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Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:03 PM Post #1


There is a space station.
This station is no ordinary station--it is surrounded by portals that break the boundaries of space and time. These portals link our world to all other universes--any space themed universes, that is.
YOU are on this station. You are either a citizen of a nearby planet, a visitor from another land, a worker on the station, or a starship officer. There are many ships in port from many places.

Edited By Magyak101 on 9/16/2017 at 10:32 PM.
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
Threads: 114
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:03 PM Post #2
You are either:
Someone on the station
Someone on a starship that frequently docks at the station

This includes material from Star Trek, Star Wars, and any other space science fiction, along with made-up things from your own imagination!

*Please note that Star Trek is my galaxy, and I know nothing about other stuff, so bear with me lol*

Character sheets:


Name of Character:

Appearance: (can use pictures, generator, or description)
Gender (if you are an alien with an odd gender, please explain clearly (but not TOO thoroughly thanks):
Country of Birth(or planet, etc.):
Country of Residence (or planet besides ship/station):
Powers? (the force allowed for you star wars fans, but please, go easy on us):
Relationship status:
Family? (parents; siblings?):
More information on species:

thank you!

OH WAIT: As mentioned before, I am NOT a star wars enthusiast so if you say "oh I'm a ____" then I probably will have to search it on wiki. So if you can give pics, descriptions, or information it is MUCH appreciated!! Thank you!! Don't forget to ping!
Edited By Magyak101 on 9/6/2017 at 3:14 PM.
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
Threads: 114
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:03 PM Post #3

Misc. Ship
(there must be at least one...)
First officer
Tactical officer
Medical officer
Security guard
Weapons officer
Science officer

Additional officers (recommended)
Additional people
Edited By Magyak101 on 9/7/2017 at 7:26 PM.
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
Threads: 114
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:03 PM Post #4
*ping list: Magyak101, Shayni, Thisbyofthessally, Sc0ut, Emberfall777, Tigergrlgamer, Dragongem23, Hawkeye, Sdog88, Dragonnadder*

Captain: Terra Black (Sc0ut)
First officer: Proetus Khan (Nafariaandulin)
Tactical officer:
Medical officer: Steven Harper (Hawkeye), Kitty (Hawkeye).
Security guard:
Weapons officer: Lumi (Shayni)
Communications officer: Thano Ch'dan (Magyak101)
Science officer: Chiffon Chey (Magyak101)

Additional officers:
Eminze Myrphi (Tigergrlgamer) Live Cargo Handler
Flame (Emberfall777), Runabout/Shuttlecraft Pilot
Bartender/cook/server: Orsola Runetide (Thisbyofthessally)
Additional people:
Stella Black (Sc0ut), age 10, female
Edited By Magyak101 on 10/17/2017 at 10:11 AM.
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
Threads: 114
Posts: 2,151
Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:03 PM Post #5
My character(s):

Username: Magyak101

Name of Character: Thano Ch'dan
Age: Roughly 29
Appearance: Tall, somewhat scrawny by genetics (he eats well enough trust me :3), lanky, not really muscular or anything. Like all Andorians, he has blue skin, white hair and two antennae on his head. Rather smirky most of the time.
*haha see below*
Gender (if you are an alien with an odd gender, please explain clearly (but not TOO thoroughly thanks): Chan male
Country of Birth(or planet, etc.): Andor
Country of Residence (or planet besides ship/station): starship
Ship/Station?: starship misc
Rank: Communications Officer (because yes the touchiest species in the universe should be in charge of meeting & greeting)
Background: Prefers to be vague about his background. He was previously involved in some bad stuff, i.e. illegal merchandise smuggling, but has sort of drunk the "federation kool-aid". He doesn't like when people pester him about his past. He loves to cook but burns things a lot. He worked as a chef on a freighter a few years back. He fluctuates from antisocial to overly friendly, he's just super lonely.
Skills: Not cooking. Has an ear for languages. Can detect minute changes in temperature or pressure. Good at fighting and especially enjoys debriefings/interrogations (not that he's ever really allowed to conduct them). Has contacts in many off-the-radar, back-alley type places. Has a lot of important people who owe him favors.
Powers? (the force allowed for you star wars fans, but please, go easy on us): None
Pets?: none
Occupation: communications officer
Relationship status: all alone :(
Family? (parents; siblings?): Not worth mentioning
Species: Andorian
More information on species: this is all you need to know.

Also: they hate vulcans. Desperately. The devil-eared jerks.
Also: they are very suspicious and touchy. ("Nice weather, isn't it?" "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN???")

Name of Character: Chiffon "Chiff" Chey [ch is basically 'sh']
Age: 97 (so about thirty-five or forty physically)
Appearance: Very, very tall. Over six foot. Thin but not underfed. Very regal looking. Pale yellow-gold in color, darker yellow hair, and cream colored eyes. Has delicate gold markings down the cheekbones & neck all the way to the ankles. Hair is shaved on one side and straight and long on the other. High cheekbones and a very narrow face. Somewhat-pointy ears.
Gender (if you are an alien with an odd gender, please explain clearly (but not TOO thoroughly thanks): Identifies as primarily male. (The Bio-Yino are gender-less but assume a mostly gendered form to appease the other species they are in contact with).
Country of Birth(or planet, etc.): Kamanyi Prime [kahm-AHN-yeh]
Country of Residence (or planet besides ship/station): Etrucil [eht-roo-SEEL]
Ship/Station?: starship
Rank: Science Officer
Background: Was born and raised in the island country of Etrucil on his homeworld. He worked with the humans on Kamanyi as a part of the Sanct Civilian Workforce, but left for starfleet and the worlds beyond. He is fulfilling a long-distance relationship with another Sanct Bio, Chesch, but they can't really pursue much at the moment, because Chesch is still caring for his human Zephirynn Zey and has three more years on his term.
Skills: Deciphering codes, detecting lies, and solving mysteries. (Before you say he ought to be a security chief, he also has extensive knowledge in scientific areas.)
Powers? (the force allowed for you star wars fans, but please, go easy on us): Can revert to his natural state as a non-corporeal being that is something crossed between a pillar of dust and a cloud of smoke. (Approximately two-thirds of bio-yino can take this form. the smoke is the same color as they are in a humanoid form.) Alone, I admit, this is kind of lame, but when multiple bio-yino join together in this form they are extremely powerful. Anyways, it makes a good parlor trick.
Pets?: none
Occupation: science officer
Relationship status: long-distance relationship
Family? (parents; siblings?): His father was white. His mother was orange. He had a very lovely incubation pot.
Species: Sanct Bio-Yino
More information on species:
Okay, this is (to me) super interesting, long, and very well-thought-out, if you want more information, I suggest you PM me!!
The Sancts are known as the most dignified of all the Bio-Yinos. They keep close to old traditions, have a tight-knit community, and consider themselves a step above the other Bios, considering areas of intelligence.
They are united under one leader, a governor who is voted for by the people. This political figure has a surprisingly minor role in the lives of the Sancts, judging those who are accused of causing trouble. While the governor does have the final verdict, such situations are not common, because the Sancts are typically self-disciplined and well behaved, even when very young.
Many Sancts choose to become Caretakers. These Bio-Yinos are set as artificial guardians over human children, teaching them and giving them care just as a parent would. This job always has plenty of openings, seeing as the children in their time are created and are not born with a mother and father (test tubies).

There are two other types: The Halloweds and the Wilds. Hallowed Bio-Yinos are rowdy, rough, not particularly intelligent, and take after animals in some physical characteristics (dermal plating, horns, scales, fur, wings, tails, etc.) They can usually fly. They hate the Sancts with a dark and bitter hatred.
Wild Bio-Yinos are tribal and live in the forests of Etrucil and other continents. They are the direct offspring of Halloweds and Sancts, Halloweds and Humans, or Sancts and Humans. Their groups also include outcasts. They have a very...unique and odd society that I'm not explaining here it's too long.
They also have the Hallowed animal characteristics, but toned down. They are typically shorter than sancts, around human size. They dislike humans but tolerate them. They are incapable of converting to a non-corporeal form. And they, unlike Sancts and Halloweds, have two genders (male and female) with physical attributes accordingly (like humans). A wild and a wild cannot reproduce, but must seek outside help
There is so much more information that is so interesting so again feel free to PM me.

Edited By Magyak101 on 10/10/2017 at 5:27 PM.
Level 74
Fright Master
Joined: 2/23/2015
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:39 PM Post #6
Name of Character: Stella
Age: 10(though physically closer to the average teen)
Appearance: Her father's is a quadruped with the ability to walk on four legs, and they can see in pitch black, though they use echolocation and other clicking noises to communicate. She has a light blueish skin, and very wide eyes with extremely large pupils compared to the iris, which is also large compared to the eye size. She has very large, almost elf like ears, and her teeth are similar to sharks.
Gender: Female
Country of Birth(or planet, etc.): Born at the station, father from one of the three planets orbiting TRAPPIST-1
Country of Residence (or planet besides ship/station): See above, but lives on space station
Ship/Station?: Misc. ship
Rank: Additional people
Skills: Can use all sorts of technology, her cute face helps her get away with things, and she can assemble and disassemble almost any earthen weapon
Powers?: Echolocation, good vision in dark, extremely adept hearing
Pets?: Pet flying fox named Luna from earth
Occupation: Stella travels with her mother since she has nowhere else to go
Relationship status: Single
Family? (parents; siblings?): Unnamed father, who is deceased, and mother, Terra Black
Species: half Trappistan (as humans call them), 25% human and 25% unknown
More information on species: She is a mix, so, not much for this

Can I make her mother?

Name of Character: Terra Black
Age: 32
Appearance: Looks human, but any X-Ray or blood wound could tell you otherwise. Also, she has slightly larger eyes and markings on her arms and all over the back of her hands (they look like the Magma Runes on the Ny'venes) She has very spiky, shoulder length red hair that is always frizzy. She wears a dark brown, green, and grey jumpsuit like outfit covered in tools like a Swiss Army knife, several guns, and other assorted weapons
Gender: Female
Country of Birth(or planet, etc.): Earth
Country of Residence:
Ship/Station?: In charge of Misc. ship, but before that she was a smuggler
Rank: Captain
Background: Though she doesn't know much about it, she knows her human father kicked her mother out, and then disowned Terra for being less than human. She worked in a smuggling ship until the age of 25, when her father passed and she was given command
Skills: Great fighter, very clever and sneaky
Powers?: None
Pets?: None
Occupation: Being a mother
Relationship status: Widowed
Family? (parents; siblings?): Dead father, mother she never met
Species: Half human
More information on species: None

(Trying to not make more characters)

Thank you for pinging me, fellow Trekkie. <3 I ALREADY LOVE IT!!!
Edited By Sc0ut on 9/7/2017 at 3:29 PM.
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
Threads: 114
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:50 PM Post #7
You may have as many characters as you can MANAGE (keep active through the RP).
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:51 PM Post #8
accepted! *also did u notice my avi is ANDORIAN HA*
Level 74
Fright Master
Joined: 2/23/2015
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:52 PM Post #9
Obsessed Trekkie me: IMMA MAKE A HUNDRED

Logical me: But I can't manage threeee!

An endless struggle.
Level 74
Fright Master
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 3:52 PM Post #10
Yep I noticed lol
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