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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Wolf - Fantasy RP Signups
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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
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Posted: 10/27/2018 at 7:43 AM Post #1
Hello, there! This roleplay has been dead for a while, so if anyone wants to take it and reboot it or anything and make a new thread, feel free to. I don't really care for this roleplay anymore. Someone please take it! Claim it as your own, I don't care, copy and paste what I have here, I don't care, change stuff I don't care. You may still join, I just can't handle this thread. Good day,

The vast blue sea spread out in front of you, the slightest glimpse of a cliff a silhouette against the rising sun. You swam faster, paws churning. As you approached, you'd need to look up to see even the face of the cliff, for it was... floating in the sky? You could see multiple other island in the sky, some higher than others. But there was one normal island. You change course to the normal island and soon wash up on shore. You and the others group together and scout the island. Something glowed ahead. You quickened your pace, as did the others. The hot sun dried your fur. The glow was purple and coming from a crystal. Next to the crystal was a pedestal with an opening the exact shape and size of the crystal. You got a feeling the crystal should go there, so you pick it up and put it in. A great beam of light blinded you, and as soon as you regained focus, saw a massive void swirling right in front of your nose. Your fur blew, and it almost seemed as if you were being pulled... Next thing you knew, the howls of the others surrounded you and you were suddenly on one of the islands in the sky. You look around, finally getting a good glimpse of the others. They were... Wolves?! You had faint memories of being something else... But need not worry about that now. Time to sort things out...

Wolf is a fantasy roleplay where you are a mystical wolf stranded on floating islands that you must now call home. Can you survive in this treacherous world?

Shayni, Freki, Dracontamer, Pipps, Annabella321, Aquila, Agentngyes, Luna85echo, Sabira, Ithyr, Dorcharose, Scoutwolf, Baseunclesam, Hawkeye, Twinkleunicorn, Navisparkles101, Minifang2006, Sophiegrace, Kiddylan1

Cause everyone hates 'em but needs 'em
1) You may have up to three characters. At the top of the post, please state the character you are using and who the message is directed to. If everyone, simply say everyone.
2) Don't ping users unless it's something they need to hear or if they are involved in your action.
3) Please please PLEASE don't use names you'd name a person. Have creative names.
4) Hate the character, not the user.
5) Do not be OP. You'll be allowed a power, but we'll get into that later.
6) Only kill a player if you have permission to.
7) Don't be that mass-murderer that everyone's suppose to hate. Please.
8) You must apply through PM if you want a high rank. Include a reason why you want that rank.
9) Be original.
10) All wolves have feathered wings.

Pack Ranks
Alpha Male: Osyn - Male - Sabira
Alpha Famale: Celestial - Female - Dracontamer

Beta Male: Lumos - Male - Dracontamer
Beta Female: Echo - Female - Anabella321

Hunters: CLOSED
Erwinn - Female - Cloudlesssky
Spirit - Female - Shayni
Phantom - Male - Pipps
Ravenshadow - Female - Luna85echo
Aqua - Female - Aquila

Foragers: CLOSED
Havenloft - Female - Freki
Flame - Male - Agentngyes
Korinal - Male - Ithyr
Smokedancer - Female - Dorcharose
Kae'rien - Male - Baseunclesam
Naelan - Female - Baseunclesam

Patrol: CLOSED
Tempest - Female - Pipps
Fynn - Male - Sabira
Wynnona - Female - Sabira
Arackin - Male - Ithyr
Raune - Female - Ithyr

Omega Male:
Omega Female:

Asara - Female - Minifang2006

Mothers (have or are about to have pups):
Echo - Female - Annabella321
Silico - Female - Agentngyes

Blitz - Male - Annabella321
Mia - Female - Agentngyes
Ahri - Female - Dorcharose
Jaesian - Male - Baseunclesam
Saphire - Female - Twinkleunicorn
Umbra - Female - Baseunclesam
Iridescent/Iri - Female - Navisparkles101
Sumari - Female - Navisparkles101


Eclipse - Male - Scoutwolf
Dexion/Dex - Male - Hawkeye
Dorian/Dori - Male - Hawkeye
Shadow - Male - Twinkleunicorn
Noriku/Nor - Male - Cloudlesssky
Reverse - Male - Minifang2006

Argentfur - Female Snow Leopard Cub - Baseunclesam
Arrowsky - Female Snow Leopard Mother - Ithyr
Winterclaw - Male Snow Leopard Adolescent - Basunclesam
Flux - Female Shadow Wolf - Freki
Ruumbo - Male Shadow Wolf - Navisparkles101

Pack Rules
1) Alpha's word is law (as is mine)
2) Alphas must be mates
3) If something happens to both alphas, the eldest of their pups will be alpha along with another wolf of his or her choice
4) If something happens to one alpha, a vote will be held for ALL members of the pack. Whoever has the highest votes wins and is granted alpha.
5) Beta is second in command.
6) A vote will be held if one or both beta(s) have passed or retired.
7) Hunters will hunt on the floating islands.
8) No wolf shall eat before feasting time. They shall be punished if caught doing so.
9) Feasting time is once a day in the evening.
10) Omegas cannot have mates. They are the lowest rank in the pack and eat last.
11) Unranked do not have a rank. They are deciding. If rank is not chosen by the end of one complete moon cycle, the wolf will have their rank chosen by Alpha.
12) Ranks may be raised or lowered. A wolf may challenge another wolf for their rank.

Pack Traditions
Once a month, the full moon rises. The Lunar Festival begins. The Lunar Festival is where every wolf stays up all night long. There will be food and all grudges will be dropped for the night. At midnight, all wolves gather and howl to the sprits, sending them prayers.
When the longest day of the year arrives, the Solar festival begins. No wolf needs to do anything this day and all ranks and grudges are dropped. There will be a giant feast.
Once a pup reaches six months old, a ceremony will be held and the pup will choose their rank (excluding Alpha, Beta, Omega, and Retired). The pup will stay up all night and keep watch over the pack o prove that they're worthy.
When a wolf passes away, a ceremony will be held where the wolves howl and send prayers to the spirit.
A wolf may challenge a wolf of a higher rank. The challenged wolf may decline, but if they accept, a fight begins. If the lower ranked wolf surrenders, both ranks stay the same and do not move up nor down. If the higher ranked wolf surrenders, The higher ranked wolf will take place of the lower ranked, and the lower ranked will take the higher ranked's place. If the fight becomes fatal, the survivor gets the higher rank.

A wolf is allowed three weak powers, or one weak and one normal, or one strong.

Please choose from the list:

Suffocating vines
Wind Whip
Blinding light
Ice Daggers

Skyburst (You shoot into the sky, creating waves of wind)
Time shield (A purple forcefield, energy diminished when using, cannot be hit)
Lunar Flare (Sends a beam of bright moonlight, giving caster energy and better vision, can only be used once a day, vision lasts for ten minutes)
Life Sense (Cast to automatically know where there is life, good for hunting)

Time-make (Able to stop time for ten seconds, other wolves unaware, Time Shield, Mana Giver, which gives mana, invisibility for a minute)
Mend-make (Able to heal other wolves, mend grudges [with other wolves' permission], Life Sense)
Solar (Fireball, Heatwave, which sends an agonizing wave of heat, making target suffer, invisibility for a minute)

Rune (Gives all above elements, plus summoning the spirits of the dead)

The rune element is only given to those who deem trustworthy (by me). Rune can be taken away. Only one wolf is able to have it at a time. Wolves with Rune have less energy.



Appearance (include images)
Edited By Aura on 4/19/2019 at 1:13 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
Posts: 1,167
Posted: 10/27/2018 at 7:43 AM Post #2
Oh, wow, did not expect so many people

Erwinn - Female - Cloudlesssky
Noriku/Nor - Male - Cloudlesssky
Spirit - Female - Shayni
Havenloft - Female - Freki
Lumos - Male - Dracontamer
Celestial - Female - Dracontamer
Phantom - Male - Pipps
Tempest - Female - Pipps
Echo - Female - Anabella321
Blitz - Male - Anabella321
Aqua - Female - Aquila
Silico - Female - Agentngyes
Flame - Male - Agentngyes
Mia - Female - Agentngyes
Ravenshadow - female - Luna85echo
Osyn - Male - Sabira
Fynn - Male - Sabira
Wynnona - Female - Sabira
Arackin - Male - Ithyr
Ruane - Female - Ithyr
Korinal - Male - Ithyr
Smokedancer - Female - Dorcharose
Ahri - Female - Dorcharose
Eclipse - Male - Scoutwolf
Kae'rien - Male - Baseunclesam
Naelan - Female - Baseunclesam
Jaesian - Male - Baseunclesam
Dexion/Dex - Male - Hawkeye
Dorian/Dori - Male - Hawkeye
Saphire - Female - Twinkleunicorn
Umbra - Female - Baseunclesam
Iridescent/Iri - Female - Navisparkles101
Sumari - Female - Navisparkles101
Shadow - Male - Twinkleuicorn
Solarflare - Female - Scoutwolf
Quake - Male - Scoutwolf
Blizzard - Female - Scoutwolf
Iridescent/Iri - Female - Navisparkles101
Sumari - Female - Navisparkles101
Asara - Female - Minifang2006
Argentfur - Female Snow Leopard Cub - Baseunclesam
Winterclaw - Male Snow Leopard Adolescent - Baseunclesan
Arrowsky - Female Snow Leopard Mother - Ithyr
Flux - Female Shadow Wolf - Freki
Ruumbo - Male Shadow Wolf - Navisparkles101
Edited By Cloudlesssky on 11/30/2018 at 5:04 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
Posts: 1,167
Posted: 10/27/2018 at 7:44 AM Post #3
2 years
Appearance (include images)

(not my art)
Erwinn is very loyal to her pack. She is kind and giving and often likes to fly at dawn. Erwinn wears a pendent around her neck with a small white jewel. She is often in a world of her own, lost in thought.
Edited By Cloudlesssky on 11/5/2018 at 7:18 AM.
Level 63
Joined: 6/2/2017
Threads: 164
Posts: 13,771
Posted: 10/27/2018 at 11:32 AM Post #4



3 Years


Weak | Suffocating Vines
Normal | Life Sense

None Yet | Open


Edited By Shayni on 10/27/2018 at 11:35 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
Posts: 1,167
Posted: 10/27/2018 at 11:33 AM Post #5
Beautiful! Accepted.
Level 63
Joined: 6/2/2017
Threads: 164
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Posted: 10/27/2018 at 11:35 AM Post #6
Thanks! Also I think I'll keep her at Hunter.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
Posts: 1,167
Posted: 10/27/2018 at 11:38 AM Post #7
Sound great.
Level 62
Joined: 7/29/2018
Threads: 14
Posts: 927
Posted: 10/27/2018 at 11:43 AM Post #8
Name: Havenloft
Gender: female
Age: six in dog years
Rank: forager???
Power: wind whip and sky burst
Mate: open
Imagine this picture but with brown speckles on the tips of the wings

Other: nopetynope
Edited By Freki on 10/27/2018 at 2:22 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
Posts: 1,167
Posted: 10/27/2018 at 11:47 AM Post #9
Accepted! If you don't know what the forager does, it basically gathers food like berries, clams, fruits, other stuff like that.

If you don't have the image yet, could you possibly describe the color?
Level 62
Joined: 7/29/2018
Threads: 14
Posts: 927
Posted: 10/27/2018 at 11:48 AM Post #10
okay, I added what she looks like
Edited By Freki on 10/27/2018 at 11:48 AM.
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