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Level 62
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:40 AM Post #11
Angel 1 - Cian

Male || Antiquity store || Rank 5
Cold, he see himself as an observator of the world instead of beind part of it. He often refere to others as 'human' instead of using their proper name, even if he know them for a long time.

He is a perfectionist and a bit of a cleaning freak. Dirt and leaves don't bother him as long as they stay where they belong, outside. He won't let himself be less then perfect, it is what he is supposed to be and how he is supposed to act as an angel. Obviously this obsession is less then healthy for anyone and his mindset is affecting any relation he have with people around him.
He is studiying literature and languages in his free time


Misty Dream
A cloudy mist goes out onto all opponents and puts them asleep for one hit/ turn or for 30 seconds.
-50 mana

Lunar Beam
Send beams that hit all of your opponents and deal 100% more damage. More powerful in moonlight.
-150 mana

Crescent Slash
Two slashes are dealt out, dealing 150% more damage to all enemies and has a 25% chance of causing bleeding for one hit. It is more powerful under a crescent moon.
-275 mana

Blade Storm
A storm of weapons rain down on the opponents, striking or crushing them. It deals 250% more damage than a normal attack to all opponents.
-500 mana

Health - 100
Speed - 0
Attack - 0
Defense - 300
Mana - 100
Resilience -
Magic - 300

Friendly || Respectful || Supporting. She is much older than she looks and is thought to be close to death. She enjoys telling stories and seeing children grow so she feels some importance.
Edited By IvyCat on 7/22/2018 at 1:32 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
Threads: 106
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:41 AM Post #12
Angel 2 - LivingInMyOwnReality
Kayden Valence

Female || Tattoo Artist || Wings || Rank 5
She is very smart and somewhat lazy, she likes to smoke and is very carefree. She enjoys exploring and is very in shape, despite her skinny frame. She dislikes being in places surround by lots of people, as she starts to feel nervous. She prefers to be with one or two very close friends and with those people she will trust anything with them. She will always try to find shortcuts around doing things and is very resourceful. She wears a red sweatshirt a lot to hide her wings. She has studied basic art, English, maths, basic history, basic science, basic coding and basic German


Sacred Prayer
Heal a single ally for 50% of their health
-50 mana

Blessed Touch
Give all allies an attack boost of 50% and heal them for 10%
-150 mana

Holy Judgement
Deal 150% damage to all enemies by shooting light out of the sky. More effective at daytime. Inflicts Peaceful Weed which drains the enemies heal and restores the ally with the weakest health
-275 mana

Forest's Hand
Heal all allies to full health.
-500 mana

Health - 3000
Speed - 300
Attack - 0
Defense - 0
Mana - 100
Resilience - 0
Magic - 0

Mrs Valentina Valence

Mr Alfred Valence

Master Jayden Valence

Male || 18 || Friendly || Funny || Excitable || Teasing
Edited By IvyCat on 7/23/2018 at 3:38 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
Threads: 106
Posts: 23,715
Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:41 AM Post #13
Angel 3 - Dracontamer
Aidan Raziel Lenore

Male || Veterinarian || Wings || Rank 5
For personality he is intelligent, observational, doesn't really value live he would work towards his goals helping a couple others along the way. He is very scientific and can be cold and calculating. Advanced Math, basic history, basic latin, basic music, basic science, and basic biology


Radiant Shield
It is a shield that increases your defense by 50%/ decreases your damage by 50% it lasts for 5 hits when attacked. It slows movement by 10% and only protects you
-50 mana

Blunt Assault
A slicing attack, deals 100% more damage than a usual attack. It has a 10% chance to stun the enemy and let you attack them again.
-150 mana

Soul Protector
More powerful when touching the ground, it gives all allies around you a protecting barrier around their skin that increases their defense by 50% for 3 hits
-275 mana

Fate Sealer
Attacks all enemies. It inflicts Lights Verdict which lowers their defense by 25% for 3 hits. It also deals 150% of damage
-500 mana

Health - 100
Speed - 0
Attack - 0
Defense - 300
Mana - 100
Resilience - 300
Magic - 0

Mrs Beatrice Lenore

Kind || Quiet || Often ill. She is very caring and will do anything to help others, she is always very kind, but she is growing old and is ill often now.
Mr John Lenore

Sweet || Funny || Friendly. he is welcoming of all, but has no idea how to fight. he would still be willign to sacrifice himself for his family in any way possible.
Edited By IvyCat on 7/22/2018 at 1:26 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
Threads: 106
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:41 AM Post #14
Angel 4 - Grapejuice

Female || Curio shop || Wings || Rank 5
She is quiet and generally very withdrawn, for an angel she doesn't really exude hope and love and all that.
She tends to lean more towards sad and troubled emotions, having a soft spot for those people but finding it hard to find sympathy for those who have a fairly ordered and easy life. She doesn't divulge anything about herself unless she considers you a very close friend. She has studied psychology and biology.


Swift Strike
Hits one opponent for 100% more damage.
-50 mana

Heavy Blow
Jump up in the air and crush your opponents skull, or damage it at least. Deals 250% more damage. 10% chance to stun
-150 mana

Divine Wrath
Send a sword to pierce them. Deals 300% more damage.
-275 mana

Bright Morth
Sends a ball of light at them to consume them, deals 300% more damage and has a 25% chance to turn them into an animal for a single hit/ turn

Health - 100
Speed - 0
Attack - 300
Defense - 0
Mana - 100
Resilience - 300
Magic - 0

Miss Lena

Cheerful || Active || Energetic || Motivational. She didn't study hard or do well at school, but she still makes a good wage and lives alone. She wants to have an adventure and is always really excited.
Edited By IvyCat on 7/22/2018 at 1:28 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 140
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:42 AM Post #15
Demons 1 - IvyCat

Rosetta Turano

Wings + Other demonic parts

They are made of dark crystals
Dark gem crystals also start growing under her eyes/ top of her cheeks and her forehead.

She is very shy and quiet, striving to do the best at all times and be perfect. She is always very serious and doesn't understand how to take a joke, but if you level with her and still act maturely she will come attached to you immediately. She is very patriotic towards Italy and will sometimes wear the flag on her cheek as a sign. Rosetta is usually very friendly if you approach her, although she can be anxious approaching others.

Rosetta does have some anger issues, if you act immaturely, disobey rules regularly or are just in general disrespectful she get angry quickly and will learn to despise you. She holds grudges for a long time, her motto is forget but never forgive.
Rosetta tends to crave attention, she puts herself down so others will compliment her and will take any hate she receives to heart.

She doesn't follow a human religion but knows some laws by heart, she is determined to learn any law she can and use them when possible. Rosetta is fond of nature and loves taking midnight walks. She plans on getting a firefly tattoo on he shoulder when she can afford a good artist. She loves human company as well. She does tend to be classified as "weird" but she doesn't mind.
Her goal is to be perfect, like an angel, because humans love angels but hate demons. She hates the fact she is a demon, but puts up with it. She can get a bit demonic and blackmail, stalk or go full yandere mode sometimes, especially when she likes someone..

I.. made the rules, so x3
She attended scouts as a kid and lives in a pretty average family. She never let her get in trouble or do anything other than perfect scores, beating herself up when she didn't get them.
She is going into working as an army officer.
She is also Italian and has a strong accent.

Burning Shadow
+3 defence
+3 health

Smoke armor
Unlocked at level magic 0
A cloud of hardened smoke that protect you or one target, dividing the damage receved by 50%, last five turns.
-50 mana

Back Stab
Unlocked at level magic 3
a quick blow that double the usual damages, have 25% chance to increase your speed.
-150 mana

Edited By Cian on 7/27/2018 at 3:46 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 140
Posts: 16,031
Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:42 AM Post #16
Demons 2 - Dragongem23

Her demon parts are her eye color,her tail which she keeps usually wrapped around her waist or stomach,her long nails and fangs that she files down on a daily basis to keep them somewhat normal looking and the fact that she has a double jointed foot allowing her to have flat feet or turn her heel up so it look like high heels.
Personality:She very stubborn and snarky a lot.She enjoys making others frustrated with jokes and mumbled a lot to herself.She is very leith,agile and sly.
Other:Her nicknames are:Loki(Pronouced Lo-kai) and snark mouth(She doesn't like this one).She enjoys tryi out different hairstyles so they may vary depending on what she does.
Her job is being hired for acrobatics,her side job is making and selling art/clothes(She makes all her coustume a for performances)


+ 3 magic
+3 speed

Shadow parade
Unlocked at magic level 0
Make a screen of moving shadow around the foes, decrease their accuracy of 25% for two turns.
- 60 mana
Edited By Cian on 8/16/2018 at 10:50 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 140
Posts: 16,031
Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:43 AM Post #17
Demons 3 - Enyo
Samael "Sam" Silver



Wings + Other demonic parts

.He has a long tail and clawed feet, kind of like on this picture. He also has black wings. (but ignore the sword, and he has no horns, since I think it would probably be too complicated to hide! ).


Even if he often seems charming or seductive, in truth he is manipulative. He is intelligent, cunning, proud. He likes sarcasm. He has a bad temper. He is sporty and outdoorsy. He likes fighting and is a good fighter. He can hold grudge for a very long time, and would seek revenge if he feels that he has been wronged. He does not follow laws and rules, and hate having to follow orders. He sees himself as better than humans, and he find angels annoying, especially when they are seen as perfect pure beings.

He is deeply loyal towards the few people he cares about, though, and even if he makes a very bad follower, he would probably make a good leader if he was given the chance. He likes nature, and he likes animals more than humans.


I am not sure what my scientists name should be, I am guessing that I have to make up one: Nathaniel West.

He grew up in a large and dysfunctional family.

Even if it can seem weird for a demon, he works at an animal shelter.

Soul Judge
+ 3 attack
+ 3 health

Slicing blow
Unlocked at magic level 0
Hit a target for 75 % damage, 15 % chance to inflict bleeding
-50 mana
Edited By Cian on 8/16/2018 at 10:54 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 140
Posts: 16,031
Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:43 AM Post #18
Demons 4 - Sheerakat006

Sometimes known as 'Azoth' or 'quicksilver'



Wings + Other demonic parts

Has horns like this guy the same colour as his hair, meaning you have to look really hard to see them.
and wings like the wings this person has but small enough to hide under a hoodie.

Very sadistic and negative. Is sure that humanity is going to wipe itself out and intends to grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. Has a strong dislike of the "greedy humans" as he calls people. When he's in the mood, he enjoys playing with and tormenting his 'prey'. He also greatly appreciates dark humour. His weakness is greatly underestimating humans.

*insert scientist name* Dr Samuel Kashikoi
Is slightly colour blind in his left eye.
Due to being a dog trainer, he has dogs in his house most of the time.

He enjoys being around animals with their simple nature and predictive behaviour, unlike humans. He works as a guard dog trainer. He has studied biology and maths to quite an extent but only has a very basic knowledge of other subjects. One day he would like to become a vet.

Edited By Cian on 8/26/2018 at 12:26 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 12:12 PM Post #19
Rosetta Turano

Wings + Other demonic parts

They are made of dark crystals
Dark gem crystals also start growing under her eyes/ top of her cheeks and her forehead.

She is very shy and quiet, striving to do the best at all times and be perfect. She is always very serious and doesn't understand how to take a joke, but if you level with her and still act maturely she will come attached to you immediately. She is very patriotic towards Italy and will sometimes wear the flag on her cheek as a sign. Rosetta is usually very friendly if you approach her, although she can be anxious approaching others.

Rosetta does have some anger issues, if you act immaturely, disobey rules regularly or are just in general disrespectful she get angry quickly and will learn to despise you. She holds grudges for a long time, her motto is forget but never forgive.
Rosetta tends to crave attention, she puts herself down so others will compliment her and will take any hate she receives to heart.

She doesn't follow a human religion but knows some laws by heart, she is determined to learn any law she can and use them when possible. Rosetta is fond of nature and loves taking midnight walks. She plans on getting a firefly tattoo on he shoulder when she can afford a good artist. She loves human company as well. She does tend to be classified as "weird" but she doesn't mind.
Her goal is to be perfect, like an angel, because humans love angels but hate demons. She hates the fact she is a demon, but puts up with it. She can get a bit demonic and blackmail, stalk or go full yandere mode sometimes, especially when she likes someone..

I.. made the rules, so x3
She attended scouts as a kid and lives in a pretty average family. She never let her get in trouble or do anything other than perfect scores, beating herself up when she didn't get them.
She is going into working as an army officer.
She is also Italian and has a strong accent.
Edited By IvyCat on 7/23/2018 at 12:57 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 140
Posts: 16,031
Posted: 6/13/2018 at 12:20 PM Post #20
Name Orion
Gender: Male

Wings + Other angelic parts (in the same picture)

Personality : Cold, he see himself as an observator of the world instead of beind part of it. He often refere to others as 'human' instead of using their proper name, even if he know them for a long time.

He is a perfectionist and a bit of a cleaning freek. Dirt and leaves don't bother him as long as they stay where they belong, outside. He won't let himself be less then perfect, it is what he is suposed to be and how he is suposed to act as an angel. Obviously this obcession is less then healty for anyone and his mindset is affecting any relation he have with people aroun him.

Past school/ subjects done : He is studiying literature and languages in his free time
Family you live with : An old lady that he call Gramma or just Ma for short.
Other : nothing for the moment
Job : work in an antiquity store
Edited By Cian on 6/13/2018 at 1:24 PM.
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