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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > Winter Discovery
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Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
Threads: 62
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Posted: 12/22/2019 at 3:45 PM Post #1
Warning Image Heavy
Characters playing: 1/7
(not my image)

In the far northern regions of the of the world we know lies the land of ice and snow. The five herds are not just normal horses all have a special power depending on the herd. The Evergreen herd's power involves plant life, the Zephyr herd depends on slight air magic, the Aurora herd specializes in light magic, the Crystal herd relies on snow and ice magic, the last herd but certainly not the least is a newcomer to the herds; the Vulpin herd are jacks of all trades specializing in none with basic knowalge of all herds. In the winter wonderland five heards live in peace until their home is exposed by explorers. You are a horse from one of the herds.

I am the narrator so what I write is law
No cussing
Try to use proper grammer/ no text talk (I'm not expecting perfect but make sure I can read it please)
Keep things pg-13
No overpowered characters (no invincible)
If you read the rules put your favorite animal somewhere.
Interacting with other players is not likely
Please bold or quote my posts and ping me

Skills (You have 20 skill points you must use at least ten use them wisely because a new skill is difficult to come by):
Foraging (finding food and water):

Sign ups (PM me your forum):
Description or picture:

Cactustoesss's character--- Dove
Edited By Starpup5 on 5/29/2020 at 3:36 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
Threads: 62
Posts: 32,739
Posted: 12/22/2019 at 3:53 PM Post #2
Current season: Spring

Predators are more likely to attack, food is more dificult to find, tempatures are colder, and water is frozen solid in many lakes and streams. Tracks are easier to locate as well for both predator and prey.
Steep, rugged, rock filled with hardly any trails. Few preators are likely to live in the mountains because of the harsh conditions. There is less food on the mountain as well but snow is abundant.
Smooth terrain with trees in it. Predators are abundant here because the amount of prey. There are a few trees for protection. Tracking is easier here.
Located in the mountains caves can be both safeheavens and predator traps. Food is not often found in caves aside from mushrooms which can be poisonous. Water can sometimes be found as well but it maybe contaminated. Tracking varies from cave to cave.
Predators are commonly found here because of the amount of food and water. Tracking can be easy or difficult depending on the time of year.
Plenty of water and fish in the lake and rivers that flow to it. Beware of flooding after heavy rains or rapid snowmelt. Plants grow in abundance around the lake.
(not my pictures)
Edited By Starpup5 on 4/2/2020 at 1:48 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
Threads: 62
Posts: 32,739
Posted: 12/22/2019 at 3:53 PM Post #3
Thank you so much Goldennautilus for all your help with the magic behavior.
Magic Behavior
The Evergreen herd-
Memebers of this herd have a deep connection with plant life. At its most basic level, it allows these horses to 'communicate' with flora (i.e. gain insight about what events have happened to or nearby said plant) and enhance plant growth. More adept individuals can revive dead plants and have control over certian types of plants (particularly vines and tendrils).

These powers are enhanced or weakened depending on wheather. Sunlight and rain are favorable, though periods of intense heat, cold, flooding, or drought are hinderances.

The Zephyr herd-
Memebers of this herd have learned how to bridle and utilize the wind. At the most basic level, Zypher herd horses are able to bend the flow of air immidiately around them, allowing them to run faster. With practice, horses can learn how to control stronger gusts of wind to the point where a few gifted indivduals can call forth whirlwinds.

If the entire herd unites efforts, they are capable of causing tornados. This is ill advised, of course. It is important to note that large-scale, localized changes in wind direction can spell catathrophe for the surrounding areas in terms of wheather. Memebers of the Zypher herd must be very careful of their magic usage.

Additionally, wind-based magic is more reliable if the user works with the wind rather than against it. For example, a gust of wind becomes much stronger if the natural wind is already moving in that direction.

The Aurora herd-
The Auroura Herd likely has the most complicated magic of the five herds. Light magic in its most basic form can cause temporary local illusions such as a bush that was not originally there. Other feats more advanced users can accomplish are redirecting light to the point of using at as an attack that would temperarily blind an opponet or confuse them. During the event of an eclipse light magic is negated.

Additionally, light based-magic is more reliable in a well lit area such as the valley during dawn or a full moon. It is weakest when light is dimmest such as on a new moon or in a poorly lit cave.

The Crystal herd-
Members of this herd are masters of ice and snow. At a basic level, these horses are able to freeze water upon contact. The more skilled the horse is, the more water then can freeze at once. Other feats more advanced users can accomplish include chilling the air around them, momentarialy petrifying objects in ice, and causing local hail or snow by freezing water in the air.

Ice based magic works best at night, though it does not work well in places that are too hot or dry.

The Vulpin herd-
Jack of all trades, master of none, the Vulpin herd has a combination of different abilities, though skill level varies from individual to individual. The most typical magic abilities are the ability to 'communicate' with plants, run faster by altering air flow, freezing small amounts of water upon contact.

Interestingly, while all weaknesses of the other types of magic aply to the Vulpin herd, external elements don't seem to hinder theit magic as much as they do other herds, despite the fact that a Vulpin herd member can never master a given skill.

Known Characters

Name: Holly
Description or picture:
White and brown paint horse with a brown mane and tail.
Age: 9
Personality: Holly is very loyal to the Evergreen herd, kind to those in her herd and young ones not in her herd, she is willing to defend her herd with her life. Dislikes sending herd members out of the herd but will if necessary.
Herd: Evergreen Herd
Abilities: Leadership, courage, kindness, master of plant magic, loyalty, and wisedom.
Gender: Mare
Other: Leader of the Evergreen Herd

Name: Whirlwind
Description or picture: Grey horse with dapples with a light grey mane and tail.
Age: 10
Personality: Whirlwind is stubborn but good at heart only trying to do what is best for his herd. He is wise due to years of experiance. Whirlwind tries to help his herd much like the leader before him.
Herd: Zephyr Herd
Abilities: Air magic, Wisedom, loyalty, insperation, courage, fighting.
Gender: Stallion
Other: Leader of the Zephyr Herd

Name: Orpheus
Description or picture: (Dark coat almost black with a curly mane and tail that are tipped with brown)
Age: 10
Personality: The most mysterious of the five leaders perfering to keep it that way. What is known about him is that he is a no-nonsense leader who is very wise while being loyal and couragous for his herd.
Herd: Aurora Herd
Abilities: Navitgation by starlight, wisedom, light magic, stealth, courage, and loyalty
Gender: Stallion
Other: Leader of the Aurora Herd

Name: Diamond
Description or picture: Pure white horse with a few light grey dapples with a white mand and tail.
Age: 8
Personality: Much like her namesake she has a hard outer shell which can make her come off as aloof but when the shell is cracked a kind, stern, wise, couragous, and loyal mare is discovered.
Herd: Crystal Herd
Abilities: Ice magic, wisedom, past reflection, courage, loyalty.
Gender: Mare
Other: Leader of the Crystal Herd

Name: Vulpes
Description or picture: Bay mare with light brown mane and tail.
Age: 5
Personality: Vulpes is a younger mare that is impulsive, cunning, not above tricking others to reach her goals, loyal to those who are loyal to her, and above all she is lucky.
Herd: Vulpin Herd
Abilities: Covering tracks, loyalty, courage, cunning, knows basic magic of all the herds.
Gender: Mare
Other: Leader of the Vulpin Herd

(Not my pictures)
Edited By Starpup5 on 1/3/2020 at 5:16 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
Threads: 62
Posts: 32,739
Posted: 12/22/2019 at 3:59 PM Post #4
Known Characters

Name: Arien
Description or picture:
Personality: Arien is a friendly, nieve, clever, yearling. He is not a leader but a follower at his young age. Arien enjoys nothing more then galloping.
Age: Yearling
Herd: Aurora Herd
Gender: Stallion
Other: Discovered by Cricket (Serenitylichen)

Name: Raven
Description or picture: Pure black mare with two white hind socks
Personality: Shy, wise, understanding of nature and its ways, mysterious
Age: Five years old
Herd: None but association with the Evergreen herd
Gender: Mare
Other: She is completly blind
Edited By Starpup5 on 2/11/2020 at 7:28 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
Threads: 62
Posts: 32,739
Posted: 12/25/2019 at 6:22 PM Post #5
Reserved for known enemies and discovered enemies

Intruders (explorers)- Have ropes, live in the ship on the coast,

Cogars- Sharp claws, sharp fangs, fast, stealthy
Edited By Starpup5 on 1/24/2020 at 4:16 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
Threads: 62
Posts: 32,739
Posted: 12/25/2019 at 6:23 PM Post #6
Reserved for character profiles (None of these pictures are mine. Warning image heavy)

Serenitylichen's character












(Made in Doll Divine- Fantasy Horse Maker)
Cricket is a black based horse with a chestnut-brown brindle and black patches. His eye are a gold-brown colour. His mane and tail have a chestnut-brown at the base that fades to black. Cricket's ears are pierced and carry white quartz studs.

Cricket is a very kind horse, though he doesn't show it much in front of the adults. To the elders and adults of his age and between, he is very rude/stubborn and proud. He doesn't like to admit when he is wrong and he does not much care for loyalty, though there are a few who have captured it. Cricket does not have much of a sense of humor, but he jokes about almost anything- Even at the most inappropriate times.


The Crystal Herd

Agility | Caring | Foraging | Speed | Stamina | Wisdom


Agility- Though he can't move as quickly and easily as other horses, he can move.
Caring- Cricket has a big heart, even if the adults don't see it. Anything injured, be it predator or prey, he goes out of his way to help. If an adult is around, he doesn't help immediately.
Foraging- He's one of the best Foragers around. Looking for a blackberry bush or an apple tree? He knows where the closest one is to the south of the lakes.
Speed- Cricket can move pretty fast compared to the foals, but challenged to a race by one of the adults? Yeah he looses automatically unless their agility and stamina is lower than his.
Stamina- This horse can move for days.Unless his chaser has great stamina, he can outrun any predator that comes his way.
Wisdom- Cricket gives out pretty good advice to the foals. Although, if they ask about something that involves being stealthy, he politely turns them away because he cannot help.

Cricket is the odd one of the bunch. Though he hosts the magic of Ice, he can't actually use it.

Hope I can still sign up ^-^


Caring: 1
Communication: 4
Foraging: 4
Magic: 2
Maternal: 4
Speed: 2
Strength: 3

Sign ups-
Cactustoesss's Character
Name: Dove
Description or picture:

Personality: Dove is a kind horse who is willing to take anyone who needs help under her wing. She is very trusting of strangers and will be nice unless they're rude to her or try to take advantage of her kindness. She has learned a lot from the horses and creatures she meets and plans on keeping and using her knowledge. She is extremely loyal and expects friends to be loyal as well
Age: 10
Herd: Zypher
Abilities: Caring|Communication|Foraging|Magic|Maternal|Speed|Strength
Gender: Female
Caring - Dove cares about other horses enough to befriend them and car for them but she won't go and die for a horse she just met
Communication - She's pretty skillful in communication
Foraging - Need something found? This is your girl, she could find a specific mushroom in the middle of the night
Magic - Dove can use magic but isn't very skilled with it
Maternal - She is very maternal and caring, willing t take in any foal and act like a mother figure to others
Speed - She isn't the fastest but she's faster than some
Strength - See above
Staminia 1
Edited By Starpup5 on 5/13/2020 at 2:51 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
Threads: 62
Posts: 32,739
Posted: 1/3/2020 at 12:18 PM Post #7
The Crystal herd is currently in the plains.
Diamond walks up to the herd, "The leaders from the other herds and I have spoken ths threat is too dangerous to ignor. When winter ends I fear that the intruders from those large chucks of wood and wind will find us here so we have decided to send explorers of our own. I have observed all of you and decided Cricket will be the one to go and learn find a new place for us to live or learn about the intruders. Be careful brave explorer."
Level 60
Joined: 6/10/2019
Threads: 22
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Posted: 1/3/2020 at 1:21 PM Post #8
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 1/3/2020 at 12:18 PM
The Crystal herd is currently in the plains.
Diamond walks up to the herd, "The leaders from the other herds and I have spoken ths threat is too dangerous to ignor. When winter ends I fear that the intruders from those large chucks of wood and wind will find us here so we have decided to send explorers of our own. I have observed all of you and decided Cricket will be the one to go and learn find a new place for us to live or learn about the intruders. Be careful brave explorer."

Cricket smiles proudly, his tail swishing back and forth.
"Thank you for this opportunity, Diamond."
Though he was stubborn and rude at times, he was always respectful of his leader.
"When do I leave?"
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
Threads: 62
Posts: 32,739
Posted: 1/3/2020 at 3:59 PM Post #9
Diamond looks at Cricket and whinnies coldly, "Now or you may talk with the other leaders first if you can find them."
Level 60
Joined: 6/10/2019
Threads: 22
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Posted: 1/3/2020 at 4:45 PM Post #10
Cricket gains an expression of unease.
"I will go find the other leaders and see to their request before I leave...."
Cricket turns away from Diamond and heads in the direction he believes the other leaders are.

(Edit: Forgot to quote, apologies..)
Edited By Serenitylichen on 1/3/2020 at 4:46 PM.
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