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Forum Index > Item Marketplace > [S] FR Dragons/Etc. for Sylestia Anythin...
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Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 3:25 PM Post #11
The imperial female is 50k in FR treasure, but I can do 30k for her since I'm leaving. In Sylestia gold, that's 150k.

Algorithm and Foxfire are two of the most valuable dragons I have, because of their max level and good colors (about 400k each). However, 300k each is okay with me - in Sylestia gold, that's 1.5 mil each. ^^;

If that's alright with you, I'll go ahead and reserve them for you.

Feel free to haggle down, however.
Edited By Strike on 4/7/2015 at 3:26 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 7/30/2014
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 3:28 PM Post #12
Can you reserve Foxfire and the female Imperial only? I don't have enough gold for all three dragons.
So Foxfire and the Imperial girl will be 350k all together?

Sorry misread the post. I can do 150k for the female. Would you take an enhanced griffi essence for Foxfire
Edited By Shankbone on 4/7/2015 at 3:31 PM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 3:33 PM Post #13
Yes, the imperial girl and Foxfire together will be 350k, or in Sylestia gold, 1.65 mil. Let me know your username when you sign up and I'll send them over. ^-^

EDIT: Saw your edit a bit late, haha. 150k for the imperial and an enhanced griffi essence for Foxfire will be just fine. c:
Edited By Strike on 4/7/2015 at 3:35 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 3:48 PM Post #14
Ok I'll give you the essence and gold tommorrow, when I make the account
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 3:52 PM Post #15
Alright, sounds good. I've noted you down, just message me with your account name tomorrow.
Level 75
The Majestic
Joined: 7/20/2014
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 7:27 PM Post #16
Hello, I see that some of your dragons have apparel/skins. Is this for sale as well?
Level 67
Joined: 3/30/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 9:01 PM Post #17
Hello again. I perused your dragons. Here's the ones I'm interested in, so we could discuss prices on the chance that I get an account made tomorrow.

I fancy: Atria, Algorithm, Maloch, #9305731, #11026192, #11901784

What would you be looking for, for those 6?

Edit: Also, are you looking for avatar or inventory items, or pets? (I have a punch of projects and themes I'd be happy to breed for you)
Edited By Talyn on 4/7/2015 at 9:18 PM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 10:44 PM Post #18
Right now, I'm not looking for any inventory/apparel/pets in particular, but if it sells for a good price without much effort, I'll look at it. :D Overall I prefer pure currency though.

The three unnamed dragons are 50k each in FR terms, but I can knock 20k off of each since you're offering sylestia stuff. So that's 150k each Sylestia gold, or 450k total for the unnameds. Maloch, Atria, and Algorithm are a bit more pricey; Maloch and Atria are worth 300k FR each and Algy is worth 400k. The "sylestia discount" brings their price down to 200k FR each for Maloch and Atria, and 300k FR for Algy. That's

1 mil gold = Atria
1 mil gold = Maloch
1.5 mil gold = Algorithm
150k treasure * 3 = 450k gold = The three unnamed dragons

total = 3.95 mil for all the dragons. ^^ However, I'll happily haggle or take items/etc. in place of some cash.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/1/2015
Threads: 134
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 10:46 PM Post #19
Yes, they're for sale. All skins/accents I have are 250k each (500g * 1:500), but for sylestia I'll go 150k each.
I just didn't list them because 1) I forgot, 2) didn't think people would be interested haha.
Level 67
Joined: 3/30/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2015 at 11:09 PM Post #20
Hmm... I believe some of my pets may sell well, but sales is entirely subjective, so I guess if you want to search my hatchery you can look around. I generally look at my wheel themes (I currently have two themes in there, Royal Viola Aeridini and Golden Clover Griffi) as worth around 250-500k but I'm not sure current market. Otherwise, gold and selling items it is.

Give me a moment to look at my stuff and I can see what I can offer outside of pure gold. ^^

I have:
600 diamonds for Algorithm, for sure.

Potential items if you're interested (and their market value)
2 Regular Nephini Essences (600k total)
1 Enhanced Griffi Essence (1.5mil)
5-8 Lesser Mutators (50k each)
1 Enhance Bulbori Essence (400k)
5 Lesser Pet Dyes (75k-100k each)
Edited By Talyn on 4/7/2015 at 11:17 PM.
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