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Forum Index > Item Marketplace > [T/LF/S] Various Items
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Level 63
Joined: 3/6/2014
Threads: 54
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Posted: 11/17/2017 at 6:58 PM Post #1
I'll be making a list of what I have, what I'm looking for, etc. Still a wip!

Current Festival Items I Have:
- Misfortune Kitty Treat Basket (Full Moon)

Current Festival Items I'm Looking for:
- Ancient Mummy's Sentinel (Anubis, Isis, Shesmu, Ra)
- Spellcrafter's Minion (Mr. Tutu, Bubbles, Meep, Poe)
- Misfortune Kitty Stuffed Animal (Charlie, Pumpkin, Salem, Miss Kitty)
- Zombie Survivor's Saw Axe (Camouflage, Ivory, Brimstone, Candy Corn)
- Zombie Survivor's Nail Board (Camouflage, Ivory, Brimstone, Candy Corn)
- Ancient Mummy's Scepter (Necropolis, Sun God, Blood Moon, Pharaoh)
- Ancient Mummy's Wraps (Recolor, Blood Moon, Necropolis, Pharaoh, Sun God)
- Spellcrafter's Tunic (Recolor, Crimson, Toxic, Frostfire)
- Misfortune Kitty Outfit (Recolor, Arctic, Dark Lime, Full Moon, Bengal)
- Zombie Survivor's Outfit (Brimstone, Camouflage, Candy Corn, Ivory)
- Spellcrafter's Hat (Recolor, Crimson, Frostfire, Toxic)
- Spellcrafter's Mask (Recolor, Crimson, Frostfire, Toxic)
- Ancient Mummy's Headwrap (Recolor, Blood Moon, Necropolis, Pharaoh,
- Misfortune Kitty Band (Arctic, Bengal, Dark Lime, Full Moon)
- Zombie Survivor's Mask (Brimstone, Camouflage, Candy Corn, Ivory)
- Background (Runic Cemetery)
- Shadow Stalker (Joy, Rage, Sadness, Whimsy)
Edited By AnastenLights on 11/30/2017 at 12:53 PM.
Level 63
Joined: 3/6/2014
Threads: 54
Posts: 786
Posted: 11/17/2017 at 6:58 PM Post #2
Items I Have To Trade/Sell/Etc:

Avatar Items:
- Holly Druid's Helm x2
- Misfortune Kitty Treat Basket (Full Moon) x1
- Lucky Sword x2
- Gnarled Vines with Pumpkin x1
- Ice Claw Staff of Snow x1
- Nordic Warrior's Axe (Toxic) x1
- Leo Cub (Lucky) x1
- Baby Yeti (Dora) x1

- Regular Puffadore Essence x1
- Regular Luffox Essence x3

- Prismatic Philter x1
- Greater Pet Dye x1
- Lesser Pet Dye x7

Edited By AnastenLights on 11/17/2017 at 7:21 PM.
Level 63
Joined: 3/6/2014
Threads: 54
Posts: 786
Posted: 11/17/2017 at 6:59 PM Post #3
Items I'm Looking for:

Avatar Items:

- Golden Raven
- Plankwood Axe of Mists
- Gnarled Axe of the Moon
- Gnarled Axe of the Sun
- Azure Staff of the Oracle
- Tranquility's Protector
- Blue Myconid Staff
- Green Myconid Staff
- Lunar Apple Blossom Staff
- Solar Apple Blossom Staff
- Green Apple Basket
- Red Apple Basket
- Runic Elven Bow
- Runic Elven Glaive
- Runic Elven Staff
- Runic Elven Sword
- Gladiator's Blade
- Gladiator's Bow
- Gladiator's Trident
- Night Blossom Staff
- Baby Gator (Pumpkin)
- Minstrel's Lute (Rainbow)
- Minstrel's Singing Harp (Rainbow)
- Minstrel's Songbird (Rainbow)
- Sunburst Nebula Shard Staff
- Phantom Feline (Rainbow)
- Rainbow Lorikeet
- Owl Sprite (Snowy)
- Iris Spriteling (Bobby Berry, Iridescent Ira, Molly Moonglow, Peppy Poppy)
- Pearlescent Spriteling (Alluring)
- Snail Spriteling (Alluring, Rainbow)
- Cuddling Zolnixi (Daisy & Dapper)
- Lucky Golden Easter Bulbori
- Elegant Leaf Bat (Bellathorne the Batty)
- Snow Pearl Staff (Peppermint)
- Ghostly Pirate Octopus (Boopimus the Octiboop)
- Ghostly Pirate Parrot (Pernicky the Polite)
- Oriental Rose Dragon (Beepers)
- Wild Spring Spirit (Yugira)
- Baby Yeti (Jasmine)
- Bloodstone Staff
- Rainbow Cerberus Pup
- Golden Sapphire Staff
- Classic Lovebirds
- Moonlit Staff

(Note to self: Currently on pg. 4 in wardrobe, go to there when you finish the rest!)

Edited By AnastenLights on 11/17/2017 at 8:28 PM.
Level 63
Joined: 3/6/2014
Threads: 54
Posts: 786
Posted: 11/17/2017 at 6:59 PM Post #4
Reserved just in case
Level 63
Joined: 3/6/2014
Threads: 54
Posts: 786
Posted: 11/17/2017 at 6:59 PM Post #5
Water Pearl Wings
Gladiator's Wings
Sunburst Nebula Wings
Peacock Wings
Astral Nebula Wings
Celestial Nebula Wigns
Astral Nebula Wings
Kelpari Rider's Wings
Ny'Vene Tamer's Wings (Recolor, Celestial, Sandstone, Sunset, Tropical)
Majestic Flutter Wings
Majestic Heart Wings
Cupid's Gallant Wings (Recolor, Angelic, Broken Heart, Valentine)
Butterfly Wings
Oversized Butterfly Wings (Recolor, Violet, Crimson, Golden)
Flowing Spring Ribbon
Feathered Witch Wings (Recolor, Imperial Berry, Poison Dart, Spring Blush, Water Heart,
Snowdrop Fairy Wings (Recolor, Blushing, Golden Kiss, Moonlight, Spring)
Royalbug Wings (Recolor, Leafybug, Lunarbug, Strawbuggy)
Cicada Aviator's Wings (Recolor, Harlequin, Jade, Moonlight, Plum)
Desert Wanderer's Wings (Recolor, Oasis, Scarab, Scorpion)
Parrot Tamer's Plumage (Recolor, African Gray, Blue and Yellow)
Sea Dragon Wings (Recolor, Lava Vent, Pearlescent, Coral)
Atlas Moth Wings (Recolor, Autumn Frost, Candy Corn, Halloween, Noxious)
Bone Reaper's Cape (Recolor, Candy Corn, Frigid, Noxious)
Demon Hunter Wings (Recolor, Candy Corn, Crimson, Noxious, Twilight)
Nightmare Lord's Wings (Recolor, Bonechill, Flamefiend, Plaguebringer, Shadowstalker)
Snowflake Wings
Snow Swan Wings
Glowing Sugar Plum Wings
Angelic Wings of Purity
Candy Wonderland Wings (Recolor, Green Apple, Liquorice, Plum, Strawberry)
Snow Pearl Wings (Recolor, Caretaker, Frosted, Hunter, Jolly)
Pyromaniac's Dragon Wings (Recolor, Aurora, Patriotic, Smouldering)
Flutter Wings
Heart Wings
Love Light Wings
Enchanted Wings
Summer Fairy Wings
Summer Flame Wings
Glowing Coral
Wings of the Peach
Forest Fairy Wings
Glowing Branch Wings (Recolor, of Autumn, of Frost)
Wings of the Soul Collector
Autumn Fairy's Branches (Recolor, Earthen, Midnight Dream, Rainbow, Sunfury)
Ghostly Wings (Recolor, Bloodmoon, Chilly, Noxious, Sprightly)
Striped Sugar Plum Wings
Angelic Wings
Winter Faun's Wings (Arctic, Aurora, Flickering Flame, Woodlands)
Bee Costume Wings
Bat Wings
Festive White Tree Wings
Sugar Plum Wings
Fairy Lunemara Wings (Recolor, Enchanted, Pastel, Sunset)
Moth Lunemara Wings (Recolor, Marsh, Tundra, Woodland)
Scarab Lunemara Wings (Recolor, Iridescent, Pharaoh, Timeworn)
Wings of the Auroral Eclipse
Healing Wings
Mech Wings
Tentacle Wings
Wings of the Valkyrie (Recolor, Heroic, Pristine, Valiant)
Arcanic Wings
Battlemage's Blades (Recolor, Icy, Earthen, Fiery)
Draconic Wings (Recolor, Embered, Golden, Rosey)
Persephone's Wings
Underworld Wings
Summer Butterfly Wings
Astral Wanderer's Wings
Scorpio Claws
Shards of Ice
Minstrel's Harp WIngs (Recolor, Rainbow)
Iris' Wings
Lightning Lord's Wings (Divine, Serpent, Storm Witch, Stormbreaker)
Water Lily Wings (Recolor, Black Lily, Heavenly Light, Lava Flow, Lotus Carrier)
Dragon Stalker's Wings (Recolor, Ember, Emerald, Golden, Shadow, White)
Fae Fire Wings (Recolor, Bloodstone, Dark Dreams, Sea Mist, Sky Fire)
Cherub Wings
Bladed Wings
Mechanical Wings
Avenger's Wings
Runic Aura
Fanblade Wings
Jeweled Wings
Cloud Explorer's Wings
Celestial Sun
Summer Lotus Wings
Seraph Wings
Autumn Leaf Wings
Vampiric Wings
Wind Frost Wings

Edited By AnastenLights on 11/30/2017 at 10:21 PM.
Level 63
Joined: 3/6/2014
Threads: 54
Posts: 786
Posted: 11/17/2017 at 7:23 PM Post #6

- Gladiator's Cape
- Gingerbread House Background
- Midsummer's Night Background
- Terror of the Deep Background
- Ice Castle Background
- Cupid's Gallant Quiver (Recolor, Angelic, Broken Heart, Valentine)
- Lovely Vines (Recolor, Charming Rose, Cinderwood, Chill Leaf, Spring Dew)
- Background (Easter Meadow)
- Pooka's Fox Tail (Recolor, Irish, Jovial, Natural)
- Pooka's Rabbit Tail (Recolor, Irish, Jovial, Natural)
- Pooka's Raven Tail (Recolor, Irish, Jovial, Natural)
- Butterfly Bandit Cape (Recolor, Midnight, Monarch, Peony, Sugar)
- Cherry Nymph Tail (Recolor, Honey, Sapling, Twilight)
- Floating Lilies (Recolor, Blossom, Dewdrop, Sunset, Twilight)
- Wispy Bunny Sprites (Recolor, Blossom, Dewdrop, Sunset, Twilight)
- Blazing Sunlit Lion
- Background (Volcanic Island)
- Background (Moonlit Beach)
- Background (Sunny Beach)
- Ghostly Stag (Recolor, Bloodmoon, Chilly, Noxious, Sprightly)
- Dream Stealer's Sigil (Recolor, Antithesis, Stasis)
- Background (Runic Cemetary)
- Shadow Stalker: Recolor version (Joy, Rage, Sadness, Whimsy)
- Shadow Stalker (Joy, Rage, Sadness, Whimsy)
- Chocolate Mint House Background
- Partridge in a Pear Tree
- Celebratory Fireworks
- Background ("Controlled" Fireworks Show)
- Celebration Confetti
- Turkey Feathers (Recolor, Brown Turkey Feathers, Gray Turkey Feathers)
- Falling Hearts (Recolor,
- Falling Rose Petals (Recolor,
- Background (Irish Castle)
- Background (Shamrock Forest)
- Background (Stained Glass)
- Qitari Tail
- Mane Highlighted Qitari Tail
- Vulnyx Tail
- Advanced Runed Vulnyx Tail
- Cheetah Spotted Vulnyx Tail
- Flame Designed Vulnyx Tail
- Tiger Striped Vulnyx Tail
- Advanced Runed Zolnixi Tail
- Back Striped Zolnixi Tail
- Banded Striped Zolnixi Tail
- Painted Zolnixi Tail
- Tribal Striped Zolnixi Tail
- Mossy Wood Nymph Branches
- Witch's Cape
- Essence of WInd
- Ny'vene Tail (Battle Armor, Crystalline Gems, Diamondback, Essence of Flames, Leopard Spots, Back Spikes, Tabby, Tiger Stripes)
- Arachnid Legs (Recolor, Golden, Sapphire)
- Bone Lord's Cape (Recolor, Blooddrinker, Leeching, Stoneskin, Vile)
- Misfortune Kitty Tail (Recolor)
- Starry Night Background
- Birch Forest Background
- Fancy Fur Cape (Recolor, Arctic, Coal, Lilac, Woodlands)
- Devil's Tail
- Bats Background (Gray)
- Full Moon Background (Clear Night, Eerie Green, Dusky Orange)
- Spooky Background
- Vampire's Cape
- Puffadore Antenna
- Crystals of the Auroral Eclipse
- Dragon Phantoms
- Elemental Ooze
- Priest's Cape
- Quiver
- Lupora Tail (Regular, Husky, Hyena, Runic Swirl, Shadow Markings, Tipped Mane, Tribal Markings)
- Lighira Tail (Regular, Appaloosa, Bengal, Jaguar, Ocelot, Savannah, Tiger, White Peacock)
- Cloak of the Valkrie
- Battlemage's Cloak
- Draconic Cape
- Persephone's Faeries
- Underworld Cape
- Dazzling Butterflies
- Shadow Thief's Cloak
- Ghostly Skulls
- Scorpio Stinger
- Shepard's Cloak
- Iris's Cape
- Harpy Tail (Recolor, Emperor Penguin, Imperial Hawk, Noble Peacock, Phoenix)
- Nereid's Fin (Recolor, Cerulean Stream, Golden Onyx, Lava Rock, Rose Quartz)
- Dragon Stalker's Tail (Recolor, Ember, Emerald, Golden, Shadow, White)
- Ghostly Shadows
- Dragon Guardian's Draping Cloak
- Dragon Guardian's Flowing Cloak
- Majestic Ninetails of Beauty
- Black Majestic Ninetails
- Brown Majestic Ninetails
- Majestic Ninetails of Elegance
- Majestic Ninetails of Fury
- Red Majestic Ninetails
- White Majestic Ninetails
- Winter Veil
- Heroic Cloak of the Valkerie
- Pristine Cloak of the Valkerie
- Valiant Cloak of the Valkerie
- Icy Battlemage's Cloak
- Earthen Battlemage's Cloak
- Fiery Battlemage's Cloak
- Embered Draconic Cape
- Golden Draconic Cape
- Rosey Draconic Cape
- Phoenix Spirit
- Shadow Stalker (Desert Storm, Jade Fire, Lavender Mist, Quicksilver, Sea Storm, Sun Fire)
- Ice Dragon (Cerulean, Golden, Lilac, Spring Dew, Sunset, Whiteout)
Edited By AnastenLights on 11/30/2017 at 10:21 PM.
Level 63
Joined: 3/6/2014
Threads: 54
Posts: 786
Posted: 11/30/2017 at 12:52 PM Post #7
reserving one more, still need to put in the rest of helds, all of outfits & head items I'm looking for
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