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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > Guardians of Earth [RPG]
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Level 62
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:29 AM Post #1

Guardians Of Earth
A collab between IvyCat and Cian. Currently closed with waiting list open.

You are born a demon or an angel.
It is your job to bring judgement, good or bad, on each human you encounter. you can bless them, or make them suffer. But if too many people are blessed or cursed, the imbalance will send the world to chaos. It is your job with your counterpart to even it out.

A long time ago, scientists developed the angel and the demon, a pure and impure human. The test subjects broke out and since then kept judgement over the world. However, the humans do not trust them. The scientists want to eliminate them, as they were more powerful than the humans. There is one rule for both races: never let a human see your wings.
If you do, it's death.

Every demon and every angel has a counterpart of the opposite purity. If your counterpart dies, you will die as well. You can feel the same pain and suffering they do, emotions they may've felt towards someone.
How will you take this all, finally stepping into the new world:
Your first day in the human world,
your first day being 18
Edited By IvyCat on 7/23/2018 at 3:44 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:29 AM Post #2
1) No being op/ mary sue
2) Don't control the rpg
3) Don't waste time
4) Always ping and quote/ bold
5) Include your scientists name under other
Edited By IvyCat on 6/13/2018 at 11:48 AM.
Level 62
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:29 AM Post #3
Sign Ups
(Ping Cian)

Wings + Other demonic parts
Edited By IvyCat on 7/19/2018 at 2:13 AM.
Level 62
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:29 AM Post #4
Kingdom of Veralin, Earth

Edited By IvyCat on 7/23/2018 at 1:01 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:30 AM Post #5
Angel's Blessings
Defense +3
Resilience +3

Radiant Shield
Unlocked at magic level 0
It is a shield that increases your defense by 50%/ decreases your damage by 50% it lasts for 5 hits when attacked. It slows movement by 10% and only protects you
-50 mana

Blunt Assault
Unlocked at magic level 3
A slicing attack, deals 100% more damage than a usual attack. It has a 10% chance to stun the enemy and let you attack them again.
-150 mana

Soul Protector
Unlocked at magic level 5
More powerful when touching the ground, it gives all allies around you a protecting barrier around their skin that increases their defense by 50% for 3 hits
-275 mana

Fate Sealer
Unlocked at magic level 8
Attacks all enemies. It inflicts Lights Verdict which lowers their defense by 25% for 3 hits. It also deals 150% of damage
-500 mana

Health +3
Speed +3

Sacred Prayer
Unlocked at level 0
Heal a single ally for 50% of their health
-50 mana

Blessed Touch
Unlocked at level 3
Give all allies an attack boost of 50% and heal them for 10%
-150 mana

Holy Judgement
Unlocked at level 5
Deal 150% damage to all enemies by shooting light out of the sky. More effective at daytime. Inflicts Peaceful Weed which drains the enemies heal and restores the ally with the weakest health
-275 mana

Forest's Hand
Unlocked at level 8
Heal all allies to full health.
-500 mana

Attack +3
Defense +3

Swift Strike
Unlocked at level 0
Hits one opponent for 100% more damage.
-50 mana

Heavy Blow
Unlocked at level 3
Jump up in the air and crush your opponents skull, or damage it at least. Deals 250% more damage. 10% chance to stun
-150 mana

Divine Wrath
Unlocked at level 5
Send a sword to pierce them. Deals 300% more damage.
-275 mana

Bright Morth
Unlocked at level 8
Sends a ball of light at them to consume them, deals 300% more damage and has a 25% chance to turn them into an animal for a single hit/ turn
-500 mana

Magic +3
Resilience +3

Misty Dream
Unlocked at level 0
A cloudy mist goes out onto all opponents and puts them asleep for one hit/ turn or for 30 seconds.
-50 mana

Lunar Beam
Unlocked at magic level 3
Send beams that hit all of your opponents and deal 100% more damage. More powerful in moonlight.
-150 mana

Crescent Slash
Unlocked at magic level 5
Two slashes are dealt out, dealing 150% more damage to all enemies and has a 25% chance of causing bleeding for one hit. It is more powerful under a crescent moon.
-275 mana

Blade Storm
Unlocked at magic level 8
A storm of weapons rain down on the opponents, striking or crushing them. It deals 250% more damage than a normal attack to all opponents.
-500 mana
Edited By IvyCat on 7/23/2018 at 12:29 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:34 AM Post #6
Demon Curse


+ 2 defence
+4 resilience

Unlocked at magic level 0
Heal all ally to 30% of thers health / Call two undead at your side for five turn (human, animal or tree) the type depend on the area you are in.
- 50 mana

Grievious Curse
Unlocked at magic level 3
Bring a dark memory to live and tourment the target for three turn, lower the enemy defense of 50%
-100 mana

Ghost Haunting
Unlocked at magic level 6
Send a group of ghost at the foes, deal half of the damage they have done to you the same turn and heal 25% of it. Their power increase at night or in places where a lot of humans had died.
-300 mana

Unlocked at magic level 8
Call a hellhound (or rarely cereberus) at your side for the duration of the fight.
Hellhound deal 100% more attack and heal 25 %
Cereberus deal 100% more attack, heal 50% and 25% chance of revive one ally
-500 mana

+ 3 magic
+3 speed

Shadow parade
Unlocked at magic level 0
Make a screen of moving shadow around the foes, decrease their accuracy of 25% for two turns.
- 60 mana

Hell fire
Unlocked at magic level 3
Send balls of intense fire toward the foes cause 100% more damage, 30% chance to cause burn during the day.
-150 mana

Black death
unlocked at magic level 6
A toxic mist hitting evry non-demon unprotected in the field, deal 200%, 5% chance to cause undead to apear
-270 mana

Demons Calling
Unlocked at magic level 8
Call the strengh of the encient demon to make chaos rain down on all opponant, deal 250 % damage, increase strengh by 25% for two turn
-500 mana

Soul Judge
+ 3 attack
+ 3 health

Slicing blow
Unlocked at magic level 0
Hit a target for 75 % damage, 15 % chance to inflict bleeding
-50 mana

Typhon Rage
Unlocked at magic level 3
Hit multiple time a target at great speed for 3 to 7 time, each hit cause 50% damages
-150 mana

Guilty sentencing
Unlocked at magic level 5
Fire chain warp around the target dealing 300% damage, any flying target receave additional damage.
-250 mana

Death row
Unlocked at magic level 8
Call a burning blade from the deepest end of hell to stab the target deal 300 % damages, 20% chance for a fire beast to appear for two turn.
- 300 mana

Burning Shadow
+3 defence
+3 health

Smoke armor
Unlocked at level magic 0
A cloud of hardened smoke that protect you or one target, dividing the damage receved by 50%, last five turns.
-50 mana

Back Stab
Unlocked at level magic 3
a quick blow that double the usual damages, have 25% chance to increase your speed.
-150 mana

Requiem of the dead
Unlocked at level magic 5
Boost the attack and defence of all ally by 50% for the next turn
-300 mana

Mournfull reflection
Unlocked at level magic 8
Hit all foes for the same amount of damage they deal to you the last turn, it double if an ally die.
-500 mana

Edited By Cian on 7/24/2018 at 8:24 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:34 AM Post #7
All skills go up by training and using them.

How much damage you can take from a close up weapon or magic
Level 1 - 100
Level 2 - 200
Level 3 - 300
Level 4 - 400
Level 5 - 500
Level 6 - 600
Level 7 - 700
Level 8 - 800
Level 9 - 900
Level 10 - 1000

How much damage you can take from a ranged weapon or magic
Level 1 - 100
Level 2 - 200
Level 3 - 300
Level 4 - 400
Level 5 - 500
Level 6 - 600
Level 7 - 700
Level 8 - 800
Level 9 - 900
Level 10 - 1000

How much damage you can do with a weapon
Level 1 - 100
Level 2 - 200
Level 3 - 300
Level 4 - 400
Level 5 - 500
Level 6 - 600
Level 7 - 700
Level 8 - 800
Level 9 - 900
Level 10 - 1000

How much damage you can do with a magical attack, but also which ones you can do.
Level 1 - 100
Level 2 - 200
Level 3 - 300
Level 4 - 400
Level 5 - 500
Level 6 - 600
Level 7 - 700
Level 8 - 800
Level 9 - 900
Level 10 - 1000

How much damage you can take without being severely injured/ killed
Level 1 - 1000
Level 2 - 2000
Level 3 - 3000
Level 4 - 4000
Level 5 - 5000
Level 6 - 6000
Level 7 - 7000
Level 8 - 8000
Level 9 - 9000
Level 10 - 10000

Also known as stamina. How long you can go for/ use magic for without fainting from exhaustion.
Level 1 - 100
Level 2 - 200
Level 3 - 300
Level 4 - 400
Level 5 - 500
Level 6 - 600
Level 7 - 700
Level 8 - 800
Level 9 - 900
Level 10 - 1000

If you can dodge an opponents attack or hit them twice using a weapon or magic
Level 1 - 100
Level 2 - 200
Level 3 - 300
Level 4 - 400
Level 5 - 500
Level 6 - 600
Level 7 - 700
Level 8 - 800
Level 9 - 900
Level 10 - 1000
Edited By Cian on 7/23/2018 at 12:47 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 140
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:34 AM Post #8
Demon's lair

Hiden in gap slightly on the side of the human world is build a place of darkness and fire. This is where demons go to meet on anothers. A maximum of 3 people are allowed in a team, but with special permission it can be 4. Teams tend to be the same ranking, but they may not be.

Rank 1

Leader of Demons, this duo is composed of a Burning Chadow and a Poltergeist, they are known as merciless on the battle field, going so far as ripping the wings and tail of their adversary cleen off. Their decisions are irrevocable as they crown themself protector of this place, it is say that all angel crossing their path have meet a fate worst then death itself.

Left: Ilex verticillata, Burning Chadow. She is the most resonable of the two, wich didn't stop her to have little to no boundery with others.
Right: Emorha Sumac, Poltergeist. She is a prankster who can't stay serious more then five minutes during a discution. She is incredibly childish when it come to those she like, the others can all go die for what she care.

Rank 2

Often seen as the guard dog of the number one duo, they are transmiting direct order to the lower tier.

Heares Mantegazzi , Necromentien. Cold, he dosn't like useless chat and will gladly let the others of his team deal with the lower class of rank 5 and 6 instead of wasting energy to do so himself.

Camas Prairie, Soul Judge. Serious, she won't hesitate to punish you if you desapoint her or her masters.

Melly Brugmansia,Poltergeist. Kind and bubbly, she almost look out of place until she start manipulate you into doing things for her.

Rank 3

Lanko Chilensis, Soul Judge. Cligny, he won't let go until he get you to do what he want. (He work with Gympie)

Nepenthes Philipia, Necromentien. Sweet and caring, she is often seen as lesser then her rank because of her age but she is determinated to prove evryone wrong once she find a team.

Gympie Moroides, Burning Shadow. Get angry easyly and is known to hold grudge for years she is known to be violent toward lower class. ( She work with Lanko)

Morus Himalay, Soul Judge. Violent, he won't hesitate to beat lower grades if they so mutch as look at him in the wrong way. (he work with Nerium)

Actae Ouest, Poltergeist. Like to flirt with preaty much any girl that cross his path, it is sayd that he could be a rank two but refused for someone.

Nerium Oleander, Burning Chadow. Bossy but generaly fair she was forced to work with Morus as to prevent him for lashing out too mutch. ( She work with Morus)

Rank 4
Those who have prove themself worthy of interess, they are stronger then the lower grade but arn't powerfull enough to serve the second rank.

Rank 5
Usualy new demons or demons that didn't manage to meet the standars, no one expect anything from them as they are not see as worthy yet. They are send in the human world to prove themself.

Rank 6
Human that know about this place and are still alive even after their encounter with the duo of the Rank 1. They are usualy seen by the higher rank as puppet they can dispose off when their time come.
Edited By Cian on 7/23/2018 at 5:02 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:34 AM Post #9
reserved ^-^
Level 62
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:40 AM Post #10
Angel's Palace

The angels palace is in the air. It is the Angels Headquarters. A maximum of 3 people are allowed in a team, but with special permission it can be 4. Teams tend to be the same ranking, but they may not be.

Rank 1
Leader of the Angels. They are a Guardian and Priest pair, they are known as the most powerful Angels and control the area. Everything comes down to their choices and they keep most demons at bay. It is said even their weakest spell will kill.

Left: Arabella Rookshaka, Priest. She is teasing, but can act serious. She rarely does that. She thinks everyone below her is almost a joke. She is in a team with Hazel Falabrook.
Right: Hazel Falabrook. Guardian. She is much more mature and gets down to business. She is ruthless and not caring. She is in a team with Arabella Rookshaka.

Rank 2
Second in command. They also have a lot of power, but aren't as strong as the leaders. They review the decisions before passing good ones to the leaders.
Riley Durburg: Priest. She is shy and kind, although she can be determined. She is in a team with Zachariah Moore and Samuel King.
Zachariah Moore: Guardian. He is fiercy and violent, he is very protective and loyal. He is in a team with Riley Durburg and Samuel King.
Samuel King: Nomad. He is quiet and serious, he does a lot of dirty work and is secretive. He is in a team with Zachariah Moore and Samuel King.

Rank 3
They aren't high ranks, but they aren't lowly ranks. They are all still dangerous foes, but much more relaxed with less power. They are replied on to protect everyone and teach everyone.
Ernest Aubyn: Nomad. He is flirty and polite, he is a real gentleman. He is in a team with Lily Yegrovitch
Lily Vegrovitch: Paladin. She is domination and can get angry easily. She can also be fussy and motherly. She is in a team with Ernest Aubyn.
Henry Cress: Guardian. He has a very scary aura and loves fighting. he encourages battles and dislikes most things. He is in a team with Erza Reichston and Myra Wassure (Rank 4 || Priest)
Erza Reichston: Paladin. She is kind and protective, she loves Henry and refuses to leave his side even if he is classified as evil. She is in a team with Henry Cress and Myra Wassure (Rank 4 || Priest)
Morgan Holie: Nomad. He is friendly and welcoming, but is quick to turn dark. he is not scared of backstabbing. His team recently died so he is searching for a new one.
Holly Starshine: Guardian. She is normally bossy, but she can be flirty at points. She is not in a team and prefers to work independently.

Rank 4
Members that are reasonably strong. They are more like members and have responsibilities, but aren't expected to do anything too powerful. There are around 20 of them.

Rank 5
Newbies, those just sent out into the human world or still learning at Angel School. They are expected to mess up and be bailed out. This can also be disobident/ disapproved of members who've broken rules.

Rank 6
The humans that know of the Angels existence and on their side, or have an aptitude for magic. There is a lot of argument whether this rank should exist and the importance of it.
Edited By IvyCat on 9/8/2018 at 2:10 AM.
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