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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > The Ecosystem (Game)
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Level 57
Joined: 12/7/2015
Threads: 56
Posts: 523
Posted: 2/8/2016 at 11:10 AM Post #1
Under Heavy Development!

The Ecosystem

This game is in development so feel free to suggest idea's but pm them to me to avoid messing up this post. Thank you.

Everyone can design a species and they must ensure their species survival by evolving their species to adapt to the climate, environment and other players. Each trait has their strengths and weakness'.

Main objective: Make your species the best! Survive attacks and grow and develop your species to your liking!

Designing your species

Herbivore/ Carnivore/ Omnivore

You will be given 12 points to spend...

Speed 0/5 (How far your species can travel per turn)
Size 0/5 (Less likely to be hunted by smaller species)
Defence 0/5 (Less likely to be hunted by species lacking in attack)
Strength 0/5 (Take down other species easier)

(Each stat will be affected by the other stats! Here are the basic formula's to help you understand. If you're confused just ask for help XD

Total speed: Speed - (Size x 0.5)
Total size: Size
Total defence: Defence x (Size x 0.5) (Can't be lower than 1)
Strength: Strength + Size

Traits: (You can have three at once) (Really need idea's!)
Poison - Doubles strength if you're a carnivore, doubles strength if you're a herbivore, omnivore you can decide one.

Immunity - (Poison won't effect you)
Flight - (Doubles speed, your species cannot be larger than 3/5)
Burrowing - (Doubles defence but is useless against others with the burrowing trait)
Camouflage - (Doubles defence)
Super sight - (Camouflage has no effect on this species)

Game turns

The game is controlled by seasonal 'turns' every 48 hours a turn can take place. The players can move their species around the board. Spring: day/night x4, Summer: day/night x4, Autumn: day/night x4, Winter: day/night x4. The player needs to have collected enough food for that round or their species population will decrease, if they collect enough food their species will stay the same, if they collect excess food their species may expand. Each season I will randomly select a trait mutation for each species, then the species owner may swap one of their traits for it or discard it.

Haven't finished... Signup's are currently CLOSED
Edited By Xxxdruidxxx on 2/8/2016 at 1:28 PM.
Level 26
Joined: 1/28/2016
Threads: 0
Posts: 14
Posted: 2/14/2016 at 10:30 AM Post #2
I think that this is cool. Maybe I'll join when this is ready.
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