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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > < || > + Hlutskipti's Saga...
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Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
Threads: 60
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Posted: 11/6/2020 at 7:22 PM Post #21



Hlutskipti sighed, and looked up at the sky. His bright eyes beamed, as he took in the serenity. The snow swirled around the family's home, caking the ground in white. Fjoroo was standing guard, looking for strangers. Vikalla walked around and tried to find food.

Suddenly, a blur dived down, followed by another. The two blurs slowed down closer to the ground, and landed. Vikalla prepared to welcome the pair, when the first blur smashed into her. Hlutskipti could make them out now: two Nephinies. He didn't know what they were here for..


Onyxia mumbled to herself. She knew that Hessichill had dragged her here, but it just seemed wrong. Killling wasn't really her thing; she only did it when necessary. Grooming her viridian wings, the Nephini sighed. Hessichill was just SO strict, but she had no choice.

Edited By Uieaoeia on 11/6/2020 at 9:39 PM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
Threads: 60
Posts: 4,986
Posted: 12/26/2020 at 2:11 PM Post #22
anti lock boop
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
Threads: 60
Posts: 4,986
Posted: 1/16/2021 at 1:14 PM Post #23



What the young Griffi heard next was scarring. Hessichill's voice bombarded his ears like thunder as he squirmed into a nearby cave. Screams, growls, and roars cascaded from outside and into the cavern. Hlutskipti curled up in fear, trying not to die. Lightning struck close to the mouth of the cave, and pollen made him sneeze. What was going on out there? He wanted to know, but it would be too dangerous.

"Come out here, my precious~"

The voice rang in Hlutskipti's ears. No, he wouldn't come out! Instead, the Griffi retreated further into the cave. Maybe it was safer to go deeper. Just then, a bolt of green rocketed into the cavern and grabbed him. The brightening tundra sun loomed just over the horizon, signalling the beginning of the polar summer. Hlutskipti looked up to see who had kidnapped him.

"Don't look at her like that, you bird!"

Hessichill's voice rumbled as Hlutskipti stared up. Onyxia glanced back, her swampy yellow eyes charming the Griffi. Flapping his wings, he tried to get out. The moment he could actually hover up, his lower beak dropped. Vikalla's bruised body was laying lifeless on the pale snow, and Fjoroo was nowhere to be seen! That moment was short lived, as Onyxia lifted up her tail to him and coaxed him to sleep..
Edited By Uieaoeia on 1/17/2021 at 12:54 PM.
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