to give the job to Lucariopaw's Helen Amber. This is only because you already have one teaching character and she doesn't. Plus, she asked first. You can still have Liam though. He could be a sub or something. ^.^
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 7/17/2018 at 8:24 PM Post #35
Level 19
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 7/17/2018 at 8:27 PM Post #36
Okay thanks for letting me know.
Level 70
Majestic Sculptor
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Posted: 7/19/2018 at 9:21 PM Post #37
name:Col Feldspar
Age 13
Birthday:september 19th
Powers:teleportation(let me know if that's too op cause i didnt think it would be),and can do illusions (let me know if any are op i wanna make sure)
personality:Active,Energetic,Cheerful,Very loyal to trusted ones,Good at keeping secrets,helpful,rarely mean(only is if the person is doing something bad to a friend,family or loved one),sometimes is very nosey,Very curious about a lot of things.

link just in case it doesn't work
Anything else I should know?:he loves to touch his Brothers(Draco) things.He will do everything to protect his friends and himself.He normally hangs around Quince and Draco.Separating him from his own friends is almost impossible to do unless it has to be done

I also wanna add the info on draco here because i realized i didnt do that on the form
Anything else I should know?(Draco)
he knows alot about tech and makes some in his spare time.He has a brother called Col
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 7/20/2018 at 1:36 PM Post #38
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 7/20/2018 at 2:40 PM Post #39
Can I make a second guy?

Name (First name, Last name): Marcus (Mark) Draconi
Gender: Male
Age (6-18): 10
Sexuality (Optional): Staight
Birthday: October 26
Power(s) (Limit is two): Mind reading and seeing the future, can transform into any dinosaur (even hybrids like Indominus Rex)
Personality: shy, nervous a lot, likes privacy so he cant read anyones mind, slightly mad becuz hes trying to find ways to have everyone have a good future but failing.

Ignore the butterfly

Anything else I should know?: really nervous except when near Pyro, cant turn off his mind reading or future sights, can have prophecies (but really rare), Pyro and Mark fight a lot (not angry-fight, more playful) as human or animal, Pyros little brother, both like researching reptiles with Ans in spare time. Likes music and carries around a phone and headphones with him.
Edited By Dragonsrcool54 on 7/20/2018 at 3:44 PM.
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 7/20/2018 at 4:06 PM Post #40
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