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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Runaways (not the band)
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Level 62
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 10/14/2019
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 9:28 PM Post #1
Closed! Sorry, we have a maximum amount of characters currently.

Welcome y'all to Runaways! This isn't the band, Runaways btw.

What this is about:
100 years into the future, humans biology hasn't changed one bit, but the technology has. The biggest change is the nanobots. At 17 years old, the chip is inserted into the human brain, making communication, work, and just technology in general easier. Only things is the government is using this as mind control, so the world is nothing more than their puppets. But, a group of kids aged 8 to 14 years old figured this out and want no part in it. The only safe place is the massive forest left behind in Europe. So the kids ran to live their lives freely. But, the government was outraged, so they now hunt them, and they will never give up until those kids are theirs....

Age (8 to 14):

Name: Nellie
Age (8 to 14): 13 years old.
Gender: Female
Crush: Jazzy, previously Azrail Smith
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: Brave, creative, feisty, stubborn, and loyal as heck.
Backstory: Nellie witnessed firsthand the horrors of the nanochip. Her big sister, who was once an expressive, kind girl, is now a monotone husk. She never wants that happening to her or her friends.
Other: She is an amazing cello player.
Edited By Darkishcold on 10/9/2020 at 12:08 PM.
Level 18
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Posted: 9/26/2020 at 1:10 AM Post #2

Prudence Gile




Born Female, Non-binary.


None, good luck.


(They stand at 5'4 and has a couple of small piercings in their ears. They also have a very worried look on their face, constantly. They have a small scar on their left cheek and their right arm is replaced by a prosthetic. Usually found in orange overalls and an old, light brown hat with a green feather in it, and hiking boots.)


Aromantic, Pansexual.


Prudence is a very reserved, worried person, they can't stand to see others in trouble because of them. They are a hard worker and they are driven to help as much as they can. Prudence is actually intensely smart for their age and they are skilled in machinery- though they are horrible with communication and their usual language around the others are half started sentences and panicked yelps. They have trusted very few people enough to actually talk to them, though their voice is still very quiet and shakey. It's even harder for them to trust somebody after they watched their family change. But when they actually trust someone enough they are a very bubbly and happy person, often doing their best to help those certain people out. They get protective over these people and will do anything to get them out of the way of danger, not brave/strong enough to actually fight for them.


Prudence was born without their right arm, so at the age of eight, their older brother made them their new arm (Though he forgot the pinky finger.). He taught them as much as he could about machines. (They had four older siblings, her oldest brother and the triplets that had just recently got the chip.) When their brother got the chip, they didn't notice the change yet. But recently, when the Triplets got the chip, they noticed the change, and got scared, so they left. Though, on the way out they accidentally got caught on a branch, hence the scar on their cheek.


They have a long pole that they use to vault themself up into a hole in the side of a cliff where they keep what little they have.
Edited By Blacklightmessenger on 9/29/2020 at 10:19 AM.
Level 34
Joined: 9/8/2020
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Posted: 9/26/2020 at 7:48 AM Post #3
Name: Asuriel Temeluch
Age (8 to 14): 12, nearly 13
Gender: Female
Crush: none
Appearance: will ad a pic later, Light brown hair, blue eyes. ref pic will have wings, I am repurposing an old angle OC but in-game she won't have the wings. black ring she always wears on her right middle finger.
Sexuality: Asexual, demi romantic
Personality: Very serious, acts older than she should have to and tries to take on a lot of responsibility. often worries about the rest of the group. She is extremely stressed and constantly worries that the group might not survive, especially the younger ones, however, if you can distract her, a side that hasn't been seen in a long time will reveal its self. she enjoys reading, and like a lot of "older" stories (some being older as in from our time, others legitimately being older to us). She's loyal to a fault, and while shes often non-confrontational, she will fight to the end for what she belives
Backstory: After hearing others stories of what the nanochip does she became wary, and after seeing it herself in the older sibling of a friend, and later in one of her older cousins, she agreed to leave with the group. She collected every old book she could find on wilderness skills, using plants for medicine, hunting, especially with traps, and similar. Before leaving, she went through the internet and her parent's office, attempting to destroy any thing with her name and face on it. She took a bag of her grandmother and great uncle's old scouting stuff, including two knives, two flint and steel, two mess kits, one of which could double as cookware a boy scouts guide book, and a box of matches. She also took an old sleeping bag, and some rolled up blankets.
Other: She brought two backpack, one with cloth items and one with the old books and scouting stuff. she also will often take one of the younger children's packs if it gets to heavy for them

Edit: If we can have multiple characters:

Name: Seren Volans
Age (8 to 14): 8
Gender: male
Crush: none
Appearance: dark brown hair and eyes, freckles across his nose, Pic to be added
Sexuality: straight biromantic
Personality: goofy, playful, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand how serious this is.
Backstory: He is Asuriel's younger cousin, and while he's the oldest of his siblings, he has seen the effect of the chips on an older cousin. He helped Asuriel find their grandparent's old stuff and packed mainly food.
Other: Despite being one of the youngest in the group, he's been teaching himself to cook. He also brought two packs and always refuses Asuriel's offers to help carry his stuff, wanting to be as much of a help as possible. one pack contains mainly food and other supplies for cooking and cleaning, the other is his clothing and notebooks in which he copied down recipes and guides for finding food in the wilderness. He has very small, neat handwriting compared to Asuriel.
Edited By Theatretechnerd on 10/9/2020 at 5:15 PM.
Level 62
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 10/14/2019
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Posted: 9/26/2020 at 8:40 AM Post #4
You are both accepted, both seem interesting for the story and we only need 1 one more person to get started.
Level 34
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Posted: 9/26/2020 at 12:48 PM Post #5
Hey, T, this one should be fun, join us!
Level 34
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Posted: 9/26/2020 at 3:53 PM Post #6
Hey, can we have multiple characters?
Level 57
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Posted: 9/26/2020 at 5:31 PM Post #7
Name: Jack
Age (8 to 14): 8 1/2 years old
Gender: male
Crush: Seren
Sexuality: bisexual, but clearly likes guys better
Personality: chatty and has a hard time shutting up, friendly, trusting, loyal, and a bit clingy. Gets emotionally hurt easily.
Backstory: hasn't had anything too bad happen to him yet so he's a big bundle of cheer that has yet to be brought down. Is here because his sister wanted to make sure he was safe. Broke an arm a while earlier.
Other: has a stuffed toy tiger named Tiggs that he will never leave. (not my art/picture)

Name: Jazzlyn (feel free to call her Jazzy, Jaz, Jay Jay)
Age (8 to 14): 13 3/4 years old
Gender: female
Crush: Nellie
Sexuality: pansexual
Personality: brash, never gonna give up, determined, overconfident, a bit cold and can be harsh unintentionally, loves people. Is like s pineapple, pokey on the outside, soft and sweet on the inside.
Backstory: once she figured it out, she immediately thought of her brother and felt she needed to get him out. Almost lost her life in the process and is recovering, though she won't admit when she is tired or in pain.
Other: Will willingly lay her life down for Nellie and Jack. (not my art/picture)
Edited By Scoutwolf on 10/9/2020 at 2:35 PM.
Level 62
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 10/14/2019
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Posted: 9/26/2020 at 5:53 PM Post #8
I really like these characters, accepted. Let's start!
Level 34
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Posted: 9/27/2020 at 4:36 PM Post #9
Hey, I have some friends who are not on sylestia that I think would love this. Is it alright if I use this plot for a rp in my friend group's discord server? I will make sure to credit you and try to direct them here first, and only run a separate version if they don't want to join sylestia.
Level 62
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 10/14/2019
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Posted: 9/27/2020 at 10:45 PM Post #10
Actually this was a test of an idea I had and would rather keep it here, since if this goes well I have further plans for it. I hope you understand.
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