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Forum Index > Item Marketplace > [S] FR Dragons/Etc. for Sylestia Anythin...
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Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 11:27 PM Post #21
Wow, I got lost in all your beautiful pets. xD
Would this and this pet happen to be available? And if so, how much?

And, hmm...
As much as the enhanced griffi essence is tempting me, I'm already getting one of those from a different trade. Would the rest in pure gold/diamonds be alright?
Level 67
Joined: 3/30/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 11:35 PM Post #22
Um, no to both pets. Those dearies are extremely precious to me. Only my themed hatchery pets would be for sale or offspring from my stable/project pets. Sorry. If you wanted a Diamond Dust Golden Clover, I could manage that once my girl grows up.

Possible other traits as well, I think I saw an elegant wings in the breeding previews.

About the essence, pairs are way better, imo, since then you can make projects out of them. Let it tempt you. :P

Otherwise, yeah... It would really hurt my wallet since I'm trying to save up for a pet I really want and only recently just got enough to buy, but I suppose I could wait a bit longer... Unless you wanted any of the other items I listed or offspring from stable pets, since at a good price they do sell well, I think.
Edited By Talyn on 4/7/2015 at 11:38 PM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 11:41 PM Post #23
Ahh, sorry. Didn't know they were off-limits. ^^;

Hmm, I guess I'll let myself be tempted into that enhanced griffi essence. xD

So now we're at
Enhanced griffi essence = 1.5 mil
600 diamonds = 1.5 mil
= 3 mil

3.95 mil - 3 mil
= 950k pure

If I didn't forget anything? :0
Level 67
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 11:48 PM Post #24
It's okay. I'm probably never being very clear whenever I offer offspring from my pets. Lol. It happens a lot. XD

Anyway, that sounds like about it, it's not as difficult to make 1 mil as it is to make 3. XD Now I just need to get an account. ^^
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 11:51 PM Post #25
Great, then! ^^
Just let me know your name when you sign up, and I'll send them over right away. =D
Level 75
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Posted: 4/8/2015 at 12:02 AM Post #26
I'll be signing up with the window tomorrow, and I'd love to do some trades! I'll wait until you've finished sending dragons to Talyn before picking, though, so I don't try and take anything that's already been claimed. :3
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/8/2015 at 12:22 AM Post #27
Hello! I've noted down which dragons are going where already on my FR profile and in the individual dragon bios who are being sold, so if you want you can peruse my lair now~ ^^
Level 75
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Posted: 4/8/2015 at 12:38 AM Post #28
Oookay so since I have no idea what any of these are worth, I just picked out the ones that I think are the prettiest. I'll also probably narrow down the ones I want once I know their prices and worth and such. The ones that caught my eye are: Gamble, Glen, Petal, Julian, Talamir, Lillium, Kiro, 10544026, and 10407708.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/8/2015 at 1:44 AM Post #29
I'm on the fence about selling Petal and Julian, they're two of my favorite dragons and if I ever come back to FR, I might regret selling them. xD

The others are all 50k FR treasure each, except for the denim/white/white imp girl, I forgot to tag her, but she's already reserved - sorry!

I can knock 20k off the price of each dragon since you're offering sylestia, so that's 150k Sylestia gold each, for a total of 900k for White/lav/white unnamed skydancer, Kiro, Gamble, Glen, Talamir, and Lillium. ^^
Edited By Strike on 4/8/2015 at 1:45 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/9/2013
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Posted: 4/8/2015 at 1:50 AM Post #30
Hmm I really shouldn't spend more than 300k gold... Trying to save for the festival! Would you like to look through my stables and see if there's anything that catches your eye? Most of what's in my main stable is off limits, but the majority of the rest I'd be willing to bargain with! If not I'll probably just pick two of the dragons. :3
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