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Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > [S] Male Nephini, Several 2vis2carry!
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Level 68
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Posted: 1/22/2014 at 12:41 AM Post #21
I see! That makes a lot of sense. Too bad the fabled Sylesti breeding and selling markets are all somewhat limited.

For me, I'm a little iffy about using pet dyes. I have terrible luck with the lesser ones, and the color swings are huge. It was a little hard to see my gold and scales pouring down the drain. T_T
Level 70
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Posted: 1/22/2014 at 12:57 AM Post #22
They're usually not. x: Via pet search and toiling manual searches, they're rampant, I'd think. But due to pet economy fanatics, they wanna put a stop to that. xD;

For me, I'm not too worried about color swings. I'm not dead-set on certain colors (like those colors on your project were super specific xD). In this case, using essences is the better option.
Level 68
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Posted: 1/22/2014 at 1:09 AM Post #23
I don't mind paying more for pets, since it really is a little ridiculous how some really nice multi-vis pets sell for so little. But paying 20 or 50k for a breeding that you don't even know will turn out reasonably well is just a little... :/

Yeah, I guess so. For me, if the parents can't turn out breeding project offspring within an acceptable range of color, then they need to be dyed. And even with enhanced essences, the Divine Light Griffi ate away at my dyes. They cleared me allllll out. -_-
Level 70
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Posted: 1/22/2014 at 10:07 AM Post #24
I can always let you breed with my Nephini. o: I'm sure that out there, there's people who can breed cheaper.

I mean, for me, gold isn't an issue because I don't have diamonds, so I work with gold mainly. That's why I think breeding without essences is efficient and fun. Having diamonds is different.
Level 68
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Posted: 1/22/2014 at 10:23 AM Post #25
Might take you up on that offer sometime, just waiting for my nephinis to grow up. You're always welcome to see if you want to breed with any of mine. ;)

I like breeding without essences too, but only when I don't have a specific goal in mind. Most of them don't turn out too impressive though haha. XD
Level 70
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Posted: 1/22/2014 at 4:44 PM Post #26
xD The thing with pets here is that for me, colors are forever. Someone can magically come up with combinations of colors that work. Getting the traits on the pets are a different story!

Level 68
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Posted: 1/22/2014 at 9:05 PM Post #27
True enough. I guess I'm just pickier about it in that both traits and colors matter in breeding. If you're getting the traits onto a pet, why not make sure they will be pretty too, you know?
Level 70
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Posted: 1/22/2014 at 11:50 PM Post #28
True that. o:

Sometimes the greatest daddies have the...weirdest color schemes. xD
Level 68
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Posted: 1/23/2014 at 2:55 AM Post #29
Yup, it's like that situation in which weird x weird = beautiful. XD

Also, are you going to enter the spring festival pet gene/mutation contest? :D
Level 70
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Posted: 1/23/2014 at 7:09 AM Post #30
Mmhmm lol, already submitted my avatar idea. o: need to find time to sketch the g/m
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