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Level 56
Joined: 5/18/2018
Threads: 45
Posts: 393
Posted: 8/26/2018 at 10:56 PM Post #1
Okay, so this is basically a thread where I am keeping track of a story I made up. this is not a role play so please do not try to join it. all of these pets exist so I with leave links to them for a better mental image..

the night was indeed a rough night for an egg to hatch. pixie ran up the ridge and leaped over a lake. a harsh breeze ruffled her fur. she came squeezed into a small cave opening. there sat a black-brown-white ocelot zolnixie she had wings that were folded and were black that transferred elegantly to red, with light gray under feathers. her eyes were a pale blue. (rel)
"rel, young one whats the matter." pixie nuzzled her ocelot fur, which were stained with tears. she looked at pixie.
" I just wish yata was here to see his son be born" she smiled sadly. yata was a handsome black-white ocelot with black-white and a joyful blue- moth wings. (yata owner- Tennohi)
" well if he gave two fairy mushrooms about you he would have come that lousy son of a - " rel gasped. she glided over to her egg. it was cracking wildly and was ready to hatch. the wind howled outside.
" Oh, come out little one. " rel prompted. CRACK - CRACK - CRUNCH! the eggshells walls broke away. there sat a little baby zolnixe he looked just like yata every inch. rel licked his head. " my lovely bundle of moonlight " she whispered. pixie looked at him.
" hasn't got a bit of you in him! maybe yata was a shaman and enchanted the egg to rebirth him. " pixie said. rel jumped up.
" there's nothing wrong with him! " she growled. the baby whined. " must be scared of the storm " rel lightly grabed him and licked his fur clean. she wrapped her wings around him.

" ill get some fairy mushrooms tomorrow fo the bundle of sunshine. " (baby ( he looked like this as a baby)) (pixie)
Level 56
Joined: 5/18/2018
Threads: 45
Posts: 393
Posted: 8/27/2018 at 7:19 PM Post #2
Rel smiled happily her bundle of moonlight has grown up so much. His fur was thick and slick. His eyes were bright and he was heathy. He was playing with a ball of moss. Yata had came and seen him yesterday. They had wreaseled for a few hours. She watched his carefully makeing sure he dint hurt himself.
"Mommy!!!!!!!! I loooooooooove yoooooou!!!!! " he yelled. Rel had named him malek in honour of his great grand father.
" yes little moonlight malek I love you too" rel replied she loves her little one so much. She smiled pixie had brought an amazing supplie of fairy mushrooms they were well fed and happy. Maybe they would go outside soon
Level 56
Joined: 5/18/2018
Threads: 45
Posts: 393
Posted: 8/27/2018 at 10:44 PM Post #3
malek raced outside. they lived in a place called trollsblight caverns. Malek liked the sound of fighting trolls but mother said he was to little. what ever i will fight off those nasty things when i am older Malek thought. the air smelt like polin and dirt. he frowned.
" oh, Malek you should not play in the polin you will sneeze all night. " rel fretted. Malek rolled his eyes
Level 56
Joined: 5/18/2018
Threads: 45
Posts: 393
Posted: 9/19/2018 at 10:18 PM Post #4
malek sighed he ended up agreeing with his mother. He hated snezzeing it was always so dirty. The next few days malek chased around butterfly's and rolled down hills. Aunt pixie even came over she strange food she called them 'FARIY MUSHROOMS'. Malek had tasted them but then saw a butter fly and chased it down and saw it lovey wings. It had light pink and orange wings.
" come on malek time to go inside to sleep"rel called malek glanced one more time at the butterfly then ran inside. Rel licked his forehead and malek fell to sleep well that night.

Butterfly's, butterfly's every where. Teal pink blue black. All colours. Beautiful.

20 days later

malek came out side. He had black and blue wings. They shined on the light. He smiled. Off into the forest he went. He picked a few fariy mushrooms to bring them back to his mother. He trot back to his mother. The egg lay beside her.

mom,are you sure having another child with Yata is you know good ?malek asked his mother as he dropped the mushrooms. She laughed
just became an adult and you know everythingrel joked. She turned somewhat serious. Malek looked at her
Level 56
Joined: 5/18/2018
Threads: 45
Posts: 393
Posted: 9/19/2018 at 10:23 PM Post #5
listen I know you and your father don't know each other extremely well but I do. He is kind and I trust him. A lot. If I hadn't met him you probably would not have been born. And look at your wonderful fur it's ocelot. You look like your father and I really love that. But maybe you'll change your mind. This egg might be a baby brother or sister. Wouldn't that be great?

hope you are enjoying The Tale Of A Zolnixie.
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