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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Pride-Lands
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Level 29
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Posted: 2/9/2017 at 9:04 PM Post #1
This is going to be a lot like a wolf Roleplay but hey, those are fun. Anyway this was inspired after those roleplays, maybe also warrior cats (Shh, you will never know ;3) The're are two Prides in these sun-scorched lands Pride of the North and Pride of the South it is first come first serve if you apply for any rank: (Red is highest rank Dark Blue is lowest rank)

Pride King - This lion will lead the Pride with his mate the Pride Queen. He makes most decisions with the help of his Queen and Lead Hunters and Lead Warriors.

Pride Queen- This rank is for a lioness that is the Pride King's mate, like above she helps make important decisions.

Healer - They collect herbs and make remedies to cure the sick.

Lead Hunter/Huntress - This is the lion or lioness who leads hunting patrols to search for prey and hunt it along with the other patrol members the also help with important decisions.

Lead Warrior - Leads other Warriors into battle and helps with important decisions.

The Old - The lions and lioness that have become too old to do many things other then tell stories and share wisdom.

Hunters - Those who help hunt for Pride meals/prey.

Warriors - Lions and lioness who are lead into battle with the Lead Warrior.

Nurser - Female lions (lioness') who take care of the Cubs and the Old.

To-Be's - The cubs that are old enough to learn the ways of the Pride. They are turned into a full warrior/hunter when they are 12 years old.

Cubs - Cubs, you know the babies.

Traitors/Prisoners - The lions and lioness who are shunned and laughed at until they can earn trust or they are set free because of battles.

Wanderer - These lions are the ones that run-out, Born outside of a Pride, or those who have left a life of comfort in a Pride to scavenge on their own.

Rules of the Prides:
1. Never talk to the prisoners or traitors unless allowed by King or Queen.
2. Never turn down a cub in need.
3. Never have a mate from the other Pride.
4. Always thank your ancestors for the prey you catch.
5. Every time on the first Quarter-Moon have a meeting of both Prides with a truce.
6. Never draw blood from a Pride-mate.
7. Don't stray from your assignment/job.
8. Never let a Cub be a To-Be unless they are 2 years old.
9. Never send a Cub to battle.
10. Don't let a Cub out of your Camp.
11. Always follow King or Queens demands.
12. No Prisoner or Traitor will leave your Camp.
13. Respect those with a higher rank or age. The Old included.

There a list of ranks and the rules of both Prides, now for the two Prides info:

Name: Pride of the North

Pride Personality/Stereotype: Rowdy, Boasters, Confident, Snarky, love their Pride, Fierce,and Loyal

Pride King: Scorch
Pride Queen: Fara

Lead Hunter/Huntress: Silver
Lead Warrior: *Open*
Healer: *Open*

Skills, Pros, Cons: They are good Warriors but their bodies are more bulky so leaping and running are not their best skill. They have longer claws and teeth then the Southern Pride. Most of them vary between Tan colors, Light tan, Dark tan, and Creamy whites. (They can be any color that is natural to animals) Their eyes differ too, Grey's are found common but so is Blue and Yellow.

Name: Pride of the South

Pride Personality/Stereotype: Sneaky, Loyal, Care-free, A bit Lazy, Mysterious, and Fast

Pride King: Talon
Pride Queen: Puddle

Lead Hunter/Huntress: Spira
Lead Warrior: Safia
Healer: Damian

Skills, Pros, Cons: They are great hunters with their speed and agility, they camouflage well in the sun-scorched plains where they live. The colors of their pelts differ between Tan, Light Tan, Brown, Black, White, and sometimes Grey. Their eyes are Amber, Blue, Or Green most of the time.

Character Forms!!!:

Age (Human):
BackStory(Not Needed):


Name: Scorch
Age: 42
Pride: Pride of the North
Rank: Pride King
Personality: Arrogant, Snarky, Fierce, Aggressive, and Loyal
Mate?: Fara
Cubs?: Tamari
Extras: None (I'm Lazy, Sorry)

Name: Puddle
Age: 21 (Young for a Pride Queen)
Pride: Pride of the South
Rank: Pride Queen
Personality: Spunky, Fun, Jumpy, Smart, and she loves her Pride with all of her heart, putting them before herself.
BackStory: The old Pride Queen and King Died younger then most, so their first born daughter had to become the Pride Queen early.
Cubs?: *Open*
Extras: She has longer claws like the Northern Pride, strange.

OK, a new one. Why not?

Name: Nadia
Age: 11
Pride: Pride of the South
Rank: Warrior To-Be
Personality: Calm, A lot of Self loathe,Tactical, Smart, Sassy, and she is also very mature for her age. (It is what you get for your parents dying.)
BackStory: She is Puddle's younger sister, and couldn't be Pride Queen because she was only 6 years old when her parents passed and Puddle took the throne.
Mate?: None (But she has a small crush on someone *Shhhh*)
Cubs?: None
Extras: She also has longer claws like her sister, but had a lean body that makes her a strong warrior. Nadia also has a Panic Disorder. (I know it is kind of more human-ish but oh well).

We will need a few people, or at least and King, Queen, Lead Hunter, Lead Warrior, and Healer for each Pride, so I made the rp server. Have fun! Oh, the map isn't cooperating at the moment. You can try to look at it ;-; It was kinda hard to make...

A tree is the Pride of the South's Base, there are many blue spots that are the watering holes, the territory's are about the same, the North's is a slight bit larger. There is Meeting rock which is the Meeting place, there is a Rock Pile which is the North's base. Plains are scattered everywhere. Good luck.
Edited By Peacepost on 7/1/2017 at 4:35 PM.
Level 29
Joined: 1/20/2015
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 6:21 PM Post #2
Hey, I thought you would like this :D So I pinged you!
Level 29
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 6:24 PM Post #3
I thought you would like this too! Once again, I pinged you!
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 6:32 PM Post #4
Name: Sunrise
Age (Human): 30
Pride: Pride of the south
Rank: nurser
Personality: kind, caring, protective, socially awkward and fearless

BackStory(Not Needed):
Mate?: Hoping for one
Level 29
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 6:33 PM Post #5
Accepted :D Thanks for your input!
Level 29
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 6:34 PM Post #6
Greatly appreciated if you invite others~
Level 50
The Artistic
Joined: 3/3/2016
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 8:39 PM Post #7
Name: fara
Age (Human): 13
Pride:northern pride
Rank: pride queen

BackStory(Not Needed):no one knows
Mate?: Scorch
Cubs?: none
i can make a map for you it won't look good but i can make one
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 10:54 PM Post #8
Name: Katana
Age (Human):25
Pride: Southern Pride
Rank: Nurser/ Hunter
Personality: Kind and Laid back. She is often Overly sweet,and rarely gets angry.

BackStory(Not Needed): She was taken in by the Pride as an Orphan cub.
Mate?: Open
Cubs?: Open
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 5/2/2017 at 6:40 PM.
Level 29
Joined: 1/20/2015
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 11:28 PM Post #9
Accepted, Maybe change the age though, to like late 20's or late 30's
Edited By Peacepost on 2/10/2017 at 11:30 PM.
Level 29
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Posted: 2/10/2017 at 11:28 PM Post #10
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