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Forum Index > Artwork Trades > Artwork Trade Rules {Please Read Before...
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Author Thread Post
Level 75
Nature Walker
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
Threads: 472
Posts: 4,706
Posted: 12/17/2012 at 6:06 AM Post #1
These are the rules for the Artwork Trades Forum. These rules, along with our Terms of Service, apply to this forum. Please make sure you read and follow these rules at all times. At any time, these rules may change or more rules may be added. It is your responsibility to know these rules. If you are unsure if you can post something, then please feel free to contact Krinadon in game..

This forum is a place to buy, sell, or auction off your own PERSONALLY MADE artwork.

We will not tolerate art theft. This includes tracing, heavily referencing, using images that are not yours, or anything else that can be considered art theft. If found doing this, you will be banned from ever buying or selling artwork on our website, or worse. Please respect other's artwork, as you would not want something that you made to be stolen or plagiarized.

All artwork auctions or commissions can be transacted in Gold, Diamonds, or USD. If using USD, then the players involved will be fully liable for any transactions. We take no liability or responsibility for any transactions between players. Both parties are entirely responsible for the transactions. However, that does not give anyone a free pass to scam. Any players found scamming will be dealt with accordingly and banned from the Site.

Artwork Auction Guidelines

1. You may only auction off artwork that was created by you. If you have artwork that you have bought previously from an artist, then that artist must contact us and say that they have given you the full rights to the work so you are allowed to resell their artwork.

2. All auctions must have the following format when created.
- The EXACT Starting Date and Time
- The EXACT Ending Date and Time
- All times must adhere to Sylestia's site time. Sylestia is in the Central Standard Timezone.

3. All auctions must end when your End Date/Time states. There is a maximum of 2 weeks that an auction can run. Please use Month/Date/Year format to avoid confusion.

4. You must deliver your auctioned goods in a timely manner. You will have 72 hours from your End Date/Time to complete your delivery to the winner. The winner is the highest bidder in the thread by the stated End Date/Time. If you cancel or do not follow through with the auction, it will be considered scamming and you will face consequences.

5. Please include the starting bid, minimum bid increase, and BIN (buy it now) prices in your auction. Having a BIN price is optional, but starting bids and a minimum bid increase are required.

6. All bids must be done publicly in your auction thread. There is absolutely no allowance of private bids through the PM or instant messaging system.

7. You may not ask your friends or use other accounts to drive up your auction bids. This is considered cheating and anyone found doing this will receive a permanent ban.

8. You may not edit your original post at any point at all to change the prices or dates in your auction. If found doing this it will be considered scamming. Please contact an administrator if you need something edited or have any questions.

9. Please only bump posts when your thread has fallen off the last page.

Artwork Commission Guidelines

If you are an artist that is taking commission slots, then you must follow these guidelines. These rules are in place to make sure these transactions go as smoothly and easily as possible for both you and your customers. Please follow them so that any type of issue can be avoided.

1. All commission posts must include artwork copyright guidelines. You must state whether or not the artwork that you are making and selling to people will belong to them or not, whether or not they are allowed to use their bought artwork commercially or personally (if used for Adoptables or on their personal website etc), or whether or not they can resell it at any point in time.

2. As an artist, you must include a time frame in which you will deliver the buyer's artwork. All artwork commissions that take place through this forum must be delivered within 2 months or less. Any longer will be considered scamming and you may face consequences. If you have any type of time frame issue, please contact your customers immediately and let them know. If you are unable to complete their work in a timely manner with what you agreed, then please refund their money if they have already paid you. Please try to make these transactions as smooth as possible for both you and your customers.

3. Please include how you handle payments in your thread. This includes whether or not you require upfront payments, half at approved sketches, or after the work is complete. Please be as clear and concise as possible.

4. Do not take commissions unless you have the spare time and are not backed up with previous commissions. We recommend to only take up to a maximum of 10 commission slots at a time. This isn't mandatory, but please use a manageable number of requests that you can handle.
Edited By Krinadon on 1/25/2021 at 1:47 PM.
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