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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Story of two halves ( A wolf pack RP, Si...
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Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 4:34 PM Post #1
Roleplay thread-

Long ago there was a giant wolfpack in the mists of a great forest, surrounded by the most lovely scenes one could ever dream of seeing. They were at peace always calm and tranquil as can be as the calm colors of the forest guided them along this path.... but that all changed one cool evening in may. Two of the leading alphas had been plotting against each other to take full control, taking there halves of the pack and going to war and a cold gruesome war it was. It lasted a full 10 years in human time and now it still rages on.. something so cold started from two horrible leaders. In the middle of the war the alphas were killed, leaving there son's to fight now. To the glory of what is left of your pack, fight now! Because it is all that could be left.. honor.

Crossed hearts pack-

If you are from the noble and kind Crossed hearts pack, your history as is said.
One cool evening in the spring our great alpha led his wolves to the battle against the horrible Sky Runners whom were mangy law-less wolves. Our great leader fought for us to be free from them and won without a doubt against them. We are what is left of the Crossed Hearts, and must protect it.

If you are of the Crossed hearts, you are strong fighters with big hearts and show mostly kindness. You have great respect for morals and doing what is right. You have 0 tolerance for those who break the rules, though you are forgiving of mistakes for you know it might not be there fault.

The Crossed hearts live in a deep forest, there camp laying out in the cool meadow that lies in the middle of the forest.

You absolutely hate the Sky Runners.

Sky Runners Pack-

If you are of the cold and heartless Sky Runners pack, your history is as said.
The great alpha of our pack marched at sunrise with our strongest of warriors to the battlefront, he fought those goody two shoes mutts and put them right in there place.Our great leader won the war without a doubt, adn we are what remains of his bloodline. We are what is left of the Sky Runners, and must make sure we wipe out the Crossed Hearts.

If you are from the Sky Runners, you are much more built on speed, stealth, and being cunning. You are a cold ruthless warrior who has no problem breaking the rules to prove your point and doing what is unjust and to you, morals don't exist. You do what you feel is right to you, and could care less who you hurt in the process. You aren't forgiving, and you aren't kind. You are what your pack expects you to be.

The Sky Runners live in a beautiful mountain nearby the forest, the main camp in a hidden cave.

You absolutely hate the Crossed Hearts.

Rules of the pack:

No mates across packs, this is punishable by being outcasted or killed.
If you leave the pack, you, your grand pups, and the pups after will never be warmly welcomed back.
You are loyal to only your pack.
If found giving the other pack information, you will be outcasted.
( Sky runner rule- Your mate means nothing, if you kill her you shall not be punished.
Kill who you think should be killed, leave the weak take the strong. )
( Crossed Heart Rule- Elders are the most important to the pack next to Alphas, respect them )

Rules of the rp-

No power playing, it isn't fun for anyone.
No killing/forcing mating (Which is allowed with cross-packs ) without permission.
Sky Runner pack members use BLUE text replying, Crossed Hearts use RED text when replying.
Please do not feel scared to say stuff, if you have ideas bring them up with me ^.^


Alpha ( Sky Runner Alpha needed to start )-
Alphas lead the pack and are like kings or Queens of there pack, very much respected.

Betas ( 2 available 1 Cross heart and skyrunner beta taken, can be a Lead Delta, or Lead Gamma )
Under the Alphas, train the Delta to fight, or the Gamma to hunt. Leading Beta's are usually older.

Elders ( In the Sky runners, most elders are killed )
Older wolves of the pack, babysit the pups.

The young she-wolves with pups or expecting pups.

Delta- Warrior ( unlimited )
The protectors or fighters of the pack, respected members of the pack.

Gamma - Hunter ( Unlimited )
The hunters of the pack, they are about the same rank of Delta but usually are teased for not making it as a Delta.

Zetas - Healer ( 2 available )
The healers of the pack, aren't the most respected wolves but are treated kindly because they are needed.

Omega ( Unlimited )
The lowest of the low, are treated like trash and eat last no matter what. Are the wolves who do what everyone else doesn't want to.

The young pups trainging for ranks.

The youngest of the pack.

The ones who prefer to not have a pack.

Sign ups-












Ping list-
Espenfalls, Sandscape
, Hawkeye
, Kiwi14
, Owlphoenix

Crossed Hearts pack members:
Spartan- Alpha- Male

Raindrop - Beta ( Lead Delta ) - Female

Phoenix - Delta - Female
Dawn - Omega - Male

Sky Runners Pack Members:
Akira - Gamma - Female

Blue - Zeta - Female

Crow - Male
Edited By Espenfalls on 4/9/2019 at 8:49 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
Threads: 57
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 4:43 PM Post #2
Name: Spartan

Age: 24 moons ( 2 years )

Gender: Masculine

Rank: Alpha

Personality: A kind, warm, loving male who wants nothing more then to protect those he loves. Son of the original Alpha. He is a fluff ball of love, cuddling and sweet. He is no push over though, he is strong, tough, and mean if he has to be.


Sweet cherries, fresh apple blossoms, and spring flowers.

Spartan had a fairly easy life, he always was the favorite Son of Dawn, the original Alpha. He had 5 siblings competing for the role but he was a calm pup who preferred playing with the others. He was teased for being so soft but for some reason as his father lay dying he was chosen for the role.

Crossed Hearts

Crush: None, but open.

Other: Nothing comes to mind.


12 moons ( 1 Year )



Akira is like most of her pack, a cold mean little she dog. She isn't really that way, but she acts it. Rude, arrogant, mean spirited, and heartless.


Fresh morning dew and pine sap.

Akira was from a litter of 8, her father deemed the pups all as weak and killed her mother, then, her father saw her and deemed her the best of the litter, killing her siblings and taking her. She was meant to be a Delta, but was chosen for Gamma, Her father hates her for this.

Sky Runners

None, but open.

She has many scars from harsh training.

Name: Honey

Age: 40 moons ( 3 3/4 years )

Gender: Female

Rank: Zeta

Stubborn, somewhat rude, caring, distant, unfriendly.


Fresh Maple, Honey, and crisp fresh oranges.

Honey was born in into the pack long ago to a pair of Gamma who were killed in the war not long after she was weened. She always was interested in healing so she became a Zeta after trained.

Pack: Crossed hearts

Crush: None, open

Other: She is a small wolf.
Edited By Espenfalls on 4/10/2019 at 5:45 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
Threads: 57
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 4:51 PM Post #3
( Btw, we need 3 people to start this up ^.^ )
Level 66
Joined: 3/30/2019
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 4:57 PM Post #4
31 moons
delta (trained as a gamma before her mother died)
poppy is loyal and fiery, ready to do what it takes to defend her pack. she holds grudges and will usually challenge other's beliefs. while she is never intentionally mean, she does come across that way when speaking to her pack members. because of this, she mainly spends her time in the territory. poppy, when she does get a rare friend, holds them as close as she can. she will protect them to her last breath.
poppy is a russet wolf with amber eyes and a scar running down from her left flank to her belly.

crushed flowers and old caverns
when she was barley an apprentice, she was determined to follow in her mother's footsteps as the lead gamma. unfortunately, while they were out on a patrol, a group of sky runners ambushed them. she was left alive, only because she played dead. since then, she has dedicated her life to ending the whole sky runner pack.
crossed heart
none yet

32 moons
beta --- lead delta
soot is a ruthless and cunning wolf. while he isn't quite as ambitious as some, he does what it takes to get what he wants. he's never one for play, and though he does try and take care of his pack, he is very disconnected from their needs. he has little to no respect for the healer position, as he thinks everyone needs to defend themselves.
soot is a black and white wolf with piercing ice blue eyes.

the river and sweet grass.
he grew up in the sky runner pack. all he's ever known is violence. though he has yet to kill more than one crossed heart member, he has a high kill count for his age.
sky runner
none yet
Edited By Sandscape on 4/13/2019 at 12:55 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
Threads: 57
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 4:58 PM Post #5
Alrighty! Any specific role you want saved?
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 5:08 PM Post #6
Name: Dawn

Age: 1 year old (12 moons)

Gender: male

Rank: omega

Personality: Dawn is shy and easily intimidated by the older larger wolves. When he is alone he is very playful and acts more like a pup than an older wolf. Trouble seems to find him as well as accidents. Dawn is rather clumsy though he owns up to his mistakes.


He bears a scar under his eye and across the left side of his muzzle. He also has a marking on his face the resembles a faint tree in shape.

Scent: lemon grass and sometimes pond water

Backstory: He doesn't like to talk about it really. As far as everyone knows the previous alpha brought him in as a pup after a hunt. Many believe he was a two legs pet.

Pack: Crossed Hearts

Crush: none yet

Other: He tends to stay by himself since no one else seems to like him.

Name: Crow

Age: 3 years old (36 moons)

Gender: male

Rank: loner

Personality: Crow is illusive and tends to work better on his own. He hates being around the other packs though he likes to watch them from afar and takes what they don't eat.


Scent: ash, burning grass

Backstory: No one really knows though rumor has it he killed his old pack after a war broke out. That's why he stays alone now.

Pack: none

Crush: none, open

Other: He particularly likes watching Dawn as the pup plays about in the meadow.
Edited By Hawkeye on 4/9/2019 at 5:24 PM.
Level 66
Joined: 3/30/2019
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 5:08 PM Post #7
Sky runner beta please!
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 5:10 PM Post #8
Alrighty, will do
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 5:24 PM Post #9
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 11/2/2018
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Posted: 4/9/2019 at 5:26 PM Post #10
Accepted! And funny enough Dawn was the previous Alphas name so you character is named after him xd
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