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Forum Index > Q&A (Newbie Friendly) > breeding projects
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Level 62
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/6/2018
Threads: 49
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Posted: 7/20/2018 at 10:59 AM Post #1
i've seen these around Sylestia and they seem heccing fun :0
i want to start my own, but i'm not sure how to start and what pets to use
could someone give me some guidance?? much appreciation ^^
Level 75
Joined: 8/21/2013
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Posted: 7/20/2018 at 11:12 AM Post #2
First things first, you need to design the breeding project. :)
If you go to "Explore" > "Generator" you'll get the generator menu to appear.
From there, choose a species and then mess around with colors and traits until you can come up with something you like. You can then save the design into the generator when you finish so you don't lose it.

To give some examples, here are some projects I'm working on:

After you've got your design figured out, you then have to decide if you're going to try to use ore-existing pets to make your design come true or generated pets. :) For now, I'd suggest making a design you like. Give it a few days to a week, go back and then make sure you like it before deciding on if you want to stick with it.
Edited By Imperium on 7/20/2018 at 11:13 AM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 7/20/2018 at 4:37 PM Post #3
It should be noted, though, that projects, depending on what they are, can get both expensive and time-consuming.

If you make a 3-vis regular-stat design your final goal, easy enough, you technically only have to obtain maybe four Enhanced or Mystical essences, and maybe some dyes for if an enhanced essence colour swings in an unfortunate way.
You make them 1v/2c then you just need to wait for those pets to reach adulthood (18 days) (or speed them us with Magical Pies, another expense a lot of projects), breed them, and pray to RNG that they roll 3-vis offspring that you can use as a breeding pair (which can take a while.)

More vis and Stat breeding, take a lot more time.
For instance, our 3-vis max stat project took pretty much a year to get to max (and that was with boosted pets to start with) using prisma philters.
(although to be fair, it took us a year partially because we were aiming to have two breeding pairs per generation with no back-breeding to older generations, and one generation took a long while to roll all the pets with traits we wanted)

It's a task in dedication! But if you have a design you want to make real that has too many traits to just make with Essences, well, gotta do what you gotta do.

There are also some guides to both Stat breeding and 6-vis breeding projects pinned in the Player Guides forum that you can reference
Edited By Scathreoite on 7/20/2018 at 4:38 PM.
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